Hard tunneled three times in five matches
I'm only complaining a little bit. Just wish I could have normal gameplay tonight instead of running a killer for 4 gens, getting farmed and downed again right before the 5th gen, and then the killer getting 2 kills on 3 downs because of NOED.
Carry on
That's why it's necessary to run DS. If you also get slugged - run Unbreakable. This perk combo always works perfectly in these kinds of situations
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I ran DS one match but tried to save it for third hook because 4 gens were done. Then, naturally, I died on second hook because NOED.
I don't like running DS if I can avoid it, personally, but I might have to stick it on for the foreseeable future if this keeps happening.
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Entitled killer mains on this forum said that it's fun and balanced to be tunneled and camped every game because "they play against swf, so you need to suffer with them too".
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Reading your post it sounds less like the killer doing something wrong other then over commiting to a chase and more you're having bad teammates in those games.
Solo que sucks but don't blame the killer for your team sucking.
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That's why everyone should run ds, let's punish these camping/slugging killers.
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So you're saying that whilst you were being chased, the other survivors were all just doing gens instead of trying to help you.
In fact in all your scenarios you seem to do all the gens, and the killer only gets people at the very end due to noed. If he didn't have noed what would the outcome be for him. Probably zero kills. you sound like someone who never plays killer.
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And they only camp/slug because of ds, t-bagging etc. It's a vicious circle.
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I like Survivors who run DS. It's a nice wasted perk slot.
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To wait a sec was you playing against me? I was running Deathslinger, you and one other person I kept hooking because the fourth person was hiding and my obsession kept saving you but I was saving up my STBFL tokens, you kept messaging me on Xbox and being salty? If not then sorry but there were these people last night being salty as all hell I tunneled when it was their teammates fault for never coming by me. Whoever I was "tunneling" kept on running towards me literally just asking for it.
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No, what I'm saying is that I was running the killer for an extended amount of time, going down, and then getting soft and/or hard camped (depending on which match I'm mentioning), and then getting unhooked with no BT or heals, and then the killer purposefully ignored everyone else to chase me down again. As I stated at the beginning, I was only complaining a little bit, because I am a team player and don't care about dying if the rest of my team escapes. But it gets frustrating when I have 9k or 10k points per match for the only few games that I played in a day because I was relentlessly tunneled and chased for literally the entire trial.
On the basis that I "don't play killer," I have 3k hours and was a killer main for my first 800ish hours before moving to my current 50/50 split. Hence the reason I typically don't run DS, considering I know how overbearing it can be when there are multiple survivors running it.
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Ironically, the only Deathslinger I went against last night was the most fair killer, and he COMPLETELY caught me off guard with his Iridescent Coin addon. First time I had been a victim of it. lol. But no, I don't play on Xbox, I play on PS4, so it definitely was not you because it would be impossible for me to message you.
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I can't really say I had bad teammates, at least in the sense of completing gens. As far as totems, taking aggro, lasting in a chase themselves, or just positioning themselves correctly to help the person that ran the killer for most of the match, they weren't the best. But at least most of my teammates were pumping those gens like you're supposed to do when someone is getting chased.
Killers were definitely overcommitting, and I've played this game long enough to know within 2 or 3 minutes whether someone is a NOED gamer or not. Unfortunately, my suspicions were proved right multiple times last night.
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No one has ever said that.
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I did one match as survivor for a daily. It was red ranks and the killer was GF. He wasn't tunneling so to speak but I felt he was playing dirty. Nothing rule breaking just lame. He would hook someone, hide around a corner and stealth. Then wait for the rescue and lean around his corner to mark someone. He would go for the rescuer but literally that's all he did all game. It was all randoms so we fell behind by the time we adapted. I forgot I need to run Kindred every time I solo.
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Who said that?
@topic : Always run DS, always USE your DS even if you get tunneled early game (as you have no 100% chance of getting unhooked again especially when you're solo), always bring a chase perk and play pallets safely when you're close to death hook.
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Ahh gotchu
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literally every post about swf or ds being op or something like that
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As much as I find DS annoying, it does help against the tunneling.
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agreed, aggravating but essential.
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Nahhh, only survivors abusing ds, unbreakable etc. Killers are saints...
And when they see no obsession the party begins! Tunneled until you're dead.
Every game, every survivor:
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Honestly this game is so weird, some days I'll get face camped every single game, other days I'll escape every game. So for you it's just 'one of those days', normally if I'm having a bad day I'll wait to play again the next day.
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Some killer mains haven't seen "entity displeased" in days, but they assure you this game is survivor sided.
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Their ego's are so big. Just say to them that killer side isn't the only stressful thing in dbd, and solo queue exist.
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Oh really no one? What about every average post about nerfing ds, swf's and other meta's? While I haven't seen any survivor complaining abou t killer meta perks
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No one who has complained about ds has said "I want to make them suffer". You are wrong.
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That part was a joke, sorry xD. It was a parody
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Fight BS with BS. It's really that simple.
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I know right? DS doesn't bother me at all. It's a fun little challenge, but nothing too bad
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If there wasn't a penalty for dcing I'd still dc most of the games if I see a killer tunneling (not only me, anyone), what happens at least 8 out of 10 matches. But what I do now is kill myself on the first hook if the killer tunneles the first unhooked if there aren't 3 gens done b4 the person is dead.
I do try to give my team as much support as possible that is why I wouldn't do that "killing myself on first hook" if I see a chance of moren than 1 getting out. I try to do gens as effectivly as possible, but if I realize it's a killer that only tries to get 1 person out of the game as soon as possible I'll make sure he doesn't get many points and maybe if I can I try to annoy the killer as a punishment to their behaviour. I do care for my team but I care even more for morals, morals are more important than a points or the game. At least to me.
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Just tunnel the killers