Why do you gen rush?



  • ZerLukas
    ZerLukas Member Posts: 294

    Because I see a gen and probably nothing else. I myself like hunting totems with Small Game or looting chests but If there is a gen and nothing else in sight I'll just do a gen.

  • MasterManMike
    MasterManMike Member Posts: 19

    Hey man, as a killer main. There's no such thing as gen rush, what else are survs supposed to do when not in chase with you but work on gens. If you can't keep up the map pressure people are gonna hold M1 instead.

  • Artemis_LH
    Artemis_LH Member Posts: 113

    K!llAr is t0o h@rd. Surv!v0r5 5h0u!d 5t@y @w@y fr0m g3n5 @nd 5t@nd !n th3 0p3n.

    This is beyond stupid.

    What else are survivors supposed to do?

    Is there any objective other than gens?

    Do killers have any objective other than to kill survivors?

    This is the stupidest post I've seen in a long time.

    Quit your whining. You're making the rest of us killers look bad.

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    What’s the goal that’s set for survivors?

  • UkilledLegion
    UkilledLegion Member Posts: 620

    omg simple answer.genrush because devs give to people use voice programms and they can coordinate what they will do

  • MeatBycicle
    MeatBycicle Member Posts: 756

    The problem is that survivors can spawn spread out on the map, and can also spawn next to generators. So while at the start of the match the killer needs to move around the map to find his objective (survivors), almost every survivor will spawn right next to a generator giving them an immediate start on their objective right from the start.

    So not only is the killer wasting time at the start searching for the survivors, while the killer is doing this, survivors are already working on generators. Once the killer finds a survivor and starts the chase, those gens would be around 40% - 50% done. By the time the first survivor is downed those gens will either be 90% or done.

    It's more an issue of survivor spawning separated and literally right next to their objective more so than gen rushing. Of course there are SWF who literally want to gen rush but thats another issue.

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826

    I play solo and never gen rush. I have more fun cleansing, urban evading, and looking for chests. I have been on the hook a few times, waiting for someone to save me and they're all on their own gens which is annoying, but whatever. I think they do it to get out as fast as possible, but I don't find it fun. I want more coop points and like the thrill of the chase!

  • Robotman200
    Robotman200 Member Posts: 49

    Because the goal of the survivors is to do gens and get out...? Why would they actively not try to win?

  • kennelproud
    kennelproud Member Posts: 9

    Easy question. Because it works. Because the goal of survivors is to survivor. There is in fact a fat incentive to do so. One whole category of survivor points is almost entirely earned by getting out the gates. The Survivor category has precious few ways to meaningfully earn points in it, outside escaping. A whole 5k of the total 8k come from escaping.

    The problem is that earning enough points as a survivor often requires that one survivor do a disproportionate amount of the work. Often times some people will not do much but will escape and get the fat bonus. There needs to be other ways to earn points and better objectives that allow survivors to get points EVEN if they don't escape. Right now it's just extremely effective to smash gens. Once they're done the power is in the hands of the survivors.

    I mean for killers it's camping/tunneling that while unpleasant are nonetheless effective. I've gotten quite a bit of flak for throwing people in the basement as Trapper and setting up traps all around it. But I mean it works?

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    Because the longer you take to complete your ONLY objective, the more chance the killer has to find you and eliminate you 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

    It's like moaning at a football team for scoring too many early goals.

  • siren_sorceress
    siren_sorceress Member Posts: 321

    The first two gens go the fastest bc that is when the killer has the least amount of pressure. You're only complaining bc you dont know how to, "kill rush." This game is a race. You rush kills and we rush gens. Imagine asking your opponent to slow down because you cant keep up? Silly right? Especially since survivors dont have multiple objectives or ways to escape. And really, whenever we mess around with the killer instead of gen rush they just call us bad and toxic anyways lol.

    You want to have a down by two gen pops. Most killers will get a down before two gens are done in solo. If three gens pop before you have a down you are in trouble depending on your skill but not impossible to turn around by any means.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,161
    edited October 2020

    If survivors equip themselves with Prove Thyself, toolboxes, and BNPs, then they're coming in with the goal of rushing through gens and interacting as little as possible with the killer. I dunno why they do that, some players just find that fun. I guess someone has to find gen repair fun, eh.

    Otherwise, gen rushing is a problem with the design of the game and is not the fault of the survivors. Survivors playing efficiently can rush through gens without trying, especially if the killer gets sucked into one chase and doesn't pressure gens. Players will blame the killer, "You need to pressure gens better!" but pressuring gens isn't intuitive and the killer only needs to make a small misstep at the very beginning of the game to cost him the whole match. There are four survivors and only one killer, and whenever a survivor isn't interacting with the killer they should be on a gen, so if you're in a chase with one survivor you have to expect the other three to be on gens. That's why things like "snowball potential" and "map pressure" are regarded so highly when discussing killers; without either of those two things, a killer is basically fighting the game mechanics.

  • Sanaira
    Sanaira Member Posts: 14

    Because I want to actually survive a match and get points, you know.. which is my goal as a survivor?

    Plus it seems to tick off killers who love to camp, tunnel me off hook and slug their way to red ranks.

  • UrbanInsanity
    UrbanInsanity Member Posts: 1

    I find gen rushes most often happen in my solo queue, mostly because I don't know what my team mates are doing, and I want to get on gens as fast as possible. Especially lately since there seems to be a plague pf tunnelers, campers, and DCing teammates. I played about five matches last night where I was camped on my first hook to the point of death. So now when I hop in a game as a survivor I really want to get on the gens quickly.

  • thisisntmax
    thisisntmax Member Posts: 231

    because i like making people who run 3 game delay perks mad when the game ends fast

  • Hex_Stalk
    Hex_Stalk Member Posts: 488
    edited October 2020

    Oh really, It's not all the camping and tunneling Leatherfaces and sweaty iridescent head Huntresses? My bad. If ONE post tickled your trigger bone to where you had to say "You're making the rest of us killers look bad" maybe you should take a look down memory lane where the "rest of us killers" made yourselves look bad all on your own.

    Edit: Also where was the part where I was "Whining" If I recall, I basically asked "Why do you want to make the game to not last more than 5 minutes" Or did that fly over your head?

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Popping 2 gens in the first couple minutes is normal though. You cant exert pressure over an entire map(unless you're one of those boring undying+ruin players who think that combo is fine). Its NORMAL to lose 2 generators early on. If you have so much map pressure that no generators can pop within the first couple of minutes, then it will be a really boring game for survivors too. The game doesnt really start untill your gen patrol area is limited and you can exert pressure while chasing. Odds are even quite large that the gens that did get popped are in an area you do not want to patrol as a killer anyway. I dont consider anything a genrush untill 4 gens are popped within 5 minutes time, and if they are capable of doing 4 gens within 5 minutes, I am the one who has terrible map awareness.

    Or in short: YOU can control which gens get popped early on to make it harder on the survivors. You can punish survivors who dont strategically do their gens very harshly with a 3 gen.

  • MrSmashem
    MrSmashem Member Posts: 161

    Dude, you realise doing Gens is the primary objective of Survivors? Why wouldn't they try to get it completed ASAP?

    The fact that Gen Rushing(or rather, just doing the Survivor's primary objective) leads to boring gameplay falls on the Devs; its their job to ensure that the game is fun, not the players. If playing the game efficiently isnt fun, then the Devs need to address it. You shouldn't expect players, who are competing to win, throw or delay their objective to make things more fun. If they do, cool. If not, that's the game.

    And for the record, I prefer Killer(although, I play both roles) and agree, the game has a serious problem with how fast Survivors can complete their objective and escape.

  • "Why do you try to win? Why don't you just enjoy the scenery and let me kill you? I'm not that good at the killing part, so make it easier on me"

    I'm a killer main, and that's how you sound to me

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    The objective of survivors is try to escape. If they are not doing gens, they won't be escaping.

  • Hex_Stalk
    Hex_Stalk Member Posts: 488
    edited October 2020

    Why do you use moris, why do you use iridescent head, why do you camp, why do you tunnel. Shut up mate, I asked a simple question and you all are acting like a damn hive mind saying the same stupid things over and over and over again. Get over yourselves. I've moved on from this post, you all should too. But it doesn't seem this community is good at moving on.

  • Hex_Stalk
    Hex_Stalk Member Posts: 488

    @MandyTalk Could you or whoever has the ability to close this thread? It went from the first 3 comments being constructive and respectable to just slowly getting more and more toxic.

  • cannonballB
    cannonballB Member Posts: 387
    edited October 2020

    "why do you genrush?" Because that's how you play the game? That's what my objectives are?

    I'm not here for you to chase me. I'm here to avoid you and do gens. You're here to find me and kill me.

    Sounds like were doing what we're supposed to?

  • Tricks
    Tricks Member Posts: 957

    Survivors genrush because they're greedy and have no foresight about the bp and shards they could get if they play the entire game, not just holding LMB

  • cannonballB
    cannonballB Member Posts: 387

    Well this is a bad take if Ive ever heard one.

    My goal is to survive. If I leave only making the minimum bp but I lived? Hey guess what, I won.

  • SoylentPixie
    SoylentPixie Member Posts: 1,192

    Because twiddling my thumbs until my opponent feels its 'fair' for me to touch a gen isn't in my role description?

  • TripleSteal
    TripleSteal Member Posts: 1,298

    This is quite a sad thread, and it's smelling of weakness too.

  • TheeclumsyNinja
    TheeclumsyNinja Member Posts: 283

    What else are survivors supposed to do? 2 gens in a few minutes isnt gen rushing, 2 gens in a minute is gen rushing...

    Killers cant expect survivors to stand around and let you kill them easily.

    Just like survivors shouldnt expect a killer to just ignore a survivor just because reasons lol

    Though i know many people are playing less killer cause its annoying af and super unbalanced at high ranks

  • prodigy1337
    prodigy1337 Member Posts: 32

    It's a catch 22. Games too short on either side do not yield pips (or much at all at the higher ranks) and at the same time survivors objective is to do gens to GTFO out asap. Killers objective is to catch survivors and hook em 3 times to kill them.

    Survivors don't want to die, so they rush gens. Killers don't want to "lose" so they tunnel someone, or "face camp" (which is funny, most swf destroy face campers due to attack reset)

    So you have this vicious cycle of people not wanting to die and then people not wanting to let anyone escape. Ironically, I got in the game to give a good show as a killer, to scare people, make them go "oh sh*t" but the higher the rank I have climbed, the more toxicity I run into. Even if I find it out to be a good game, more time than not, there some form of trash talking toward me at the end. Which is kind of ironic because the trials are player driven experiences. It's really weird.

    One side of the coin, you have this really supportive and fun going community, then on the other side you've got pricks lol. Add ons or not, perks or not, it boils down to the individuals that make the game and trials what it is.

    I get your frustrations and wanting to vent, but ironically, the internet doesn't care much or they have their jaded opinions. I feel that most of us have seen toxic behavior on both sides and some days are rougher than not, but try to keep ya chin up.

  • Hex_Stalk
    Hex_Stalk Member Posts: 488

    Literally the BEST comment here. No one could have said it better.

  • MeneLaw
    MeneLaw Member Posts: 341

    Gen rush doesnt exist u just dont apply enough pressure.

  • Walmart
    Walmart Member Posts: 19

    You do realize that all survivors have to do in a game is get chased by the killer or do gens, right? Most people ignore totems and not many chests spawn on a map, even then some people ignore those. Survivors have only gens and getting chased by the killer. Solo queue is also a complete joke and nobody knows what their teammates are doing because barely anyone runs bond or any other perks to see each other. If you're not doing gens, you are being useless to your team unless you are taking the killer on a long chase. SWFs are different if they're on comms because they know whether each other is on a gen or not, so they can just knock out gens as fast as they want. Solo queue doesn't really have gen rushing because they don't know what or where their teammates are and just want to be efficient.

    Would you prefer a 45 minute game of survivors stealthing and hiding in lockers, or for them to actually work on gens? There's only 2 options.

    Flip it around, this like asking why killers are getting 4 hooks a gen and calling it "kill rushing." Just because an objective is being done quick does not mean they are sweating or want to get out of the game as quick as possible, they're just not being complete dipshits.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,112

    For me, right now, I do it to hopefully complete this challenge I've been stuck on for days. Unhooking someone safely during the endgame collapse. Like that's going to happen.

  • ArcticWolf
    ArcticWolf Member Posts: 44

    Survivors only objectives are to work on gens and save others who are hooked. What do you the game to be them just standing around doing nothing?

  • ArcticWolf
    ArcticWolf Member Posts: 44

    Yes thats what a lot of killer mains want you to do. Just stand there. I mean ill butt dance if thats what they want instead so its not just standing

  • Prex91
    Prex91 Member Posts: 764

    Obviously because survivor objective is only that, before they can open exits and go out. Totems are a thing only with hexes, cleanse only for that powerful perks. Bad players rush and go stealth/run Away with sprint, to camp/insta down a pallet because they dont like to learn how to loop. Good players smash gens when not 360 you/juke you or burn your time at jungle gyms/try flash or pallet saves. Gens flys cause of very well balanced maps like little Ormond with 1000 tiles and a millon second chance perk. Killer and solo surv (teammates stealth let die you on hook) are very fun. Devs dont want to sell skins to surv with friends and make them easy life and satisfaction. Change my Mind.

  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181
    edited October 2020

    I do gens because I don't trust my teammates to. I also do gens because it's the main objective for survivors to win. I'll do other things if I think it's necessary, like look for totems if the killer has a hex or take aggro from a teammate who's being focused. But other then that, if I'm not being chased I'll do gens.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Wow this just seems like the most pointless post ever.

    Survivors can do a few things other than gens.

    1. Search chests
    2. Heal (If anyone is even injured)
    3. Flashlight saves
    4. Find killer to try and get them to chase you (will probably look like your trying to bully them)
    5. Mori, broken add-ons or tunnelling/camping killers

    So maybe it's not that survivors want to gen rush it's just that they have nothing else to do.

  • WalkedMoss92
    WalkedMoss92 Member Posts: 275

    Because it's the objective? You're mad that we're doing the objective faster than usual?

  • "Why are people not responding to my complaining like i want them to?? Mods help, they're the toxic ones!"

  • AlexisFox
    AlexisFox Member Posts: 127

    I gen rush for the same reason the killer hook rushes, it's the objective of the match. Survivors are supposed to repair the gens, open a gate, and escape. Killers are supposed to sacrifice the survivors to the Entity. Killers don't waste their time, they go hard against survivors. Why should survivors do any less with their objective? Threads like this just sound like a killer main not wanting to learn how to get survivors to leave a gen and go find a different one so that one can regress slowing down the game by the killer's actions instead of relying on perks to make up for their own inadequacies or for survivors to be incompetent enough to hand them an easy game.

  • Jorasly
    Jorasly Member Posts: 9
    edited October 2020

    Everyone! All of you reading posts like this and trying to speak logically or share opinions. Just stop. What ever you say, it's not going to matter. People who think like the OP will never, and I mean NEVER, change their mind about the "injustice" being done to them.

    People like this post on forums in hopes that someone somewhere will agree with them. In hopes that satisfaction will make them feel better that they didn't win a game.

    You can quickly identify these enigmatic creatures when they use negative words like "sweaty" and "try hard" to describe someone better than them. These words are a cop-out and your doing yourself a disservice by lying to yourself. Learn how to lose. Then maybe you can learn to be a winner.

    *Steps down from soapbox*

  • Artemis_LH
    Artemis_LH Member Posts: 113

    YOU'RE the one whining on here about stupid ######### most of us killers have already dealt with (something about beating a dead horse comes to mind).

    Not my fault you get 'gen rushed' like a scrub.

    If anyone here has been triggered, it's you.

    Your reaction (like you're attempt at deflecting) is hilarious.

  • mistar_z
    mistar_z Member Posts: 857
    edited October 2020

    Because its the objective? Sort of like when I play killer and some smartass decides to get downed in the basement.

    I don't go in with the mindset of doing it, but when given the opportunity why wouldn't I?

  • Withered8
    Withered8 Member Posts: 1,241

    Because every killer these days runs ruin undying.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    Why do you chase and hook survivors in the first couple minutes? Oh... it's your objective? Ok.

  • Envi
    Envi Member Posts: 4

    Well I'm not going to sit around waiting for killer to kill my team, honestly there's no problem to gen rushing its more of the killers fault at that point.

    Its literally not a surviors fault it they gen rush, your job as killer is to kill them and make sure the gens aren't done. Some surviors do gens while the ones who are the more aggressive surviors are being chased.

    Personally maining both sides I can see where its annoying but like part of being killer is to know to stop chasing a survior to stop gens from being complete.

    Unless your definition of gen rushing is something else.

  • Inji
    Inji Member Posts: 1,096

    Im closing it on request of the OP

This discussion has been closed.