Which killer has the worst set of perks?
Which killer do you think has the least useful perks when it comes to successfully winning a match and killing survivors?
Huntress is quite possibly the worst.
Other contenders are Wraith and Nightmare.
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I'm gonna go ahead and say Wraith's perks. They are really just plain out bad.
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Huntress no contest. Lullaby is a hex, very situational, requires powering up and even then doesn't guarantee value and that's far and away her best perk!
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Wraith. Predator actually works against you.
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Definitely Wraith.
Deathslinger is a close second. Hex: Retribution is okay but not super useful.
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Does oni even has a good perk?
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Gonna go with huntress. Territorial is only for basement gamers and the Dwight who goes there to self care yeah it's happened didn't need territorial to find him. Beast of prey yeah of tried it and played against it they still see you. Lullaby yeah it had it's buff but still needs a complementary perk like overcharge, unnerving, or on doctor it works with him.
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Id say huntress. Wraith has some synergy with bloodhound and sloppy but other than that, crap. Freddy has Blood Warden which can have some moments. Remember me "Was" decent until they nerfed it.
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Predator makes scratch marks smaller and usually makes it so they don't spawn on walls and objects, meaning it makes them harder to spot.
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blood echo is amazing for legion and quite good on plague.
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I think I have to give it to Wraith.
Shadowborn has no concrete game play value. Predator actively hurts you because scratch marks are less likely to splash up onto walls/trees and be visible at a distance. Bloodhound... is just not particularly useful. It's not bad... its just that there are other, much better tracking perks.
Huntress seems to be the other main contender and I would argue that hers are quite a bit better than Wraith's. Beast of Prey I will admit is kind of useless, the effect is nice but it takes way too long for it to come online. Territorial Imperative is not great, but there is at least some potential there. If a Survivor goes into the basement and you catch them out, it can cause a brutal cycle of someone going down to get them, they don't make it out, they get hooked in basement, etc. Lullaby is inconsistent as are all Hex perks especially ones that stack, but it can absolutely cause the survivor team a lot of grief.
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Deathslinger imo
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No one is mentioned Oni or slinger they have the worst perks in the game that nobody uses.
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Wraith. At least Lullaby gets some good use if you're lucky.
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Blood Echo is a pretty good perk, imo.
Retribution is pretty valuable, too.Dead Man's Switch can be annoying to go against; it may not be strong, but it does it's job. Heck, whenever I've run Gearhead I've gotten plenty of use out of it. (that isn't to say it couldn't do with a buff)
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Oni has two good perks: Nemesis and Blood Echo.
I vote Huntress. One perks multiplies bloodpoints in Hunter/eventually hides red light, alerts basement entry, and Lullaby is kinda useful but only used on meme builds.
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Killers with entirely terrible personal perks:
- Huntress (Lullaby used to be pretty crazy on Doc, but now it's rather bad on all killers)
Killers with only one fun/decent personal perk:
- Wraith (Shadowborn)
- Doctor (Monitor & Abuse)
- Freddy (Blood Warden, though I guess Fire Up has a few fans too)
- Clown (PGtW, I don't consider Bamboozle to be a good perk)
- Demogorgon (Surge)
- Deathslinger (Gearhead is alright, I don't think Hex: Retribution is good)
- Pyramid Head (Deathbound, but I know Forced Penance has a little cult following)
- Blight (Hex: Undying)
Killers with more than one fun/decent personal perk:
- Everyone else
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You are saying Shadowborn is worse than Territorial Imperative? 👀
Sorry but The Huntress hands down has the worst perks, especially after the Lullaby nerf.
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Yes I am. How much does a slightly wider FoV actually help? Sure it can feel nice, but you mostly don't need it. Territorial Imperative isn't reliable in the slightest, but it can result in the survivors ending up in a very nasty situation. Also there's just the simple fact that none of Huntress's perks are actively working against you like Predator does. I will say that Shadowborn is probably Wraith's best perk, but that's not saying a ton.
Also, Lullaby was only nerfed for Doc. For everyone else it was actually buffed.
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Freddy has worse perks than Deathslinger imo
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Huntress 100%. Her perks are garbage.
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Wraith, at least huntresses can be useful sometimes. Wraiths do nothing important.
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Huntress for sure
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Dragon grip is actually pretty decent on blight himself and other mobile killers. Billy, maybe oni i guess
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Wraith. Predator is actively detrimental, bloodhound takes the place of accessibility settings, and Shadowborn is less useful than it is addictive (you don't need it on any killer. Any. Not even Nurse.)
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Wipes tear from eye
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Wraith and Trapper
I think The devs should've started reworking perks from the first... and the base perks
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Nemesis is ok on Pyramid Head paired with Enduring. It used to be good on Bubba with PWYF but that playstyle doesn't really work anymore.
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Lullaby suffers from the same issue as Caleb's retribution, in that it's a situational slot-muncher.
Territorial is extremely situational and there are better perks doing very much the same.
I forgot what the last perk does? doesn't it take away the TR when bloodlust pops?
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A counterpoint is that I think this effect is actually better than the default for certain killers, like Nurse, that can lose sight of people mid chase. After you land a hit as Nurse you're forced to look at the ground, so if you're in the corn or something and you land a hit on your friendly neighborhood Iron Will & Calm Spirit user, it's hard sometimes to see which direction they ran off in. With Predator it's easy; the scratch marks just form a tight stripe that leads right to the person.
It's definitely still a weak perk, but I wouldn't necessarily say it's detrimental.
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Agitation and Brutal Strength are both solid actually! I often run Agitation on my Hag to limit the time survivors spend on my shoulder, because that's time survivors can use to trigger my traps with no penalty. If you can get a few extra basement hooks out of it and generally save a bit of time while hooking people, all the better. There are better options for Hag - I don't have all the perks - but it's very useful! I like Brutal on killers that can be looped and that don't have great mobility to shorten the time it takes to catch someone after breaking a pallet.
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Beast of Pray... Removes the red stain from the killer once Bloodlust is triggered... Comes back when Bloodlust ends (either losing chase or getting hit)
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Fair enough
But I still stand by what I said...
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It was too strong.it had to be nerfed :'(
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Hex: retribution is a very strong and underrated perk
Used it a lot with my pig and legion and it helps a lot :)
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I definitely agree about Wraith 😁
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I feel like his perks are well intentioned but they've fell out when other perks were added