I looked up Old Freddy...

I gotta say, he looks like he was pretty fun. Weak but fun.
From the looks of it, you had to play him completely differently from other killers and that's awesome! I mean, let's face it, almost all the current killers play the same and have to play tiles mostly the same way with maybe their power giving them an edge on certain tiles.
The only killers that I would call "unique" anymore are Nurse and Hag. Nurse can... oh, come on, we all know why Nurse is absolutely terrifying in the right hands, let's not go there. Hag approaches chases differently since she's all about getting survivors into her web of traps and being 10 places at once and it's terrifying.
Old Freddy was unique and now he's a boring, standard killer. Old Legion was unique and... okay, yeah, he was a mistake, never mind—good call changing that one.
Still, I kinda wish there was another killer like Old Freddy. Weak or not, he looked like he was a blast to play! Current Freddy, my personal hatred aside, it just another basic killer with really good tools at his disposal.
Idk what my actual point here was—just my personal ramblings.
The current freddy doesn't even feel like freddy anymore. I wish they would have done something with him that didn't require an entire rework.
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Old freddy had to put asleep first then hit you. Survivors tend to abused this fact and crowd around the sleep survivor. I do enjoy the fact you had no collision with awake survivors.
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Here's me praying we get an old Freddy type of killer coming soon. I loved old Freddy and it's a shame he got reworked due to having a different playstyle.
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I really do miss him, but if you went against the OG forever Freddy you'd hate playing against him.
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He was great fun, and you’re absolutely correct, he did have to be played differently.
I mained old Freddy and the only killer currently similar in the roster is Plague.
Freddy had to think about the survivors as whole and regularly put survivors back to sleep, in the same way Plague has to prioritise getting every survivor infected ASAP.
Freddy was about “managing” the survivors and getting them to constantly be wasting time waking up, and getting them to blow a HUGE amount of skillchecks, making gen repairs take FOREVER.
I loved him, and was really damn good with him in red ranks.
The rework, although good, still upset me, and I miss old Freddy. Deeply.
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Yeah after maining og Freddy for a long time I was pretty bummed when i returned after a break and he was competilly different.
His power was completly abusable by survivors though. I remember downing someone at the exit gates and not being able to pick them up because awake survivors started healing him and they healed them faster then i could put them to sleep.
Another instance where 4 survivors where on a generator and i couldn't stop them cause they kept getting a skillcheck in the 7 seconds it took to put them to sleep. They finished the gen without me being able to stop it.
It was insanly lucky on their side ofcourse to be getting constant skillchecks but not enough to lose all their progress but still. Stuff like that happened
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Old freddy was one of the worst things i ever played you hit someone they use an instaheal (back then it was really instant) oh did i mention they also wake up 7sec again hit them again to hear the last gen pops and adrenaline and then i never played him again till the rework and now hes op with good perks
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On paper he looked like fun, in reality it was possibily the most frustrating experience you could have as a killer.
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I really liked his concept. Like REALLY liked his concept. I didn't like his implementation as much :/
Then the devs made him not that. Now, I still don't like him but moreso.
An advocate of place-able totems, an "untethering from obstacles" pallet interaction (required before pallet usage), and the removal of Exposed from tier 1 Devour Hope.
Also supports changes to how many survivors need to be present to start repairs on a generator.
#revertNurseaddons #reverttieroneDevour #reverttiertwoBL #nofreechaseresources #placeabletotems #revertBillysounds #workwiththemusicyouhave
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Old Freddy was really weak unless you played an extremely specific playstyle. But he actually felt like Freddy. He was also pretty frustrating to use because a survivor could get a skillcheck during the dream transition, so you'd literally stand there spinning your wheels for 14 seconds just for the chance to be able to hit someone.
New Freddy is strong, but I don't feel like Freddy. Just kind of boring and basic gameplay. Not a lot of opportunity for skill expression.
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Besides Doctor, old Freddy was probably the Killer I played the most back then (not by choice, I just got his daily every other day for a few weeks). He could be devastating in the right hands (like all Killers), but when a Survivor can confidently Self-Care in your face after dropping a pallet for the chance that you can't punish them, you know there's a problem.
I miss the old Freddy and want something similar to him to return, but there would need to be quite a few changes to make that Killer viable.
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Yeah I used to love playing as him even though he wasn't the best. I thought they were going to improve his power but they changed him completely. :(
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Yeah, I wish I could've played old Freddy, he looked really fun. I wish they'd have just buffed his power instead of completely reworking it. The new Freddy, while really strong, is kinda boring compared to the old one. It'd be cool if they implemented an addon that let you get his old power back or something, however unlikely that is to happen.
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Was the old Freddie unique? He didn't really do anything different other than a minor delay.
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I used to main OG Freddy. He was fun, but was he "completely different"?
No. He was still just a M1 killer, but a lot weaker. You had to wait 7 seconds after putting a survivor to sleep before you could attack them, and survivors could wake themselves up mid-chase with self-care (which was a huge part of the meta back then).
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He was really different and had fun mechanics - most of which took inspiration from the film: his biggest problem was that his entire power revolved around skillchecks - failed skillchecks would wake up sleeping Survivors.
Skillchecks are, by their nature, completely random.
I'm sure you can see the problem here already; how he was released honestly baffles me.
A Survivor might start Self-Caring in your face, instantly mess up a skillcheck and become invincible for 7~ish seconds. Or a Survivor might Self-Care themselves to full through Sloppy Butcher and Freddy's built in sleeping debuff, but not once get a skillcheck.
Depending on the will of RNGeezus you might comfortably slug everyone at 5 gens or get like two or three hooks all game. This is all without mentioning the innate issues behind a Killer that has to wait 7 seconds to attack a Survivor.
Obviously the devs had to do something about both these issues. And unfortunately just buffing Freddy wasn't an option, because (all memes aside) if he kept people in the dream world he was actually oppressive. All action speeds were halved by basekit (he had add-ons to increase the slow down) and he could see your every move outside his Terror Radius.
If he could do that reliably or consistently, he would absolutely crush people.
I don't particularly agree with the direction they took New Freddy, but Old Freddy did need a rework - not just a buff. It's just lame they didn't stick with more of what made him unique, instead of making him another basic Killer.
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It sucks. I really enjoyed old Freddy. Got all his achievements back then. Now he’s a brain dead killer a monkey could luck into a kill with.
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Very fun when 9/10 situations are like you have to wait and look players getting done with objectives. And alsp dont having any tools in a chase to end it faster.
And I can imagine new players who are nowadays in every rank had fun too because he always new were you are. It negated any kind of stealth gameplay.
Old freddy was bad designed. The only good thing about him was, when you were a decent survivor you could make jokes on him because he wasnt an opponent more like "naww, look at this lil boi, tryin to kill people. But hes so small and weak."
I just wished he wouldnt be that oppressive anymore. That or singleplayer baseline changes to make it valid.
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as someone who played old Freddy Add On less from rank 10 to 1 i can assure you: he was super weak (outright frustrating at times), but he was a god damn blood point machine.
but i can not deny that he had some huge flaws that, after the rework, were taken care off - he basically went from being the only killer whose power was an outright downgrade to being the only one whose power has literally no weak spot.
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I'm sorry, but if all you have to back up this outrageous claim is "I looked it up" with no actual experience for what it was actually like, I can't say yours is a very reliable opinion.
You're an outsider looking in. I'll tell you right now he sucked. He wasn't fun to play as or against, it was boring, it was tedious, and FAR from unique. I don't understand how the hell you can confuse "being unique" with straight up "Being an M1 killer" that's ALL he was unless you scaled really far up the chain to the most skilled of the old version Freddy's who used the brief glimpses of visibility during dream transition to mindgame, but even this wasn't reliable at every tile, (not to mention these people themselves were probably more rare than finding a good Nurse nowadays). Spirit does the exact same goddamn thing or at least something very similar, but consistently, yet I don't see you praising her for being "unique".
These "Old Freddy Sympathizers" need to die out already. I'm tired of hearing this being brought up, especially since it was us the community as a majority that pushed so long (2 FULL YEARS) for these changes. And now people on a whim decide to google it and think "actually, it looked like blast!"
You've got to be kidding me. Hell ######### no it was not.
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Old Freddy was complete garbage, dont let anyone fool you
Being able to miss a healing check mid chase and be safe for a minimum of 5-10 seconds was stupid
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Boring, and slightly too good at being a pubstomper.
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you've probably already seen videos, but I wanted to share this one:
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This ^^^
Old Freddy may have been unique with the double realm, but he played like a ######### m1 killer for both sides. It boiled down to "If your awake there is no killer" and "If your asleep there are no gens."
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He was fun some times. But think about how survivors will abuse ds and bt in a swf at the exit gates. Now imagine that on top of that if they are awake you can't even touch them! There were so many games were I was just walking the survivors out the exit right next to them and couldn't do a single thing while they tbagged to the last second before I could swing and then they leave. New Freddy is op but old Freddy was just frustrating to play.
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Freddy just needed some QoL changes. Not the whole rework.
Being able to interact with survivors, while they are holding m1 would have solved most of his issues.
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I was an old Freddy main. Honestly 80% of the frustration was him being hard countered by certain meta perks. This was back when almost every survivor ran both selfcare and adrenaline. The other 20% was survivors just finishing gens in your face, although you could run two blocks and just grab them off.
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What made Freddy unique was the way that you had to play him, because of how his power worked.
He had to fight the Survivors as whole: putting them all to sleep to benefit from his slowdown, and pressuring multiple people by alternating between leaving people and jumpscaring them to make use of his small Terror Radius and built in aura reading.
Playing him like you would any other Killer would just get you stomped: if you try to 1v1 people you're just a 115% M1 Killer that can only hurt one person at a time. Obviously you'll lose unless the Survivors just give you the win.
Old Freddy was all about juggling people and slowing things down as you chipped through their resources and did your best to keep every plate spinning.
Was he good? Heck no; he needed to be reworked.
Even ignoring the obvious problems of the 7 second transition, skillcheck RNG could and would screw you over: even with the best add-ons to try and counter it. I know, I had my share of games where people could just fail skillchecks midchase, even with both dresses. It was dumb and needed changing.
But the way you had to play him was extremely different from every other Killer. It was like playing a different game, and it was incredibly fun when it worked out.
Also Spirit's passive phasing is totally random, you can't use it skillfully as a mindgaming tool as her because you can't know when it happens or for how long. It just happens and maybe tricks Survivors, but maybe they just messed up - you'll never know.
Freddy's was timed and meant that you, the player, could intentionally use it as a mindgame provided you had experience and a suitable loop.
Spirit is a unique Killer, but there's a big difference between the two mechanics.
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That was a... strong reaction.
Yes, I am fully aware of how weak he was. Yes, I think the rework was ultimately necessary. I'm not arguing for them to revert the rework and bring back Old Freddy. No need to respond that harshly.
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He was awful......
A killer that has to bring survivors into his "world", has to wait 7 seconds at basekit........ for what? ..... to chase as an M1 killer ofcourse... ah yes such fun..
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Old Freddy was easy to learn, hard to master with a high skill ceiling at which point he became extremely powerful.
The way ALL killers should be.
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I guess people forget how useless he was after gens were done. People could unhook in your face even without BT and you're just standing there like an idiot as they escape. You have to sit there and wait for them to fall asleep, while they gain like 100m of distance towards the gate.. THEN you MIGHT be able to get a hit if they don't reach a window or pallet.
You get body blocked by awake survivors that you can't hit. Truly remarkable.
He was utter trash late game.
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Exactly! It's astonishing how old Freddy get's glorified in this forum, when he was just a plain bad experience for both sides!
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I think this is less of people glorifying a weak killer, and more of people wanting an interesting killer. As strong as Current Freddy is... he's boring. Loop? Snare. No loop? Hold W. Info on BBQ? Teleport, pop, repeat. It's so boring because there's so little depth to him...
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I agree. I liked his concept eventhough it was weak.