Red Ranks: Kill & Pick Rates
Does this mean killers will get nerfed/survivors buffed?
Just to note - this was taken from the Dev stream. Kill rates are on the top and pick rates are on the bottom. The displayed stats are for red ranks only. This question was asked by @Cabbage
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Lies, killers are bullied and need buffs /s
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I chuckled at the Freddy stats. Not even remotely surprising. As a solo player it doesnt matter how much I run him around or do gens. A half decent slowdown Freddy is unbeatable for a 4 man solo.
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Better nerf pig, bubba and doc I guess xD
pretty balanced overall though, we´re between 2k and 3k. Given how much Survivors love to throw games or hide in bushes, I´m actually suprised it isn´t higher.
"Does this mean killers will get nerfed/survivors buffed?" I really hope not. The good teams still crush almost any Killer. People just need to adapt better, the times are over where there were 50+ safe pallets on every map and lots of infinite loops. Step up your game, Killers went through insane hardships to have a fighting chance. Now we have to put in more effort as Survivors.
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68.19% is a lot closer to 3k than 2k...
And if these game statistics exclude games with DCs then the kill rate is actually going to be so much higher than shown...
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Stats look roughly the same as the last Stats we got. Only Nurse got worse, but I guess this is because of her Bugs and players cannot really cover their lack of Skill with her by putting more Blinks on her.
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Pig has better winrate than Spirit, kekw, that's all you need to know about the accuracy of the statistics.
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Pig is also only used half as often, which most likely means (given the fact that Pig is a Killer more in the middle and not Top Tier like Spirit) that players who play Pig are most likely those who really like her and are good with her (like, Scorpionz will most likely boost her Winrate a lot).
I mean, it is hard to understand, and sure you will get more laughs with your one-liner. But getting to those conclusions is the reason why we usually dont get stats.
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Yes, buff Spirit!!
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Glad to see that Plague is the least picked because i hate her and surprised to see that huntress is the most picked. I main her and legion myself so seeing her as the most picked was a surprise.
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Interesting how much Billy dropped. IIRC, the last stats we got showed him very high in popularity.
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Nice to see my boy Mikey holding his own.
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69% nice
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Michael's stats make sense, he either isn't used or is slaughtering because the people who pick him are most likely very good with him and have the meta perks.
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Remember me next time they say Pig isn't getting buffs because "she performs well enough" =)
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the fact that more people play clown than demo, pig, and plague is funny to me.
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I KNEW IT! I knew there was a reason the Pig is my Kryptonite! It clearly isn't just me.
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Her map pressure is just insane and her ambush is unbeatable, I agree. And power that automatically sacrifices survivors, that's just OP
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Yeah I'm not surprised by the low Demo stats for pick rate. I rarely see him.
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these stats dont really capture the experience of playing killer. you still have to sweat and stress far more than as a survivor. and this is likely including DCs, which have been an incredible epidemic with the ban having been dropped for so long.
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so, were there any stats on how many of those games had a DC, or suicide on first hook?
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I'd like to see what % of matches per killer where:
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None of the stats include matches with DCs. That said, a DC is basically a kill anyway and results in the remaining survivors likely dying fast also.
As for suicides and first hook deaths: the stats dont differentiate suicides/first hook deaths/face camped to death or final survivor dying on first hook.
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Honestly it shouldn't be that surprising red rank killers are 3King most games. The pip system itself makes it so killers have to 3K to stay in red ranks as even a 2K can mean a depip on some killers.
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Also piping on survivors is very inconsistant. You can run a killer for 5gens and de-pip or die and still pip.
Ranking system does need a lot of work.
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68% kill rate seems pretty reasonable, but I don't think kill rates are the best stat to be using to judge the game's balance. I'd rather the devs showed statistics on how many gens the survivors manage to complete.
As a killer main, I consider survivors to have "won" as a team if they finish all 5 gens and open an exit gate, even if I still get a 3k or 4k.
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I think you're literally the only person to view games like that. A 3 or 4k is a win no matter how many gens are done. If I 4k with 5gens remaining I completely stomped. If I 4k with gates open its close but still very much a win for me.
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Wait am i seeing that right?
Nurse has one of the higher pick rates? I almost never see her
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These are global stats so it's possible the time and server you play on don't have that many nurse players.
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killrates mean very little, all they mean is how hard/easy character is to use. Huntress, Nurse, Spirit in that order considered the best killers as they get selected the most. Blight,Doctor,Freddy,Leatherface & Deathslinger are considered global average. Everyone else is under-played. I like how billy used to have triple his pickrate and 6% more killrate in 2019 and now he's barely played with significantly worse stats. Spirit is same, lower killrate, nearly half pickrate of what she had last year since her changes.
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Thats kinda my point. Any game with a suicide on first hook or a DC on hook will inflate those numbers.
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I've literally safety pipped at rank 1 as killer with 0 kills, because I got 8 hooks and delayed the gens well. I find it hard to depip for both roles, but pipping I find to be much easier as killer than survivor, too.
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So... how does it count the kills?
Do disconnects count? Hook suicides probably do.
What about the rank of the survivors? Since the matchmaking loves to toss green or lower rank survivors into a pit with red rank killers.
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"None of the stats include matches with DCs. That said, a DC is basically a kill anyway and results in the remaining survivors likely dying fast also.
As for suicides and first hook deaths: the stats dont differentiate suicides/first hook deaths/face camped to death or final survivor dying on first hook."
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Oh was that you those twelve times? Oops. Maybe try boopin the snootin.....
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Probably. I've lost count of how many times the Pig has killed me.
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Naw wasn't me I've had Crossplay off as killer since the day it came out. ;)
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The greatest killers are bad teammates, which the Devs very deliberately flooded every rnak with to make already-worthless stats somehow even worse. I look at these and get depressed that people think they are somehow indicative of balance, when in reality it's noobstomping.
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That's to show how few people know how to play nurse. Pig having better stats than spirit is not surprising at all. Most people who play pig actually knows how to play her. Most players who play spirit barely know how to play the game and just want to rank up.
Also people DC all the time against spirit/hag/pyramid head
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or nerf Pig!!!!
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My question what’s the kill rate based off of? Is it based on 1 kill a game or more?
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Well, it's like @Aven_Fallen said. Pig has a very dedicated cult following who actually understand her VERY well. It also helps that we have Scorpionz to boost that stat.
That being said though, her add-on pool is one of, if not THE, worst in the game.
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Wait kill rates are on top?! Oh boy, can’t wait to see a swarm of “DOCTOR OP!!!!!!!!” threads from bad Survivors who take these stats too seriously.
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kill rates are so irrelevant, ok I got 4 kills during EGC, who the ######### cares? the game was over
but hey your little stats only care i got 4 kills, forget the gens were done in 5 mins and I played a pallet breaking simulator
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you could 4k with gates open sure, and black pip
yeah you "won", even though all survivor objectives were done 🙄
if that's how you want to view things then by all means, but that's a pretty casual way of looking at things
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Disagree, and no they aren't. I've always followed the Emblem system.
Entity Displeased is a loss. I DID NOT do my objectives, and yes there are 4.
Brutal Killer is a draw. I didn't suck hard, but I wasn't great either.
Ruthless is a win. I rank up.
Merciless is a big win. I did my job completely, and proved I can do all 4 objectives.
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I see nurse still need a huge buff, she's still clearly as weak as ever.
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Freddy kills 3 out of 4 every match at prestigious rank 1. Wow!
Where is his nerf hammer?
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Nah,that spot takes Demo,Deathslinger and Pyramid Head imo
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Just like the last time we got such broad statistics, its really hard to conclude anything from them because we don't know how they are gathered.
What does "red ranks" mean ? Are games where where at least one of the players isn't red rank discarded ? Or is it just the rank of the killer ? You often get matched against purples or even green survivors as a red rank killer.
What does "kill rate" mean ? Does it account in any way for things like, DC, suicides and Morii ?
The only meaningfull stat here seems to be the pick rate, because we know what it represent. The rest might as well be numbers pulled from a hat.
Actually screw all of this. I want to see stats about average number of morii performed per game, average number of DC, average number of escape atempts and average struggle time. Then we might actually be able to discuss anything.