dear all killers, give survivors that use object of obsession free escapes :)

The reason why this perk havent been changed is because we are killing them. You ######### heard right, OOO players have low pick/escape rate so they wont nerf it, devs dont change something cause its fine they only go with whats based on stats. Forget it counters several killers. They wont change it unless OOO players escape more games and win
They can escape back to the campfire through the hook as I watch them closely ;)
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Ps it won’t be changed cuz it’s on Laurie same reason ds won’t get touched not cuz of any stats
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Idk if thats true, DS got changed 3 times in the past
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Object of Obsession is clearly an underwhelming perk.
Our great Lord Almo deems that must not need a change clearly from the StAtIstIcS, so going off of his sTaTiStIcS, due to the lack of escapes that a perk has, they clearly shouldn't nerf it, but instead, buff it so that it can lead to more escapes!
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The response to the answer killed me because the real reason it's bad for the health of the game is not the perk used by a solo player but rather the perk being used by a SWF in voice chat who are just relaying free information to each other. So it's like all 4 people have OoO but only one person has to use the perk slot and get revealed.
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This is a troll post, right?
The whole point of OoO is to always be able to give information to other SWF members, which simply is disasterous to the killer. It's just necessary to kill the OoO user ASAP if you want to have a chance.
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I have never seen anyone with that perk escape. It's extremely counterproductive. It's basically saying "KILLER LOOK, HERE I AM. COME KILL ME". Free escapes obviously aren't gonna happen. I do question why anyone would want to use OOO in the first place
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yep but then it wont get nerfed because OOO got a low pickrate and those who use it got a low escape rate.
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The halloween dlc still sells which is why I don't think DS and OoO will ever truly be balanced. Look what happened with Ash when MoM was fixed.
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bad b8 8/88
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Maybe read into it more, I explained the reason why OOO is not being nerfed and killers like Trapper will still suffer cause of it.
The devs just said on the QNA they have no plan to change OOO because survivors who runs it have a low escape rate. But in theory if they started to escape more games the devs would have to look into that perk
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The majority that uses this perks are behaving like complete jerks. No need to give them a free escape. They basically have the best cheats in the game combined with playing in a SWF. If they are still not maninging to escape with all that information then they should probably start playing Tetris.
The devs won't be nerfing OoO if more people would escape with it because they haven't touched DS, Adrenaline, BT and DH, eventhough these perks are increasing the average escape rate tremendously.
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Are you kidding me? They didn’t actually say that did they?
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I´d never willingly let an Object escape. I´ve had many bleed out on the floor, though. If you abuse Object, you deserve nothing but the worst Killers have to offer.
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they did. Its now confirmed, no matter how annoying a killer is, no matter how annoying a survivor perk is. If it dosent have a certain high % on X. It will not be touched
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They have to get approval from the license holders everytime they make any sort of change to a licensed character , so there's also that
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ignoring the OoO is not an option it will result in your lose since they provide the team with strong info. the devs are not changing it because their afraid of the backlash or they dont have a good rework for it. probably both.
if i had to guess its because they think the perk is fine since its massively disadvantages to solo players and admitting the perk is broken in a swf is basically saying how OP swf is currently which is something they would rather not admit.
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Yes in the past they would change community wide issues. But as of late they have changed their stance to if it makes money it stays.
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That’s what I was saying bhvr motto now is “If it pays it stays”
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No, that´s just wrong. In the last dev stream it was addressed. In terms of balance and perk changes BHVR doesn´t need approval from anyone. All they do is inform the license holders about changes to their respective characters as a form of courtesy. They can do whatever they want with perks/powers if deemed neccessary.
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Yeah, no I think I'm going keep killing them!
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You have convinced me to tunnel OOO users out of the game.
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LMAOOOOO. I’ve defended Behaviour’s questionable balancing decisions many times in the past but this is the last straw for me. Between this and the Halloween event I have absolutely no faith in Behaviour left.
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The license holders can deny it if they don't like the way their character is though, sure most of the time something like that is nothing but if they ever didn't like a change or felt like it misrepresents the character in question they definitely could make them change it
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Yes, give them all your bloodpoints you would have earned for those kills too, while you’re at it