Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Am I in the wrong here?

I'm not new to the dbd community, but recently I had one of the most hilarious encounters in my life. I have been wondering, however, what the dbd community thinks about this encounter of mine.

A little stage-setting, I'm a killer main, typically sitting around ranks 10 - 8, not because I can't get to red ranks, but mostly because red rank survivors are more commonly toxic. Rank reset comes around, and I'm at rank 12. I decide to do a meme loadout on legion, bringing fatigue add-ons and a really bad ignore-the-obsession build (stbfl, pwyf, dying light, and rancor.). I get a pretty average lobby; a david, bill, zarina and a p3 claudette (All but the Claudette are crossplay). To my disappointment, someone brought a game offering, and my rule is "game offering = no mercy." But as soon as the match started, the zarina DCed. This conflicts with the game offering rule, because if someone DC's like that I typically play a lot nicer and try to give hatch. So I decided to just play normally. It's a pretty easy win, obviously. And I don't regret playing normally for that match. I didn't give hatch, and got a good 42000 bp (doubled by an anniversary cake I brought). In the chat, the Claudette started flaming me for not giving hatch. I laughed and said the game offering counteracted the DC. And then she -get this- told me I was a bad killer because I didn't give hatch, and that it was no wonder I was rank 12. She continued like that for several minutes before leaving the post game screen.

Now, don't get me wrong, I love this kind of thing. Seeing this made me laugh harder than I ever have at dbd before, and probably ever will. But I want the dbd community's opinion on this. Survivors and killers of all ranks and toxicity, give me your opinion and/or tell me how toxic I am.


  • Yoink_Incarnate
    Yoink_Incarnate Member Posts: 13
    edited October 2020
  • Yoink_Incarnate
    Yoink_Incarnate Member Posts: 13

    And yes I did make this account just to make this post

  • Yoink_Incarnate
    Yoink_Incarnate Member Posts: 13

    Yeah I do the same, but if there's a dc I lower my standards.

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,467

    As killer I just play, if the survivors act like jerks then I return the favour. I really don't play like a jerk as survivor and I never expect to be given the hatch. If I do it's lucky.

    just a quick question. did hook communications change? when I first started playing grabbing the hook and letting go meant that the killer was camping you, now it seems to mean come rescue me.

  • lucid4444
    lucid4444 Member Posts: 682

    You must be buff from the mental gymnastics you go through every match.

    Really though - The Game is like.. the most killer sided map. You should be thankful they gave it to you.

    The post-match flaming is typical, and they just wanted to get under your skin. If you give the hatch there's less chance you rank up.. so it makes no sense that you're rank 12 because you DON'T give hatch.

  • LordRegal
    LordRegal Member Posts: 1,549

    Hook wiggling is fairly meaningless nowadays...some people think it means come rescue, some think it means stay away...I remember the old days of stay away so it's what I assume now, but I also always run Kindred so unless insidious is in play I can usually tell which one they mean.

  • Yoink_Incarnate
    Yoink_Incarnate Member Posts: 13

    Bro I just hate the Game. It may be considered killer sided I guess (I thought it was considered survivor sided but I guess I'm wrong) but I lose very often on the game.

  • LordRegal
    LordRegal Member Posts: 1,549

    It's survivor sided until the pallets are gone, as most pallets are super safe. So if the survivors are good about getting on gens and getting them done, the map is likely still survivor sided. Once the pallets are gone though, it's a super killer-sided map as there's almost nothing else to work with. Had a Blight game there last night where a David quick dropped the two god pallets near the bathroom in my first chase with him, very pre-emptively. Knew then and there I'd won the game since he continued to feed the pallets to me, leaving his teammates with nothing.

  • isilmerel
    isilmerel Member Posts: 136

    This is how I play, too. It depends on how the game feels.

    If I feel bad for the survivors because of a DC (and they still tried their best), or if it's just a fun game, I give hatch or door.

    If I'm a survivor, I don't expect hatch at all. If the killer gives it, that's just a bonus. 🤷

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    You're not in the wrong. Though I'd have given the hatch anyway cause there was a DC. Doesn't matter if there was a map offering or anything else. 3v1 is OP.

  • adirgeforthedead
    adirgeforthedead Member Posts: 424

    While I'm a Survivor main, I don't feel entitled to the hatch. All I care is that the match is fair and I get to play and do something then I'm happy with whatever result I get, really. I think you played fair and square considering the circumstances, you are not responsible for a DC -- neither were they, but I also understand their frustration for a player DCing and still having to deal with a regular match. I mean it happens and its awful and I wish there was more to do than the DC penalties, really. I appreciate that you try to play nice when there is one, not many take that consideration.

    Whenever I've tried playing Killer, I always get someone complaining on chat no matter what I do. I had a guy die on first hook because nobody came to rescue him and a toxic player was looping me around him while the other two didn't even put effort to come to his aid. He waited all the game just to tell me I was a "camper" (despite the fact I was being looped somewhat far away from him) and "toxic Killer". Like how am I responsible for what their teammates do or don't do?

    As a side note, I called the other player "toxic" because I intended to leave him alone to go for the unhooking while I searched for the other two, but instead he did rushed actions back and forth to try to get my attention. He also continued to do that through the match until he DCed for whatever reason.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    I don't know why bringing a "Map" Offering (I guess that is what you intended to say) means "no mercy," but who am I to judge. You do you. I decide in a match if I want to spare someone or not. I don't have rules ahead of time for it. I base my live or let die on:

    1. Will letting one (or more) go cause me to lose a Pip.
    2. Did they fight the good fight, i.e. do their best.
    3. Are they inappropriate to be fighting me, i.e. compared to me are they still babies.
    4. Did I get tea-bagged or some other nonsense that didn't have a game reason (distraction, etc.)
    5. Do I feel like it.

    My point is I'm not going to decide to punish people simply because they make use of the Offerings that the game gives them to use. I know there are some horrible ones, but I'm not going to hate Players for the game's design.

  • Yoink_Incarnate
    Yoink_Incarnate Member Posts: 13

    Aye a "game offering" is the jigsaw piece. It sends you to the map "The Game" which I really hate.

  • BigHat
    BigHat Member Posts: 97

    I dont get why the game countered the dc. The game map can be just as bad for survivor as killer. Sure a lot of the pallets are really strong but the gen spawn locations can be just as awful.

  • ToxicMyers
    ToxicMyers Member Posts: 1,295
  • BigHat
    BigHat Member Posts: 97

    Yeah that's fair, tbh in terms of the hatch its wtver do what you want. Your never obligated to give the hatch. If a survivor is bummed out they just need to move on and get to the next one

  • APoipleTurtle
    APoipleTurtle Member Posts: 1,274
    edited October 2020

    Mercy Hatches are entirely up to the killer's discretion. Survivors aren't entitled to pity-hatches any more than killers are entitled to pity-sacrifices.

    I personally like to let the last survivor escape if they amused me in some way, were a less-experienced player being sandbagged/bullied by their better teammates (probably for being bad), or seemed like a pretty good player who was let down by potato teammates.

    But sometimes I don't want to spend several minutes looking for the hatch on a large map or I'm just not feeling particularly charitable towards the last person left, in which case there will be-

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    As far as I'm concerned, if someone dc's on your team you should take it up with the survivor who left you to dry.

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    Just ask them, "if 4 of you were about to escape, would you stay behind and die?"

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Got it. That went over my head at first. I'm not sure why you hate it. That map is so Killer-sided it isn't even funny. :) Survivors that choose it have a death wish to start with. That is my favorite Spooky Myers map.

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,818

    If someone DCs at the start, I mentally prepare to let the last survivor go if it's convenient -- ie, if they're near the hatch or the door already when I catch up with them. I don't make a special effort walk around the map and find the hatch, though.

    When I play survivor, it's a nice surprise if I get the hatch, but I don't expect it. From my POV, if I'm the last one left and I'm down, I'm already dead.

  • Chance4Doom
    Chance4Doom Member Posts: 19

    You're not toxic for that. Most killers don't drop the last guy hatch. For instance, I only give hatch to babies and people who have clearly given up.

  • Chance4Doom
    Chance4Doom Member Posts: 19

    Only once in my entire time playing has that happened to me. Survivors ain't nice.

  • Rhymewriter
    Rhymewriter Member Posts: 37

    See I give hatch to a survivor that tries to play even if everyone gives up. I like that persistence and feel that if you are willing to keep playing when the chips are down you should be rewarded. Especially if the other 3 played like potatoes. That's no fun for anyone so if the last guy doesn't quit he gets hatch. Even if I have to hunt across the map to find his ass

  • Flaming_Sponge
    Flaming_Sponge Member Posts: 13

    Just because someone wants to win every game doesn't mean your int the wrong you don’t need to give hatch, I close hatch and still let them get exit gates. If they want to be salty let them, it doesn’t bother you in any way so there’s no point saying anything back the only thing someone needs to say in the post game chat is GG or wp.

  • KissingxToast
    KissingxToast Member Posts: 30

    There is no instance where giving hatch or giving downs should be expected. That being said, I wish I had more killers like the ones in this thread. Matches where someone Dc's the killer goes all out just to compensate for the points lost to the DC.

    One of my least favorite things is being carried to the hatch, dropped, hatch closed in my face and the "No" head movement from the killer. Completely unnecessary as I wasn't even crawling so I wasn't even looking for the hatch in the first place 🙄

    Also map offerings to Midwich, The Game, Hawkins, Dead Dawg are insane to me because most survivors I've seen struggle on those maps.

    In the end we make our own "rules" and if that's how you want to play the game, hey, it's your hard earned $20-$40.