AFK Killer and ranking problems.

Matchmaking needs to change to how many hours you have in the game, and your player level.

There are too many killers going AFK to remain at rank 20. I'm trying to learn how to play survivor at the moment, but can't get out of rank 15 because I get matched with these types of killers. For example, a rank 20 Spirit or Freddy, with full tier 3 meta perks and add-ons. Just so they can get easy 4 kills against inexperienced survivors. The next match they will AFK, de-pip, and just keep repeating that process.


  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Sadly there is nothing that can be done about this kind of crass, impotent nonsense. There are plenty of ways to Rank oneself down (if that is the weird goal) and there is no logistical way to police it. Sure the DEV could put in a monitor to track people who are afk, but then the Killer would just move about a bit to get the same result. There is no way to tell bad play from purposely sandbagging oneself, or at least there is no logistical way.

    In the end, people who purposely knock themselves down so they can slaughter newbies have something seriously wrong with them. I don't see how they could get much satisfaction from it, as every down and every kill would just be a reminder to me that I wasn't good enough for the REAL game.

  • GamingBrix
    GamingBrix Member Posts: 11

    There is no way to track it, which is why I'm suggesting matchmaking with player level, and removing killer and survivor ranks. Award players in other ways.