Cross-Play - Everything We Hoped For?
Cross-Play seemed like a great way to bring the community together and forge new friendships, right? (Well... maybe we were wrong.) Players on different platforms can't even communicate with each other beyond invitational pop ups. (Accept my invite, *****! Oops. I mean... accept my Friend Request, *****!)
Survivor queue times are noticeably longer because the ratio of survivors to killers is even worse on other platforms. (Survivors are the majority by design.)
Pre-existing communities have actually been divided many times over.
We can't forget about those groups of people that chose to opt out of cross-play. Those players are now forced to either opt in to cross-play (drink the Kool-Aid) or play with a smaller pool of players than ever before (because players from their pre-existing pool drank the Kool-Aid). It should go without saying, but those opt out groups experience queue times that are extremely long by comparison.
Can cross-play boost the growth of a community where there is no player communication?
Is this arranged marriage between most platforms, when they can't even communicate with each other, truly kindling the bonds of new fellowship?
At worst, the communities that existed before cross-play have been DIVIDED.
At best, people that were ALREADY FRIENDS, but PLAYED on a DIFFERENT PLATFORM... can PLAY the game together.
I can play with my friends and family that don't play on PC now.
So, yes. It is everything I hoped for.
Unfortunately, DBD itself is not.
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Had CP on only the day it came out, long enough try several rounds as killer, and a few as survivor. The fps difference and latency was all too apparent.
Wish there was console-only CP.
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Actually this is something that is not fair to complain about.
Cross play simply being in the game is very nice, and at that the devs were not pressured into it really, it works good as well in my experience.
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It's really good. Mrs JawsIsTheNextKiller and I can play co-op in the living room together, and thanks to no cross-comms, paired with my noise-cancelling headphones, I don't have to listen to her.
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Red rank killer queues for PC dropped considerably when cross play happened, so I'm good with it.
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They were your friends and family before cross-play.
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You made a few points that I forgot to mention in my OP. I have experienced latency issues too. I'm not sure if the issues were a direct result of fluctuating client FPS or something server side.
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All feedback is fair. It doesn't matter if the feedback is positive or negative. It just so happens that negative feedback is typically viewed as a complaint.
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The frame drops and studders aren't as noticable & less of a problem gameplay-wise when surviving. But as a killer they are devastating.
I've also seen a couple of posts here by PCrs noticing fps issues when in a match with what they take for consolers.
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no its just its not fair to give "feedback" that frankly is dumb asf, and is not an issue.
I dislike how I am even put in the position of having to defend the devs. However, as said before crossplay is very nice and its implemented well.
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You do realize that a forum dedicated to a product is a place for individuals to have discussions and leave feedback, right? With that being said, it's absolutely fair that anyone on the forum is able to give constructive feedback. That's a fact.
Your derogatory comments towards my feedback are an opinion. You're entitled to your opinion and there is nothing wrong with enjoying cross-play.
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Its a fact that first part yes, the problem is none of this is constructive if anything this is the only one thing that was done right by the devs that you are whining about for no good reason.
Sure I am being critical, because as said previously this is bs, that is not my opinion that is a fact as well since we can assert what is and isn't fact.
Imagine actually thinking crossplay hurts the game, if it hurts the game so bad tell me how, not only that why are you one of the only people to complain about it?
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Our one-on-one discussion hasn't been very constructive so far, but then you asked a question. Now, it can be constructive. Whether my reasons for leaving feedback are good or not is an opinion.
I'm not sure how you've determined that my feedback is, in fact, bs.
fact (noun) a piece of information presented as having objective reality
opinion (noun) a judgment formed in the mind about a particular matter
I can prove to you that a forum is a place for feedback by providing you with a piece of information. It's a screen shot of this forum.
Now, to answer your question, I don't know if I'm the only person to complain about cross-play. That's why I made this post. I wanted to have a discussion and find out. I could have made the same post under Feedback, but I wanted to have a discussion. In my experience, forum moderators don't like when duplicate posts exist.
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What the actual hell are you talking about.
Answer my question then, you just stated stuff I already knew, and stop trying to argue semantics.
If you are going to just continue to argue semantics then I will just not talk to you.
Simple question: How is match-making a bad thing for this game.
If you are not going to answer the question, don't bother replying as I will just ignore you.
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I never wanted crossplay for the exact same reason i keep it disabled now, console players are just bad, no other way to say they are not at the same lvl as pc players (obvious reasons). I can't be getting chased for 3 mins with 1 gen done at red ranks and then get one hooked cuz 2 of my 3 teammates are crouching in the corners of the map. The first game i had with crossplay i had 2 console players on lery's against a michael, i got chased for 2 gens then he lost me so i healed up and did 1 gen on my own then the other pc player gets downed so i go save them still no gens being done, fast forward me and the other pc dude do all the gens left i get hit with noed it gets taken out almost instantly after the other pc player gets hooked again and the 2 console guys are just t bagging at the exit game meanwhile michael wasn't even near me or the other person and he certainly wasn't near the exit gate since they'd be forced out. When i play killer crossplay just makes it so easy to get early kills its insane
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only game where controller is better as a surv due to ez 360's.
That was the only real claim you have said, I call bs on that other claim as its not true.
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LMAO ye, sorry i don't have a video of my console idiots crouching in the corner of the map or t bagging at the gate. Believe what u want, console players are utter dogshit in my experience, i call bs on your comment since its not true
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It is true, not only that your claim is all players of one specific platform are terrible just because they are on that platform.
Simply not an argument that needs be argued because its irrational from the start.
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Semantics are important. It's important to have a clear understanding of the information that is being put forth.
Anyways, your question was: "If it hurts the game so bad tell me how, not only that why are you one of the only people to complain about it?"
My original post lists a few reasons why cross-play didn't have a good outcome for everyone. (My original post explains the how portion of your question.)
My last response answered the why portion of your question. ("I don't know if I'm the only person to complain about cross-play. That's why I made this post. I wanted to have a discussion and find out.")
I did answer your questions. I just don't think you agree. It's okay to disagree. You don't like my answers? That's okay too.
I've read your opinion and you've read mine. Maybe there isn't anything else for us to discuss one-on-one.
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Ah ok cya, still didn't answer the question.
I of course understand because you can't.
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Go back and read what i said before making an even bigger fool of yourself
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It's not my fault if you didn't comprehend my original post.
If you think you've accomplished something, please remember that you said you would just ignore me.
"I will just ignore you." - DerpyPlayz
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Yhea until you claimed false, its a statement I can go back on at anytime, its silly to think otherwise.
You still haven't answered the question for the simple fact that this is not a subjective matter.
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Irony is strong with this one.
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Do you need me to break down my original post into bullet points for you?
Here's a list of reasons (that I went over in my original post) why cross-play isn't good for everyone:
- No text chat between players that aren't on the same platform (before or after a match)
- Survivor queue times are longer
- Pre-existing communities have been divided (some player opted in while others opted out)
- Survivors that opt out of cross-play have a smaller pool of players to be matched with
- Players that opt out of cross-play experience longer queue times
- New friendships aren't being built because of the lack of cross-platform communication options
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He did it guys, he somehow proved to us he is an even bigger idiot than we thought impressive
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Much better, I saw these things previous but all of these things are not really issues although I will address them one at a time.
For bullet point 1, 6 my argument is that the fact you can even play together is enough, although this as well is false, you can just tell them to add you after the game. Even if you lost them, they are randoms that you otherwise would of never met in the first place.
For bullet point 2, this is false, the reason why the ques are longer as a surv is due to unbalancing. even this event basically is a good example as they just released an item addon that increases movement speed by 20 seconds for survivor all the while the only thing the killers get is basically the blights power for any killer you use it with that conflicts with the killers main power. So blame balancing for this reason.
For bullet point 3 you'd have to give examples of this as I think this to be false but am not sure
For bullet point 4, 5 thats actually possible and is one of the only things on this list that is actually problematic, however controller on specifically the survivors side on this game really is actually arguably better as it is much easier to 360 and for this reason there is no real reason to turn cross play off.
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Ok then, tell me what I meant when I said "Irony is strong with this one", if you can't that would really prove my point.
Furthermore, tell me how that statement proves I am an "Idiot". *Got to love the ad hominem attacks*