Legitimate Matchmaking Question
I'm coming back after 3 months and have two questions:
Did the matchmaking changes work (well)?
How many matches does it take to be placed against skilled opponents?
I came back because I was told the matchmaking changes worked fantastically, and was hoping to see that for myself. Unfortunately, I haven't been seeing that and am really praying that I simply need to play more games. So far I've played roughly 30 survivor matches and either get afk killers or killers that refuse to chase me. When I play killer (~two dozen games) I get obliterated by survivors way above my skill level. Is this problem still consistent or do I simply need to play more?
MMR? Phew... i have not heard that name in a long time.
They implemented MMR for a short time.
I thought it was great, but a lot of people complained.
They removed it and I have not heard of it since.
Idd wish if BHVR could like whisper in my ear and say, "Soon™" But that has not happen yet.
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Ah so still the same matchmaking we've had the last few years? That's really unfortunate, because this game desperately needed a new system last time I gave it another try.
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Well, hopefully, they will implement the new better matchmaking soon again, when the kinks have been ironed out.
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I won't hold my breath, but god I hope they implement a new system because this game has so much potential to be amazing!