What do people think about playing with bots?

To start off I know that BHVR have said that they won’t add another mode so I recognise this is wishful thinking at best but i’m Gonna make this post anyway.
so as both a red rank killer and survivor whilst it doesn’t happen often the games where it is a requirement to sweat my nuts off if I want to stay in the game are very demoralising regardless of the outcome to give an example I was playing as legion I didn’t have the meta perks and I went into the game expecting not to do too well because i’m Trying to follow otz’s rules to not get tilted but I was faced with a swf all running meta with flashlights so they could all get saves naturally I lost but I didn’t de pip and moved on but losing in a game like that really eats away at ya and I would’ve loved to have a bots mode to switch to so that I could just play a casual game.
don’t get me wrong I enjoy playing at high ranks but going against coordinated Swfs and killers running meta can get quite tiring and yet I still want to keep playing. It’s quite a dilemma
so in summary what i’m Saying is that I wish that there would be a bots mode so that after a game like that I could perhaps relax while still playing this game so that I can avoid going into the next game with a bad mindset and bad attitude
please feel free to put any opinions in this thread as well as i’d Like to hear other people’s thoughts too
The AI would end up being dumb and easy to manipulate.
For example, what should a killer do when it gets a noise alert? Investigate? Then you could just have someone loop the map and fast vault everything.
The devs just couldn't pull it off.
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I'd get bored of that so fast.
Definitivly not worth the time it would take to make
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The mobile game already has bots that replace disconnected players and they supposedly play “ok”. Obviously they’re not going to be as good as a good human player but they’re still better than no player at all in that instance, and bots could be a fun practice tool in custom games.
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Playing with bots would be good as a practice option to get a hang of new killers/perks/items so bots could be made as an option in KYF. But I don't think they are needed in normal matchmaking.
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Playing with bots that have the skill level of the killer tutorial’s Meg would be an upgrade from some randoms I’m forced to team with.
Rant aside, I see no reason this should ever be implemented outside of Custom Games to test builds, etc.
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I'm disappointed with how only one person so far remembered the most important use for bots: replacing disconnects. How can any of you say bots wouldn't be worth it when they're the best solution so far to one of the biggest problems with the game?
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Because these people are whack and don't understand the value of bots? I guess 🤷♂️
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Playing with bots? So, basically soloq without waiting.
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It would make solo queue much more bearable if bots replace rage quitters. I can't count the amount of matches I had where everyone lost because a douchebag teammate decided to DC. It's even worse when we almost have all gens and they get downed for the first time then rage quit, actively killing our momentum and dooming all of us.
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I remember playing Evolve they added bots. It was nice because it was something encase someone dc'ed. At first if someone DC'ed you were down 1 person. A bot didn't do much but it was better than nothing. I agree a killer/survivor bot would not work. It would be exploitable and very predictable.
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I am personally all for bots replacing players that DC.
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Not the only solution.
Each DC could reduce the number of gens required to power the gates.
Can also do the same for killer and reduce emblem requirements accordingly.
And increase BP for everyone by say 25%.
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I end up playing with bots anyways so it really makes no difference.