Good luck missing the killer players thanks to the genrush
I enjoy playing and learning to play killer, if I get genrush sometimes I clip my past 10 minutes and check my mistakes not to repeat them in future similar situations
3 -
That's a high quality first post, spending time on registering and verifying your e-mail was worth it.
On a serious note, from my perspective, anything that reduces my killer queue times is highly welcome, including an overall decrease in killer role popularity.
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10 minutes? Hahahahahahahaha
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I don't get genrushed often and killer is still fun a lot of the time. Maybe you're just bad.
And I'd assume this is because you dced? Don't dc, it's not that hard to avoid the penalties
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If I returned to watch 10 minutes before I would be leaving the previous game hahahahahhaa,
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The more Killers quit, the more the Devs would be inclined to make the role more enjoyable in order to make sure Survivors don't have long wait times. So thank you for doing your part.
Post edited by AvisDeene on0 -
prove thyself and resilience prove for fun five minute games where i can feel the mald and with the increase of moris im more inclined to just keep it up tbh
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That's why Ruin+Undying exists
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Brother, at no point did I mention that I am not amused by playing as an assassin, in my case I have no problem staying at rank 1.
My post was more focused on what I have seen in general regarding the subject, many players complain about that, but if you only care about yourself and not that the game thrives, well, I respect your point of view.
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Do you think that rank 1 survivors care? Hahaha
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Lol get some gen control perks like discordance. That perk is the most underrated in the game, imho.
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As a killer just realize, those survivors are late to an appointment, and they don't want to actually do anything but minimal to get the gens donw and leave. They won't be getting many points either TBH. Its quick, its fast, and its unsatisfying. Basically like an evening with me :(
I just fought and killed all 4 players in a bully squad just before I saw this post. it was exhausting, and took forever and every second was frustrating. I'm not even sure if it was better (even though I won and ended up with a ton of blood poinra) then a quick nothing happens games against gen rushers. Bully squads or Gen rushers are your two choices now.
if you don't like those two choices, you really shouldn't play killer. I'm not saying either is good, but that are you only options for probably a long time if history has anything to say about it.
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Good point, but for me it is not fun, I say it amuses me to score points, not that the game ends in 5 minutes
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There are clear examples of games where the killers move mountains to kill the survivors and they don't earn a single peep, but as survivors they only repair 2 engines and take out 2 peep, you see the problem?
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I don't want them to make my game easier, just to make it more fun.
1 -
adapt? :)
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i would rather have a long fun game where i can get 32k but sadly i see 3 game delay perks and moris most games sooo gen rush and blend it is :) very fun for most killers who dont have innate tracking on their builds/power
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Git gud
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Buddy most of the killers who complained about the gen rush left post ruin. You're living in the past old man
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Your "post" is you screeching about gen rushing
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I don't ever really get gen rushed that much, and even if I do I'm usually able to snowball and get a 2k or even a 4k.
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gens are fine said no one with some cells working. gens are not fine, if they were fine why killers do run 2 to 3 gen slow down perks all the time to stand a chance? explain me that. gen speeds arent fine and the fact that MAPS are so big (ormond, farms, red forest especially and some others) just adds more salt to the wound. i dont get gen rushed often at all, only those insane 4 man with 2k++ hours each because of my build but still without a gen build you will find yourself in 5 minutes game more oftenly than not.
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Doesn't do anything if you can't down quick enough.
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Guess we'll see how long that attitude holds up.
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still ongoing
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ruin does nothing if you sit and hold M1, and you could eliminate 2 perks in 2 totems.. wOw
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you're the type that makes killers use 3 game delay perks and you don't seem to realize it
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Yep the people I play with and see in my games are sick of going against Deathslingers and Freddies, NOED etc. Or ruin undying with a Mori, so DS+UB build it is for them. I've started running empathy, autodidact and kindred, and one of us will usually bring a map or small game too. So ######### their NOED/ruin+undying and good luck downing people because I can find everyone and heal them in 5 seconds if I can get stacks in early and I usually can. I've found healing builds to be super fun and useful recently.
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i'm not gonna play a trash killer to maybe get use out of a perk that could be deleted within 1 minute
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blight trash killer? doesn't he have a skill ceiling similar to nurse with potential to be the 2nd or 3rd best in the game depending on if the spirit bug does or doesn't stay
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if you enjoy dead zones, not seeing over windows, and the turning radius of a semi truck then have at it.. i couldn't care less what his ceiling is, he's more trouble than he's worth
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hes more worth than trouble, he runs fast and is more fun and interesting than nurse and spirit which are the only killers I would put above him
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Botany/SC/Desperate Measures/WGLF for the ultimate anti slug/heal yourself and others build. Means you can take a whole bunch of hits and punish Onis, Slingers, whoever who want to slug for pressure. It's pretty fun, healing builds actually feel good to play again. But I still like making games go super fast and hoping the first chase lasts at least two or three gens when I'm running gen to gen with people and prove thyself.
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Keep it up sis, bring your game delay perks and I'll keep it up with rushing your non-corrupted gens.
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If genrush is still a problem even with ruindying than maybe you're just bad?
I rarely get genrushed and I would assume if you get gen rushed so often, you're just bad at playing the game
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I mean, the survivor's objective is to fix gens. If the killer doesn't apply enough pressure to them, what are survivors to do? Stand around doing nothing? It's the same as survivors complaining of killers downing and hooking a lot of people in a row. Are killers suppose to make it easy for them? Everyone has their part to play.