Demo pls

What could that mean?
Demogorgon buff?
Legendary skins?
Blight skins?
All of that?
Probably skins for stranger things.
can’t see a rework to Demo power or addons just randomly without PTB...
it HAS to be Demogorgon related, right?
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It means
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New Demolition Killer. Female.
SHES A BRICK.......HOUSE. Crash!
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It means: Demo nerf pls!
Just kidding, I hope he will get some love, or some more skins!
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Legendary Skin..remember when Barb ate poor Demo's babies? Word is, Demo getting a skin of Barb with Demo's babies pouring out of her mouth. 😱
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where's my eye bleach
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I think it's just a Twitch emote, but I really, really hope it's some buffs for Demogorgon. It would suck if was just an emote.
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Most likely just some skins being hyped up. Woop-di-dooo.
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Since bhvr gave everyone a few bp and shards they are free to try and sell more skins again. Just wait and see lol.
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It means people want to see their baby
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I know what video that's from, and I love that gif
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Well we will see what it is tommorow
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There you go :)
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Ok I don't think it's just a Twitch emote anymore, there's way too much hype around it.
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Skins and maybe an add on rework
Hopefully nerfing his global sounds cues too.
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Can't see it being more than some Legendary skins although I hope Demo is getting some changes.
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I hope for some legendary or blight skin for demogorgon.
Seeing some changes to him announced even if it is just rat liver basekit would also be very nice.
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What am I missing why do you guys think there will be a rework or skin for demo? plz I would like to know xD
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It refers to the twitch emote if I am not mistaken. But I would be glad if he could get a buff, the recent stats show that he has both a low kill rate and a low pick rate. :(
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Ah I see thank you
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Would love to know what you are even talking about.Did something get posted on twitter again?
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what twitch emote? I can't believe that much activity is for one emote
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Well considering they haven't been talking about a Demo rework for the last 6 months, and the midchapter already happened, it's almost guaranteed a skin.
Can't wait to see what the excuse is to make this one $15 and not mixable.
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Probably some expensive and not unique legendary skins,less likely,a demo power rework,kinda probably,Hawkins laboratory map rework
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A 15 dollars "legendary" skin.
i hope i am wrong.
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They're no way all of this hype is just for that. I think Demo's getting some changes.
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Nancy’s purple dress, pls💜
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I think were getting Legendary skin but if we get hopper still no name change Steve voice coming out of hopper not going to be get for me.
same with Joyce Byers I want her but till Legendary are a little better not going to be that great to me.
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Apparently it's just a stranger things themed streaming event. Weee.
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Yeah I saw that... that's all it will be probably
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Yes weee but I think it could be either new coasmetics of Nancy and Steve or a possible new chapter with it if comes true the hospital monster and johnathan in my opinion I think it would be cool
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Um yeah I got a little excited about the Demo tweet they made and was hoping they were making surprise gameplay changes to him. I've now realised that this is BHVR and an add-on pass would be call for an entire mid-chapter update's worth of work for them so...probably blighted skins, or another legendary skin. And no way in hell am I giving them 10 or 15 ######### dollars for it.