Patch 4.3.0: the worst 2 days of year 5 and hopefully it doesn’t get worse.

I’m going to be talking about the most recent update (and arguably the most laughable one)

map changes: the maps look nice but overall in terms of layout the god windows of groaning storehouse and suffocation pit are back but with breakable walls and a new god window is on ironworks. They did however (correct me if I’m wrong) reduce the amount of pallets near the main buildings to make up for this, which will be interesting to see.

perk changes: arguable the least interesting thing in the update (which is sad because perk changes should excite us the most) the killer perks that were changed were all nerfed with the exception of cruel limits. Pop was the only alternative to the current meta and was nerfed pretty hard so you’d be stupid or memeing to not run ruin+undying (News flash devs not every killer is good with ruin undying. Some struggle more than others) thanatophobia is probably the worst change because they removed the the healing speed debuff for how much extra penalty for other actions? A pitiful 1% buff which does very little and sure you could stack it with sloppy but then they just won’t heal and not like it’s gonna do that much anyway. And discordance probably the change I’m most frustrated with. Discordance didn’t need to be changed. It had counterplay, and helped killers on big maps, so what did they do? They slapped a range limit on it of course because that’s what people want, not wraith or legion buffs we wanted you guys to nerf a mediocre killer perk. It’s not like we’ve been ask for you to “BUFF” perks for both sides. (Key word is buff there)

The survivor perks nothing really changed they added score even so more points overall. They buffed wglf finally, people are still gonna compete for saves tho.

I’m not gonna say anything about the event we all know it’s garbage and it should be considered false advertising to even call it an event. (The skins look cool but I ain’t buying it)

But there were some good things to come out of this update, the pyramid head changes are pretty good in my opinion I love that punishment ability and I’m glad you’ll get to use it more often. Trail of torment changes made it an interesting perk with fun combos (so you guys CAN make fun perks) bloodpact is cool now, might mess around with a friend using that.

the worst part is that this was the first “perk change” update and they just nerfed the off meta and the survivors got very little interesting changes. As killers we need more opinions on perks, every killer functions differently and needs a variety of perks to make the experience interesting, we’re not asking for every perk to be good because even if every perk was viable there will always be “worst perks” . For survivors, HOW ARE YOU GUYS STILL PLAYING? The meta for survivor hasn’t changed in literally 3 or 4ish years and the devs aren’t willing to buff anything past DS’s level (I play killer more so you’re gonna have to tell me what they could change in terms of survivor meta)

overall the devs just need to take more risks in terms of balancing the game around a fun factor because let me tell you this. I played evolve and watched it die, I played f13 and watched it die. If a dev is reading this, take this update as a warning and do better next time. I love this game and I don’t wanna watch it die like all the other ones in it’s genre.


  • NekoTorvic
    NekoTorvic Member Posts: 778

    The PH changes in my opinion just make him feel sluggish while addressing nothing. I stopped liking plague when they added that disgusting slowdown after she pukes on anything. And now PH has a similar thing. It just feels bad.

    Being able to spam POTD is not a good thing. Now you can just do it over and over again, but none of the issues that made it so people only used it at animation locks were addressed. The main issue with this attack is that its way too telegraphed. Honestly I wouldn't have minded if the cooldown remained as it was but with a faster release time for POTD so its not as telegraphed...that would actually encourage people to use it more and use it smartly. Now we have a 115% killer that feels sluggish, still does his fake-out survivors complain so much about (imo for no good reason), and now the killer can just throw out attacks more mindlessly. And good survivors and survivors who hold W will find the changes negligible, PH will still get stomped by that. I dread to think what they will do to Deathslinger if they believe survivors complaints against him are valid, since they're basically the same as the complaints against PH...

    The POP change makes it so killers have to tunnel vision using a gen, which is wonderful on a role that has to constantly focus on multiple things at the same time. Its wonderful to have stuff that requires you to go out of your way to make use of. Being able to chase and then use pop was crucial, because it allowed you to multitask. Even with 60 seconds it still can feel like you have to stop focusing on the game and focus on the one gen to use pop on. Now its more useless on more killers, especially the slower ones and for no good reason too because in general people didn't complain much about pop.

    The bug with Spirit kills her against competent survivors cuz you can literally hear exactly where she is. So I guess no more stand still mindgame for Spirit, say hello to the SURVIVOR stand still mindgame, where a survivor can just stand still and spirit will have no effing clue where they've gone to, while the survivor has a directional sound queue of where she is, because its ONLY fair when a survivor does it. Lets see when that gets fixed in the next 5 years...or maybe never

    The survivor perk changes are decent but nothing spectacular. I use Any Means Necessary, never really felt the cooldown it had was particularly justified, so im glad they reduced it. It'll be nicer to use now. The WGLF buff is good, it also helps counter slugging, which is a good thing. As much as I think slugging is kinda necessary cuz gens are BS, i recognize its boring and bad, so there being things to counter it is a good thing.

    Surge being usable on regressing gens is cool tho. I'll say that much. It's still a pitiful amount for the cooldown that perk has, but it saves some time, i guess, and now pairs with ruin.

    I dunno...I think the only thing that has me interested in this patch is the McMillan map remake because it looks nice...oh and the visual effects. Those are pretty cool and i love them... who knows...maybe the next chapter will have interesting stuff for us...maybe a hotfix will address some of the issues...

  • IPlayOniWayTooMuch
    IPlayOniWayTooMuch Member Posts: 31

    what I don’t understand is why? They have assets but it might just be greed. You never know

  • Slendy4321
    Slendy4321 Member Posts: 605

    This event is a total joke. You can see from them saying that there's going to be double bloodpoints event DURING the Halloween Event. Even they acknowledge that the event is not for bloodpoints. I'm just here for the rift otherwise I wouldn't be playing the game. It just keeps getting worse and worse

  • Uncharted
    Uncharted Member Posts: 136
    edited October 2020

    Everyone in the replies have already said what's on my mind regarding this "event."

    The thing I felt like addressing is your question near the end regarding survivors. I'm a 50/50 player, and when I play survivor I always use perk roulettes. I get some useless builds most of the time, but sometimes they unexpectedly help me out at a critical time. Unless I get no mither and second wind 😂 I suggest everyone tries this out at least once.

    Post edited by Uncharted on
  • Blazelski
    Blazelski Member Posts: 351

    From what seems like the priorities of Behavior (Battlepass and money), and from the reaction of the community to this new event, I suspect that events as a whole might go the way of the dinosaur. Just battlepasses and buyable skins appropriate to Halloween/Christmas/Chinese New Year.