How I win all of my killer matches

It's easy. Don't read the win conditions the game alludes to. I haven't. And that's why I'm winning all the time! Sacrifice all survivors? Pfft no thank you! Just hit a survivor once and I've won. Bingo. EZ win. They all escaped? Who cares, I hit them, I win. My rules now.
What happens when I don't even land a single hit you ask? Well...shut up don't ask about the times this has happened.
One hit=win=I don't lose=fun. Much better than before when it used to be start match with confidence=get bullied=no kill=all survivors escape=GG ez bby killer=cry myself to sleep=come up with a way to never lose to feel better about self
It's easy! 👍😃👍
I mean, this is a good way to not get tilted. And I've stopped looking at 2k/3k as long. It just means the survivors didn't lose too. That's a draw in my book.
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Being serious now I normally just go into matches expecting to lose but trying to get some fun out of it. Though counting a hit as a win sounds better and better with each match I play lol
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i win mine with
on a serious note, good to see you got something that helps you dealing with the frustration this game can cause at times 👍️
many who fail to do that end up burned out relatively soon, as they get too frustrated too quickly.
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At this point, I've seen "won" as "Hey, I got some bloodpoints!" I try not to let this game irritate me, because at the end of the day, it's just a game.
8 - will be my go to once I lose under my conditions. ;)
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Yeah, I stopped worrying about my killer rank a long time ago, and adopted the philosophy of, "I get however many kills I get." I try to get at least one hook on each of them for BBQ stacks and fat BP payouts, but after that?
I could care if they all get away or not. As long as everybody has fun.
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I slowly crept to playing survivor and it really sucks I enjoy killer but it's stressful. Survivor is extremely easy and favored by the devs. I play solo queue and yet everyone complains about how it's bad. I escape probably 3/4 games I play.
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I was expecting some smart ass comment like "I win all my killer matches because I stopped playing dbd" lol
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Yeah BBQ seems like it would actually help making matches a bit less stressful knowing you'll get some extra juicy bloodpoints at the end anyway. I'm working on getting it as a teachable at the moment.
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Same, I've started to play survivor more too. Not very good at it though. Me playing survivor is like a baby taking their first steps lol.
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I'll make that post when I lose under my win conditions by not getting a hit ;)
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Gg, however long it took you to be good with killer it will take you much less time to get good as survivor.
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I've just learned that I'm gonna get slapped from time to time. Other people are allowed to have great plays and be clever without me getting mad or considering them toxic.
And at the end of the day, if you kill one person who annoyed you for an entire trial it's more of a win than the 4K.
OP knows what's up
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My only Killer goal is 4 stacks of BBQ.
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My personal goal is getting as much bp as possible while also trying to get all the survivors above 10000 bp.
Game has become way more fun both for me and the players i play against since i saw it like that.
This does ofcourse mean I will most likely get stomped by a swf death squad but those don't happen enough for me to be concerned about
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I misread the title. Thought it said "How do I win all matches as killer" and was expecting some poor soul to be crucified.
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Totally guilty of this. I’m far too competitive at times, to my detriment.
But that’s because I’m used to winning. (Yeah yeah, I know. Smug and smarmy. I couldn’t help myself)
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But they are so cute when doing it
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My win condition: scare em. If i get some good jump scares I feel good. If they all escape with poop in their pants I don't care if the entity is disappointed.
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I think you have to adapt you win condition to the team you are facing. If I can get 4 yellow rank solos in one match, followed by a red rank SWF in the very next game, I will have a miserable time if I don't adjust my expectations from match to match.
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I'm cruel but not *that* cruel ;)
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That's pretty much what I've been doing at this point. Though I will say, I have a newfound appreciation for Tier 1 evil within Myers. I will lose every game but it's incredibly fun getting the jump on people without them expecting it.