How to play Ghostface and Demo?

So I really like play Ghostface and demo but I’m by no means not good. Does anyone have any tips about playing either of them?
I swear by gen portals on Demo. It extends the generators from 80 seconds to 95~ or you get free surveillance.
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I do this 😂. Most of the time they bully me and they get cocky.
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Cant say nothing for demo but GF is one of my strong suits.
For GF, always stay moving. Remember to 99 stalk, use corners to your advantage for not getting revealed. Be unexpected, you are a stealth killer, nothing else.
Recovery addons are almost essential.
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Thank you for the advice!
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Bronx has a great Demo guide on YouTube where he goes through how to run loops as Demo, portal placement, zoning and some really useful advanced tips. I'd check that out!
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Thanks I’ll check it out.
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For ghostface, I have some tactics.
- Use your crouch in a chase to mindgame survivors.
- DON'T stealth mid chase.
- Stalk survivors from a distance and 99 them, when you're close, mark and down them.
- Bring whispers, it's his best perk and allows you to stalk from a distance better.
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It's interesting, I see so many people say "99 stalk", but that has never worked for me? By the time you get all the survivors at 99 stalk. They've finished the gens and are teabagging you at the door.
For me, just abuse the ######### out of your stealth. Use it to walk up on survivors undetected, to hide your red light when in a chase, and the only time you really will be stalking a survivor is when you find one on a generator and can hear it's not completed that much, so just lean from cover and 2.5 seconds get a free insta down.
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You dont gotta 99 all survivors. Say you find a survivor but cant/dont want to commit to a chase. 99 them and down them later when its better suited for you. Stealth in a chase is super useful but Ive always played him more like a "Surprise your instadowned" killer. Thats just what works best for me.