Hillbilly's Comical/Detrimental "Roar"

Summary of this entire discussion: The roar sucks (99% of commenters agree). Please consider removing it.
It was in the Billy PTB changes video, and it almost made me laugh at how silly it sounded. I certainly hope it gets removed or, at least changed (eg. how Spirit's sounds were made to not be Waluigi's).
Edit: It's live, and it's just as comical. In addition to that, it's noticeably repetitive in a way that's potentially annoying and the notification that he's charging reduces the potency of several stealth add-ons and tactics the killer might use.
Edit 2: It's so unnecessary and abominable that people have stopped playing Billy because of it and can't take trials with him seriously in the slightest. Additionally, the issues with his hitbox and animations and camera still exist, so all the PTB did was make him less fun to play (reducing the frequency of survivor complaints to "solve" the problem). For shame.
I like it. I just hope it's global. (So if you chainsaw on the other side of the map, everyone hears him roar).
Sadly this would make faking the chainsaw to scare survivors much less effective, since they know if you're committing to a chainsaw charge or not, (I used to scare people off gens before I had BBQ by revving up for a few seconds right after a hook)
Reminds me a little of the Scrake from Killing Floor.
EDIT: Oh crap if it's global what'd be the point of the silent chainsaw addons unless they get replaced? Imagine making the chainsaw completely silent and you just hear Billy roaring.
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It just seems like a bad idea in general (*cough* tasteless *cough*). I'm only imagining how annoying that's going to get if I'm doing short chainsaws multiple times in a row to try and hit a survivor around a curve. Oh...wait...that's probs won't be possible. Kudos to the devs for promoting backrevs and Millies?
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Personally I love it. Sounds like a battle cry. However I guess it will become annoying after a while especially if you're a classic "M2 Hillbilly". You'd have to listen to that "roar" a million times per match. Well, people playing the PTB today will probably speak against it if it's really annoying gameplay-wise so I wouldn't worry too much about it just yet.
Since it's not a balance related feature the devs will probably remove it if many people dislike the roar.
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The battle cry he does is probably the best part about the upcoming changes.
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I actually love his roar and I hope it stays.
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But it does sound kind of lackluster. Hope it's better than that.
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Poor guy just wants to be like the Oni.
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Honestly I just assumed that came from whoever was PLAYING rather than actual game sound, lol.
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I actually like it a lot. Has anyone else noticed the added bloody effect when downing Dwight?
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Nah actual Billy mains sound more like this when they're zooming around the map:
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Hillbilly: Rawr xD
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Hillbilly: Rawr! *Wicks ur paws* UwU *Notices bulge* OwO whats this?
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This serious reminds me of some Orc sounds out of Warcraft.
Warchief Hillbilly: "LOK'TAR!!!"
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Billys just angry he got nerfed
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this made me smile :D
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UwU punish me pwease OWO
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I think it's hilarious, makes me laugh everytime.
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yes; precisely.In the PTB, I've had to stop running away in chase just to smile and enjoy how stupid it is.
Which means it needs changing. I'm not okay with Hillbilly being a laughing fest(, and I'm more not okay with the prospect that I'll probably just start standing still to let the chainsaw hit me. Other survivors are going to hate me).
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Yeah, it prob shouldn't go to live. Esp because you can still hear it even when he's supposed to be completely silent (like when tinkerer procs) so that like...defeats the entire purpose of running perks like those.
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And it's still here. He's now a killer that I can straight out laugh at when I face. Terrific design.
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I would prefer the Roar to be only to the survivors client-side, and for the Killer side no roar sounds. It's enough to hear chainsaw all day but with his Roar, huuh.
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even with that, @RoMainPuppy brings up how the sound on the survivor side affects the potency of some of his add-on combos.
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Yeah, true. They should take this on consideration too. They could just remove it, no one asked for it.
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They definitely should just remove it. I encountered other threads about Billy recently, and in each one's comments, there was mention of how the roar pushed them away from the killer.
BHVR, it's unwanted, unneeded, and makes the entire experience worse.
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Help me please, I can't stop it!...RAAAAWWRRR...They glued me to this chainsAWRAAAAWRRRR!!!
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He sounds like he bust a massive nut. 😄 I heart it.
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haha 🤣
I can't enjoy being in matches with Billy anymore 😥. Having these kinds of images forced on me in DbD make me just want to d/c and go make a sandwich or something.
but it is funny out of the game! ;D
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Na, Billy is still my favorite Killer to play against. He could even be toxic and I can't be mad at him.
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I would like him if I wasn't expecting that I would feel threatened by a good Hillbilly. Expectations (of the horror part of a horror game even if it is just running around loops and stuff) make a world of difference.
Anyway, I'm glad some people can still enjoy him as he is now, and it seems like regardless of how much he gains or loses in the future from these changes compared to the old Billy, that you'll still enjoy him. That's cool.
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No, no I like to play against him, but I can't play him myself at all.
I'm a terrible Billy, even before his rework. 🙄
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I would like it better if it was a deeper growl kind of sound. A little off-topic but I ran chainsaw for a haunted house for three years and dabble in doing some metal vocals as well. I decided to combine the two and would let out a low growl before starting my saw and running out of the cornfield at guests. It worked surprisingly well! I think that'd make Billy's yell a little more appealing if it's not removed
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If the growl will not be removed, I'm wholeheartedly getting behind this ^
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He sounds like he uses his chainsaw to jerk himself off.
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is that your natural sweat on your shirt??☺️
thats awesome you get to be a Billy/Bubba in a corn maze! 🙂
When I go to mazes the players all seem over-it and I never have any fun....i wish they hired cool people like you.
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Thanks for the idea buttercake, I want to go to a corn maze with my friends now, it seems like a lot of fun, and seems to be quite spooky.
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Partially sweat, partially "gas" lol...
I use a gas can as a water bottle, so after chasing people down my corn trail they get to watch me take a big sip of gas at the end. You'd actually be surprised how many people don't assume it's just water 😂
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Yeah that would scare me but I think Billy should start growling when he begins revving his chainsaw and remains so to growl until his chainsaw is fully charged as he then roars, its be cool.
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I'm sure someone thought along those lines when they implemented it, and look where we are now: stuck with an annoying, detrimental-to-gameplay-and-atmosphere, repeating roar. Sounds are huge, and should not be taken lightly, and while I'm not saying that the implementation you suggest would be bad, I am saying that the DbD developers have an extremely high likelihood of doing it "incorrectly".
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Ah! So cool! You're my corn-maze idol! ❤️
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I never thought I'd feel so appreciated for chasing people with a chainsaw 😂 if I ever open my own haunted house (me and some friends are just about 100% in on this idea) I'm gonna remember Buttercake from the DBD forums 🖤
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true that
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Reasonable people that do cool, scary stuff like that will probably always be appreciated on these forums! :D I've done my best to attach you in my mind to Hillbilly so that the experience is somewhat more bearable, but it's so hard to dissociate what's so wrong with Hillbilly rn and replace it with good thoughts lol.
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It sounds like Heavy getting punched in the groin area. BHVR pls fix
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good point.