
Sometimes I don’t get why the devs make perks like they did with visionary. You can see generator auras when within 32 meters. We already have multiple generator aura seeing perks, but ok fine, this one is all game, and not just at the start of the game like deja vu (I think that’s the perk). But do you seriously need to disable the perks aura reading for 16 - 20 seconds every time a generator is completed?? God forbid I see a generators aura!? ESPECIALLY since you can only see up to 32 meters. Now I know it’s only for 16 - 20 seconds but it’s the fact that we need to stop having these useless perks, visionary is already only a starter/noob friendly perk, and to have those heavy restrictions on it make it even more useless
Hey now, I've got over a thousand hours in this game, and Visionary was still useful in that one game I played on Midwich.
More seriously, the cooldown is there to stop people transitioning from generator to generator as efficiently as possible, so the cooldown should only be as effective as it is annoying, which makes it probably a good idea to prevent more effective genrush, even if only a little.
Of course, you're right that it's not worth the perk slot for anyone who has some of their bearings.
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I thought it was weird too but when I leveled my Felix he didn't get any great perks (I only give my characters 50 levels to get something good) so I have been running with visionary on him.
Outdoors it's less than meh, but indoors? Mm yes. Feels good.
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Yeah the cooldown doesnt make any sense. Even without the cooldown it wouldnt be close to meta...
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Lol. Yeah I guess maybe they thought it would prevent genrushing but we still have perks like deja vu where you can see 3 generators in close proximity to each other for 60 seconds. So if I spawn right next to somebody we can get a generator done quickly and immediately go to one of the highlighted generators. I also could look around and remember where the other highlighted ones are while I’m working on a gen and run right there when it’s finished.
and then we have perks like detectives hunch where every time a generator is completed you see the aura of generators within 64 meters of you. So that kinda goes against what you said about preventing genrushing and does the opposite. And on top of that, not only can you see generators, you can see totems and chests.
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Visionary is good with aura reading perks because you can see your team method of action and act accordingly. The huge problem is in solo your teams method of action is on par with a rotting potato. Putting visionary and aura perks to use is much like carrying a sack of potatoes for no payout. You are just better off with perks that prolong your survival and being that death comes for us near the hooks survivors should no doubt focus all of their build around surviving at and around them. To refuse to do so just means you submit to losing to killers that will punish you all day and all night without the proper get away tools.
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Visionary is fine imo, maybe up the range of the perk by 8 metres.
However, they changed Deja Vu.
It now gives you the aura of the three nearest gens that are together and whenever you or someone else finish a gen, they will show you the next three gens that are near to eachother. It basically helps to counter three-gen strats