Why does it take 30+ hours to get all the perks on one character?
I have been farming for ages to get fun perks on some of my killers and im hating it, I ask myself the question why do I have to grind this long to use the perks I want? For survivor its a lot simpler only having to really only level one survivor if you want, but for killers, perks interact with them differently and create fun experiences but I have to grind my life away to play with them.
Will the grind ever get reduced or will we have to climb the ever growing perk mountain.
Remove perk tiers or something, I get grinding is important for a game but like I have put almost 50 hours into The Pig and The Doctor alone just to get them all tier 3 perks
"The grind is part of the fun!" - BHVR
But for real, I hope they remove perk tiers, with the never ending increase of useless perks in the game the grind gets bigger and bigger...
Also without perk tiers it would be much easier to design them imo.
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They need to remove perk tiers and improve BP gain overall.. like reworking BP offerings so they're more streamlined.. or removing BP category caps so there's not 8k per category but 32k in total per game.
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"I get grinding is important for a game"
It's really not. Many games have lasted decades with 0 grind. Grinding is "important" at keeping people occupied with meaningless nonsense until you get more stuff to sell them onto the storefront.
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I agree completely. The whole BP system needs a rework. I've put a few hundred hours into this game, and I only have 1 Killer with almost every Perk at Tier 3, and that's with only half of the Teachables. I have 2 others with maybe 75-80% unlocked; again with only half of the Killer Teachables. My Survivor side is even worse, but that's not as grindy unless you want to use a bunch of Survivors(which I do, btw).
The fact that I can put that much time into the game, a $40 game no less, and still be so far from having full freedom over my builds, is ridiculous. Prestiging, fine; you can make that take however long you want. But at this point, I should be able to use pretty much any Killer/Survivor and build that I want.
This game has F2P mobile level gameplay grind, and it's not even financially incentivized. I don't get it.
Imo, they have some easy options for fixes:
1. Remove Perk tiers.
2. Take Perks off the Bloodweb and give them their own store(including Teachable unlocks), so you can buy them independent of the Bloodweb(maybe for a slightly elevated price) and choose what you want to unlock.
3. The easiest, just increase BP gain at the end of each match. Give an average of 100k-150k BP per match(maybe more, math would need to be done) for each side, without multipliers. You can keep the same scoring system, but change the BP gain.
4. Make Perks a 1 time unlock across all Killers and Survivors.
5. Some combination of the above.
I can't see any drawback to any of this. Newer players will have a much lower bar for entry(at least, in terms of build, which is huge in this game) and matches will become more varied and competitive. Plus, with a greater selection of Perks, more Players may experiment with builds, which will provide the Devs with more data to work with, to better balance said Perks.
Right now, I straight up refuse to play some Killers because they're level 1, and who knows if I'll even have the patience to grind long enough to get decent builds for them. I only have the builds I want on 3 Killers and limited options on 2 of those(there are a solid 10-15 Killers Im pretty interested in), and Ive already come close to burn-out a few times, due to the grind. I want variety, I want to experiment, but I can't. I've played through hundreds of hours waiting, and Im kind of tired of it. Im getting by, by switching between Survivor and Killer, and trying to focus on the gameplay, but the grind still gets to me at times.
Imo, this should be a top priority and it seems relatively simple. A few values/number changes could literally transform this game for newer players. If they're nervous about retention, look at CoD; levels 1-55 takes like a week of casual play, but they have/had loads of Prestiges and Challenges for those who wanted to grind. For those who didn't, you get everything you needed(gameplay related) pretty quick. That's where this game needs to be.
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Don't worry they're changing perk rarities so it'll actually cost slightly MORE Bloodpoints to get all the perks unlocked now because we know what's what you wanted. (I have not done the maths myself I'm remembering another place where someone claimed to have done so).
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I found out grinding as one of the motivation to play. If I would have all characters maxs out with the perks, then I would propably stop playing for some time.
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To be fair, I actually like it this way because I like to test out perks I haven’t even considered before or find new perk combos.
the fact that some perk are just so much better than others is the actual problem here.. I would appreciate if over- and underused perks get balanced. Not really nerfed to the point of never used anymore like MoM of course.
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Depends. I played with a friend who started from scratch in DBD and we managed to get him maxxed out within 3 days or 5 hours of gameplay. We gave him a good boost with some party streamers, but I think within 10 hours it should be possible. Of course he had no teachables unlocked. And when you count that in, you have to grind way more because you need to get everyone to level 40 first to unlock the teachables.
But I think this is fine, because you can get a maxxed character pretty fast (as survivor) and then decide which perk you want next, and just level another character while playing the maxxed out character to unlock the teachables you want. And once you got them, simply get them on your main char as well as you will instantly get them in the bloodweb, since all other perks cannt appear anymore.
Just leveling killers is a bit more grindy as they all have different powers and you might want to play more than one main killer. But also, killers get about double the BP. And Otz has a good kickoff video for builds for every killer without teachables.
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That's completely true, for newer players the grindr is way worse than for the players that played the game since launch. Like grinding 44 characters vs grinding 7 is a huuuuge difference.
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I would play the game a lot less if I didn't have something to constantly work towards.
Sure there are times I play because I want to play, but sometimes I can't decide which game I want to play and I end up think "I'll just level up some DbD characters for a couple hours".
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Including 1 million BP with each DLC purchase would go a long way to reducing that problem I think.
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The grind has gotten so bad that they really need to have double blood point weekends, because the Tome challenges don't cut it anymore. I've been upgrading The Blight, and it's crazy to think that despite being near level 50, I only have maybe a quarter of the total amount of perks unlocked for him.
I only have a few hours each day to play games, and playing a game like DBD has been a nightmare. Say what you will about matchmaking and the bugs (spoiler: they're bad!), but the grind is just too much.
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i do agree they need to remove perk teirs but it doesnt tak 30 hours i can do 1 in a day
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It takes 15+ hours to get all perks on a character. That's assuming generous earning of BP in 7 minute matches with no queue times and full stacks of BBQ or WGLF. (Can be reduced a little if you have enough BPS)
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It would do alot more than just design
- Makes them easier to balance out
- Makes them easier to make
- Easier to rework
- Simpler perk texts
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Play killer with bbq and it wont be grindy...
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The grind sucks but it has gotten better since the games release. We have BBQ and WGLF to cut it in half. Multiple perks no appear at higher lvls in the bloodweb. Before 2 perks might appear and you could only pick one.
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You know survivors still have to level all survivors up to level 40 to unlock all their perks right? It's identicle for survivors and killers.
And that bloodpoints earned on killers can be spent on survivors? And in reverse.
You did know that right?
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Instructions unclear. Playing Killer with BBQ and it's still a grind
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Hahahaha add Beast of Prey then, maybe Distressing too hahaha