Best add on combos for every killer?

I don't expect people to list every killer but I'm looking to go through the killers one by one and play 3-5 games each. So throw out some ideas for any killer, please. And if you think that killer has a learning curve (ie Nurse) then feel free to suggest good add ons for beginners in particular.
Thank you :)
For reference..
I have the least amount of experience with Oni, Nurse, Billy, Demogorgon, Hag and Huntress.
Most with Wraith, Pyramid Head, Ghost Face, Myers, Freddy and Spirit.
(BTW this is just for fun, I'm not looking to judge the killers on base kit and no perks VS best add ons and perks, or anything like that)
Hag’s strongest combo is probably Rusty Shackles and Dried Cicada, but it’s pretty dirty so expect to get hate for it.
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Blight soul chemical and compound 33 i guess
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Double cooldown add-ons for Ghostface is a must. Nurse I'd say recovery add-ons. Billy you'd definitly want turning add-ons for beginning, same with Oni. Demogorgon you can honestly go with anything. Huntress one of the belts and maybe the aura reading add-on.
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Huntress obviously irridescent head+infantry belt
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Trapper: Purple bag & Tar Bottle (any bag is really good actually)
Ghostface: Chewed Pen & Address Book
Pig: Combat Straps and Video Tape (or Jigsaw's Sketch & annotated Plan to make headtraps a real pain)
Myers: Hair Bow & J. Myers Memorial (Dead Rabbit is also really good with Monitor + Infectious)
These are the only killers I feel confident enough to say what their best addons are.
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1.Alchemist ring + c33, speed, turnrate
2.Double turnrate
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Does anyone have tips for Clown? I just got him and I’m not sure what perks/addons to use.
Also, the Clown DLC is free right now if you have game pass.
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Legion: Double duration, only good addons he has.
PH: None of his addons are good. Range and Iridescent Seal of Metatron are the only addons he has that actually do anything at all.
Demogorgon: You already know.
Oni: If you struggle to land Demon Strikes, Lion Fang + Splintered Hull. If you don't, Tear Soaked Tenugui + Ink Lion. Speed addons are okay, but can make him harder to control. Ink Lion + Cracked Sakzuki are great if you're constantly moving in and out of Blood Fury. Splintered Hull + Wooden Oni Mask are good if you struggle to M1 healthy Survivors, as well as Shattered Wakizashi.
Blight: Alchemist's Ring. Literally anything with Alchemist's Ring. He's the one Killer who has almost nothing but really good addons, but Alchemist's Ring is just... it's so busted, dude. The best addons to run with Ring would be Blighted Rat/Crow, the event serum, or a turning addon. Aside from Ring, double turning, event serum + Shredded Notes, Shredded Notes + Iridescent Blight Tag, and Notes + Compund 33 are good. The last one is especially good with Enduring since it affects the stun when Rushing a pallet with 33.
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If it helps, Otz revisited his old add-on guide to discuss which ones he thinks are (or are not) worth using. It's like 8 hours long, but you can skip around and just the watch parts that correspond to killers you like.
While it's not super combo-specific, he does periodically mention how well certain add-ons work in tandem with each other and how you might make use of some of these (or if they are bugged/detrimental/useless and should never be seriously brought).
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For addons the Solvent Jug is really good for a yellow addon, pair it up with Flask of Bleach and you have a really good combo. Survivors run even slower in the gas and can't use Dead Hard, Lithe etc. Perk build I switch around a lot but Discordance and STBFL is always good so why not pair it up with Ruin and Undying.
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Thanks for all the responses, everyone! I'm writing them all down to try out
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- Iridescent Stone (Ultra Rare)
- Stitched Bag (Very Rare)
Basically just trap all loops and you'll never have to worry trapping anything for the rest of the game.
- Coxcombed Clapper (Ultra Rare)
- "Windstorm" - Blood (Very Rare)
You make 0 sound while cloaking and uncloaking and you can traverse the map with imense speed and ambush Survivors very very well with this combo.
- LoPro Chains (Very Rare)
- Mother's Helpers (Rare)
2 good Add-Ons with basically no downsides. LoPro if used against injured Survivors will get hits at pallets which you wouldn't get without it. Also, this Add-On is one of the most satisfying ones ever released. Mother's Helpers gives you faster charge after pallet stuns which is always nice.
- Kavangha's Last Breath (Very Rare)
- Fragile Wheeze (Rare)
More Range and faster blink recovery speed. Basically buffs the strongest Killer in the game.
- Iridescent Head (Ultra Rare)
- Infantry Belt (Very Rare)
This combo won't be as strong anymore at some point but for now it's to obvious that this is the most powerful Huntress combo and also the most busted combo in the entire game.
- Tombstone Piece (Very Rare)
- J. Myers Memorial (Rare)
The ability to kill someone off early with no real penalty makes this the best combo for Myers. Of course there is this penalty of losing a quarter of the progress bar but you killed someone off, which basically wins you the game instantly. J. Myers Memorial makes it even stronger by making the stalk time less.
- Mint Rag (Ultra Rare)
- Rusty Shackles (Very Rare)
Mint Rag lets you teleport anywhere whenever you want, the Trap doesn't need to be triggered. Also, when you teleport you make almost no sounds while doing so, making it very similar to the old (Mother Daughter Ring/Prayer Beads) combo on Spirit.
- Iridescent King (Ultra Rare)
- High Stimulus Electrode (Rare)
This combo became even stronger since they removed the downside of the electrodes. Iridescent King basically does everything, every single affliction will be applied and you will lose brain cells as Survivor. The electrode is nice to have since it increases your shock range without a downside, making it easier to put Survivors into high madness.
- Iridescent Flesh (Ultra Rare)
- Award Winning Chili (Very Rare)
2 Add-Ons with no downsides. Iridescent Flesh replenishes all Charges when you hit someone with the Chainsaw, which isn't really hard, and Award Winning Chili basically increases the Duration of your sweep without any downsides. I didn't use it yet but it's probably the best combo to use.
- Red Paint Brush (Ultra Rare)
- Swing Chains (Very Rare)
Get 8 % slowdown right at the start of the match since everybody is asleep. Survivors can't wake up by using skill checks and they'll immediately be vulnerable to your snares. Swing Chains also applies slowdown to awake Survivors from -2 % up to -8 % for each asleep Survivor.
- Tampered Timer (Very Rare)
- Jigsaw's Sketch (Very Rare)
Basically make Reverse Bear Traps as deadly as possible with this combo. Tampered Timer reduces the RBT Timer from 2min 30 sec. to only 2 minutes and Jigsaw's Sketch increases the Jigsaw Boxes from 4 to 5, making it very hard to remove Bear Traps.
- Redhead's Pinky Finger (Ultra Rare)
- Cheap Gin Bottle (Very Rare)
Similar to Huntress, Red Head's Pinky Finger lets you instadown Survivors. You have to hit someone with a bottle directly which will apply the "Exposed" Status Effect for as long as they are intoxicated (2 seconds base after they leave the cloud). Cheap Gin Bottle will give you 2 extra Bottles making it 6 in total. 6 Chances to hit someone with a bottle to insta down them.
- Mother Daughter Ring (Ultra Rare)
- Yakuyoke Amulet (Very Rare)
Since the old Prayer Beads got nerfed, making it not as strong anymore, this combo is the new best combo on Spirit. Mother Daughter Ring gives you +40 % movement speed while phasing, making you extremely fast. Yakuyoke gives -15 % on phasing speed but will give you +3 seconds of duration on your Power.
You basically move 25 % faster now with 8 seconds of duration with the downside of not seeing scratch marks, which won't bother decent and good Spirits.
- Iridescent Button (Ultra Rare)
- Stolen Sketch Book (Rare)
Iridescent Button lets you break pallets when you vault them which is a very nice thing and will also make your Terror Radius cover the entire map while using Frenzy, basically giving you information of where everyone is. Stolen Sketch Book is his best Add-On, which basically increases your Duration during Frenzy, making it easier to chain Frenzy Hits and reach spots easier.
- Black Incense (Ultra Rare)
- Vile Emetic (Very Rare)
Black Incense will give you Wall hacks everytime a Survivors is vomiting while being broken. Vile Emetic basically makes sure you get Survivors broken faster when puking on them. Since you have one corrupted pool now by default, you can first break everyone, drink from the pool and you know where everyone is while you have your extremely deadly Corrupt Purge.
- Chewed Pen (Rare)
- Olsen's Adress Book (Uncommon)
Depends on how you play Ghostface. If you stalk, you switch Olsen's Adress Book with "Ghostface caught on Tape". I rarely stalk, I rather use the hit and run combo where I injure people and ambush them when they heal and try to apply injures on everyone, moving around everyone to make me unpredictable as possible. Chewed Pen and Olsen's Adress Book reduce your recovery from Night Shroud from 30 Seconds to 16 Seconds, giving you more time to be in stealth mode.
- Mew's Guts (Uncommon)
- Rat Liver (Common)
The first cheap best Add-On combo. But unfortunately Demo's rarer Add-Ons really suck while his cheap Add-Ons are good. Mew's Guts gives you one extra Portal and faster recovery after missed Shreds and Rat Liver increases your movement speed from 92 % to 101 % while holding Shred, making you lose no distance while using Shred.
- Lion Fang (Very Rare)
- Scalped Topknot (Rare)
Lion Fang gives you +10 seconds extra duration on your Blood Fury Power, raising it from 45 to 55 Seconds which is almost one minute of an extremely powerful Power. Scalped Topknot is his best Add-on and it reduces your charge while charing up the Demon Dash ability from 2 to 1 second which is similar to the insta Saw Billy before his nerf but more powerful.
- Warden's Keys (Rare)
- Modified Ammo Belt (Common)
His Add-Ons aren't really crazy but double Reload Add-ons reduce his Reload time from 2.75 Seconds to 2 Seconds, making it really fast and you lose less distance while reloading.
- Burnig Man Painting (Rare)
- Wax Doll (Uncommon)
Increases the Range of your Range attack from 8 Metres to 10.5 Metres, which is his best combo. Similar to Deathslinger, his Add-Ons aren't crazy or are just bad. All his "very rares" should be avoided since they do very little. His ultra Rares are meme'y. Double range makes him deadlier if you know how to use his range attack.
- Compound 33 (Ultra Rare)
- Alechmist Ring (Very Rare)
Compound 33 lets you break pallets instantly when slamming at them and it will stun you for 1.5 seconds which is so little that the Survivor won't gain any distance after you break the pallet. It is basically Spirit Fury/Enduring as an Add-on, and it also slows Survivors within 16 metres while you are slamming, giving you opportunity to hit someone easier. Alchemist Ring recharges all your Tokens when you hit someone with a Rush, similar to Cannibal's "Iridescent Flesh".
Those are my opinions and the majority consist of 1 Ultra Rare and 1 Very Rare Add-on.
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His best is probably 6 bottles + pinky finger or 6 bottles + bleach. You can do ether 15% + bleach for some really really nasty bottles but only having 4 bottles with the base reload is awful. I try to always have 5-6 bottles or a cork stopper equipped. Having the bigger gas clouds can be nice when you are having an off-day or are tired and are missing the shots.
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I agree with most of it. Not sure if I think mint rag is the best since you really only use it for cheesy tactics and can't spam traps freely while using it, where-as the extra range one is just great overall.
Cannibal is also debatable. You will only get use out of Iri flesh against bad teams while also running infectious fright. Good teams won't let you chain the downs and having double chili or purple chili + primer bulb is better in a 1v1.
Oni I prefer the extra blood orbs one over the duration. It lets you get your first blood rage much faster than usual and having it earlier instead of lasting longer is better to me since it allows you to snowball as quickly as possible.
Deathslinger I like reload + extra chain strength over double reload. It allows a ton of hits that would normally not be possible with the base chain.
Executioner I think double range is redundant. I think range + duration is the way to go. You can hold the sword for sooooo long with the green duration and it allows you to cover entire loops in his trails while also threatening the M2 at the same time.