48 Hour Ban is Excessive

I can understand a need for the DC penalty to prevent people from disconnecting on purpose. But I don’t think it needs to go to 48 hours or beyond to get the message across. A few hours is enough to keep people from doing it or at least give them a clean slate after a period of time. I don’t appreciate not being able to play the game I’ve never felt so stomped on as a player in any other video game than this one. Even those with DC penalties at least allow you to rejoin and avoid the penalty in the case that it was on accident. I think if there was a way to compensate the killer for being gone it would totally be doable. For instance maybe start depleting the sacrificial timer until the survivor returns to the match. Once that timer is up then the survivor is completely removed from the game and that’s where the ban would then go into effect.
If a few hours were enough, it wouldn't have reached 48 hours in the first place. In DbD, there's also no way to allow someone to reconnect without completely ruining the game's balance.
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Now, that could leave many of you wondering well how could they if people might abuse it during chases? They would come back injured with a diminishing sacrificial bar passing through the hook stages quicker than normal. Something.... anything really besides it’s current state
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Instead of quitting like a big baby and not being able to play for 48 hours, finish out your 5-10 minute match like an adult and then go do something else. Hell, suicide on the hook or even just walk away from the computer. Why do you absolutely, positively, HAVE to quit out?
Get your emotions under control.
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I didn’t do it out of emotion
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The DC penalty is a necessary evil, unless people would be quitting left and right - like they always do when there is no penalty. It only gets bigger and bigger like that when you DC repeatedly, and crashing gets the same penalty because it still ruins the game, even if you didn't do it on purpose. Do I wish they'd fix all the bugs before adding this? Yes, but it should be a thing. Besides, it's rare I run into any gamebreaking bugs.
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Not if you compensate the opposing side by making it progressively benefit them while hurting your team until you get back
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If a survivor DCs it's already a big boost to the killer, since it goes from a 4v1 to a 3v1. If the devs did what you're saying, it'd be even worse.
Whatever your reason, you ruined multiple players' trials and therefore should be punished for it.
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With all due respect, you don't get to that level of a Ban without a consistent pattern of disconnecting. Clearly the message didn't get through if someone has reached that level of a Ban. Such people need to get their system requirements, internet, or themselves sorted before playing again.
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I don't know how the heck anyone could get to 48 hours, but I'll confidently assert that either:
a) the message clearly hasn't sunk in; or
b) they have a system/network issue, are pretending it doesn't exist and continually trying to play online without fixing said issue.
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How long did you go between Dc's? I always assumed if you happened to DC a couple of times whether by your own hand or a reason out of your control, after a while it would reset. Meaning if you Dc'd a couple times on Monday, by the following Monday you would be back to the 5 minute ban time. I don't DC often (normally a thunderstorm knocks me out) so idk how the incremental bans work.
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If you are reaching a 24 hour or longer ban then you are:
A) Disconnecting for inappropriate reasons WAY too often and need to stop. (I'm not saying you are but honestly this is the most common reason and why the entire DC penalty even exists)
B) Disconnecting for unintentional reasons (Power outage, Bad connection, etc.) way too often and need to stop and possibly figure out what is wrong on your end and fix it before trying to play.
C) Disconnecting for justified reasons (IRL emergency, Gamebreaking bug/glitch, etc.) somehow way too often and need to either go deal with said emergency or figure out what exactly went wrong and properly report said issue after checking to make sure nothing on your end was the reason why.
D) Spaghetti Code broke itself so hard it literally just randomly gave you a day+ ban somehow.
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Try having a 72 then going back on the game dcing and geting a other 72 LOL that is excessive
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Well how would that be worse to let them rejoin? How does it not make any logical sense to implement something like that? How would that make it worse for the survivors to get their teammate back when It’s actually ruining the game to keep them out of the match? they belong in that match. As long as you’re compensating the killer like.. say if he was in the middle of chasing that particular survivor, then you’re good. you’re not doing more harm that way😂😂😂😂
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Because there's too many weird ways to cheese the system. It would be a headache to deal with all of them including hatch.
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And what about crashes and server disconnects that give out the exact same punishment as a DC?
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You want another 48 hours detention? Keep it up, pal. You mess with the bull you get the horns!
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thats what just happened to me. I had a 24 and then the first game back my internets been working fine all day long. First game back it crashes towards the end of the match when it’s just me using the internet. Can players lag switch you? I don’t know. But I reset my router and i was banned for 48. Come on.... you’re making people quit playing altogether when you vehemently try to keep people in the game with a penalty. You can actually fix people from rage quitting if you fix the problems causing them to rage quit. You can fix the frustration of unfair banning by allowing them to rejoin and play once certain conditions are met. Or limiting the ban to no more than 1-2 hours. Maybe if you allow them to rejoin they would have to get rescued or unhooked if he was in a chase before he left (timer constantly decreasing until you return)
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Not to sound cold, but what about them? If someone is having these things happen often enough to create really long bans, I simply don't believe it. If it is their system crashing, they need to get ti sorted before trying again. If it is a Server crash (on BHVR's side) a WHOLE LOT OF US would know about it. If it is a Server providing his Internet, find a new provider.
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I wonder how many times do you need to disconnect to even get a penalty that long?
But the whole point of DC penaly is to not let people disconnect on a regular basis and it seems like that's exactly what you did so the penalty system does its job fine.
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Perhaps I just don't believe in leaving people behind whilst the significant majority of crybabies suicide instead. Perhaps I don't pretend that everyone is lucky enough to be near a server. And perhaps I long ago accepted that this is not a competitive game and so everyone should be welcome to interact regardless of their financial situation.
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And I think this is admirable, but it is also a tiny minority of the people having this problem. The DC penalty is getting applied against people who are choosing to disconnect. I've gotten the 5 minute penalty myself when I stupidly kicked my surge protector and took my own system down. My stupidity caused other people inconvenience. I paid my 5 minutes of time and moved on.
The people being punished are deserving of that punishment.
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And for that tiny minority that are simply out of luck, guess what... there are some awesome games that "I" cannot play because my system cannot handle them. It is unfortunate and one day I hope to have a system that can take it... but until then... I just play other games (like this one). Those Players will have to make peace with the same thing I did.
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The thing that sucks about the DC penalty, is that it affects people who lose internet connection, the same way as people who actually quit/DC. Now I know people are gonna say that there's no way to tell whether someone lost connection on purpose or accident (which is understandable), but it's still frustrating.
I lost connection earlier in a game against a nurse and had to restart the game and the penalty remaining was like a minute and a half. I wasn't happy about the bloodpoints I'd lost during the game and then being penalized but I just buried it inside and moved on.
Now a 48 hour ban? That's way too excessive. I mean is that a legit ban or a glitch?
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I'm sorry, there's just really no realistic way that someone would be stacked that high off of mistaken DCs. Yes, mistakes happen, but the amount of times it takes to get to 48 hours is just excessive and there's a deeper problem if you truly are being DCed against your wishes.
If you really must, first hook suicide exists for a reason.
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That's the thing, if you happen to lose connection because of your internet, you won't die over a max of 5 minutes.
But if you let it come to a whopping 48 hours, you definitely did it on purpose. If your internet or power fails on you 4-5 times in a row, then look at it first.
They only got 48 hourse because of disconnecting on purpose (maybe one or two times internet or power outage).
I'd like to know how they got 48 hours. You don't get 48 hours for nothing unless someone hacked it onto your account.
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Interesting. I didn't know bans stacked like that to be honest, I figured there was a specific time set for every DC/connection lost.
The amount of DC's to lead to a 48 hour ban...damn. Talking about quite a few...
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I know from first hand that for the first time you lose connection you get 5 minutes (that happened to me the only time I lost connection)
Then it gets to I think 10 min, 30 min and I saw once someone with 24 and 72 hours, so to get to 48 hours, you probably should play something else
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48 hrs? So after you took a day off (23hrs) you came in, played some games and...dced again? And left your teammates alone once again?
So you refuse to learn that your behaviour is bad and you also refuse to learn why the game is increasing the penalty for you?
Great conditions to start a discussion.
I have a hint: after 2 days, dc again and look if the penalty decreases now. If so you did everything right, if not just try again. Take your time. Some people need more time to learn and others not. And thats fine. I mean. Some people have to be the ones who find out if there is a cap or not, right.
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I've got a hot tip to avoid the 48 hour ban:
"Stop DCing."
Fix your internet, and fix your behavior, and stop making these threads.
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How many times do you have to dc to get a 48 hour ban?
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48 hours?
Totally deserved. No way were most of those DCs an accident/not your own choice.
I really don't get people who DC constantly. You get nothing out of it, and matches don't even take that long.
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Love the lack of empathy in this thread. DC penalties always made the game better, until someone ruins it.
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If you get 48 hours on DC penalties odds are you probably deserve them, either you ragequit too much or you have a computer/conection issue and keep trying to play without fixing it.
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Not how that works. It's... So very, very not how that works.
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This reminds me of one time couple months ago, my Xbox was being stupid and made me dc pretty much every game and it got bad enough that I couldn't play for 6 hours.
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How many times one have to dc to reach 48 hour?
Does it ramp up to week and permaban after that too?
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I understand where you're coming from, but let's say I have a power surge that turns off my console mid game, I don't want to come back and be banned for it. Things like this have happened go me, fortunately not often enough to get a long ban.
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48 hours is nothing. I got 4 years for yelling
'Your mama's fat ass' during a GM event in grand fantasia.
I got a week for ninja looting a bunny in dark moon fair world of warcraft.
I've also gotten 48 H for using the n word in world of warcraft.
To my surprise grand fantasia was still online 4 years later. Haven't played since 2016.
Game sucks, it pulls all the tool tip info from the servers in Germany so you lag everytime you scroll over anything that pulls a tool tip.
DC on purpose is toxic and gimps the match.
Play stupid games win stupid prizes.
I've definitely deserved my suspension in other games for acting super childish so own up!.
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Killers should get a penalty for face camping that's the only time I can understand a Survivor disconnect if a killer face camps the game is basically over
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I despise the DC penalty, I never DC on purpose, even if I have to do something else I leave the game open or sacrifice myself, the only times I do actually DC is because I have aweful internet, meaning I get kicked out of the game to my lobby, where I then have to wait for a while to even play again.
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At least 30+ times I'm assuming 🤔
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DC Penalty is ridiculous, 48 hours is beyond imaginable. No other game tells people they can't play for days on end for any reason. Killers are the reason people DC, rewarding them for being toxic is unacceptable. Suicide on hook is an option for getting out of an unpalatable match for sure, but that does nothing for people who just get kicked out from the server. I was kicked out of my last match, and I am now sitting out a 15 minute penalty for doing absolutely nothing, I have top of the line internet so this BS is not me. Which is why I am on here looking for DC posts. Because I am beyond frustrated being punished for just trying to actually play this game. This is exactly why I have stopped buying DLCs and auricular cells altogether, I am not going to sink any money into a game that I may or may not be able to even play by their whims.
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Wow! I don’t even wanna kno how many DC’s equal a 48 hour ban, oh my goodness!
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So assuming they only DC, how many games would it take to get to a 48 hour ban to begin with?
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This man right here is a brownie hound.
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Good, have a nice day then. I don't want you as a teammate and I don't want you in my game as killer either, I want survivors who will actually try to get away and you seem like the kind of person who (very obviously) rage quits at the drop of a hat. No one will miss you during your ban, hopefully you learn something (though I highly doubt it since you let your ban get up to 2 days...)
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Crying about the dc penalty lmao only people who constantly want to dc and the people with dog ######### internet complain about this issue. Sure you might get a glitch every now and again in dbd we have all had it happen to us before. That y I almost never dc I save it from when their is actually something to dc about unlike most people that will click that leave button as soon as something happens they don't like. To our don't have to woryy about the dc penatly if you just learn how to take an L with pride.
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You have to quit ALOT to hit even 24hrs lol 48hrs is fine by me if you quit that much! Hell at 2 hours you should get the hint that either you shouldnt play if your internet is that bad or that you should go to anger management
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And you yourself just finished your post with why the complaints of the OP are ridiculous. If you just get a power outage or something, you get a tiny 5 minute ban. The ban will be up before you're even ready to queue again.
If you have an honest internet-related dc, again, tiny 5 minute ban. If you dc frequently then maybe fix your internet before ruining the game for four other people each time you queue. There's basically no legit reason for anyone playing the game normally to ever get anywhere near 48 hours, or even one hour.
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OK, but, why put an bot untill the players connect again, will destroy the game balance?