I'm sorry but I currently need to use stretched resolution

DaisukeJP Member Posts: 10
edited October 2020 in General Discussions

Recent patches (4.2.0+) have KILLED the game's performance, I remember being able to run the game at 60 FPS at low settings without issue even with my 2 year old low-end PC before and now I'm lucky if I can get 40 without stretching the resolution. I have read about how it gives me an unfair advantage and I feel gross doing it but it's really the only thing that's working for me. Somebody please tell me they are doing something about performance.

 I do not enjoy playing stretched because it looks blurry and gives me vertigo when I play for too long (besides the fact it's borderline cheating) but If I try to play without stretched, the fps often goes below 20 which is virtually unplayable for killers like Nurse which I play a lot of. I have tried to but simply can't stay away from DBD for more than 2 days, it distracts me from IRL issues so "just stop playing until they optimize it" doesn't cut it. I'm in college so it's not like I have the money to just upgrade my hardware which used to run the game just fine. I hope they fix this soon. Don't know what I'll do for fun if I end up getting banned for using stretched to be able to play.


  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    This must be over my head, why would you running on a custom 1:1 ratio resolution (which is what the "stretched resolution" cheat basically is) have anything to do with improving framerate?

  • DaisukeJP
    DaisukeJP Member Posts: 10
    edited November 2020

    EDIT: I'll remove the comment because I gave a dumb answer

    Post edited by DaisukeJP on
  • CornHub
    CornHub Member Posts: 1,864

    Unless you're recording or streaming no one will know you use stretched res. People used to do worse and changed blood and scratch marks to green without being banned.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,742

    Yes I made those graphical aids in my phones pictures app and yes they're ######### beautiful.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,780

    Can you not play windowed, or just drop the resolution via the slider?

  • FilledPizza
    FilledPizza Member Posts: 392

    Well, you can somewhat tell that someone is using stretched res if they're playing survivor if they're always looking down during a chase.

  • AlexisFox
    AlexisFox Member Posts: 127

    I'm sorry but it is NOT cheating to change your graphics settings for the game to run the way it does for everyone else. The whole point in being able to adjust settings on PC is BECAUSE not all PC's are the same like all PS4's or all Xboxes are. Anyone who claims you are cheating either doesn't know what they are talking about or is making a bad faith argument to keep you at a disadvantage.

  • Schinsly
    Schinsly Member Posts: 176

    make sure you also turn off anti aliasing, and if it makes your vision hurt you can player with it bordered so it looks normally but cut off if that makes sense

  • Mert_MK
    Mert_MK Member Posts: 674

    Same here. I used to be able to run this game on High with a pretty stable 60 fps for the most part. Now i get fps drops and stutters at low even in less demanding maps like Autohaven for example. Now i'm forced to switch to 1600x1080 and Low settings, i don't really mind it as it looks quite nice but i find it ridiculous that i have to resort to this now because somehow with every update the performance just keeps getting worse and worse to the point that i'm getting worried i won't be able to run the game at all lmao.

    By the way, if you want to get rid of the blurryness you can use Nvidia Freestyle or Reshade and apply a sharpness filter, looks a lot better.

  • Xbob42
    Xbob42 Member Posts: 1,117
    edited November 2020

    Um... you can run at a lower resolution without changing it to a resolution that turns you into a cheater. Am I missing something here? Do you not understand how resolutions work?

    The explanation of "resolutions not being rendered on the whole monitor" or whatever is just nonsense. Stretched resolution renders more of the game world, thus increasing load compared to a comparable, normal resolution at the correct aspect ratio. Normal resolutions also render smaller images that are simply blown up to full size (and thus look blurrier/more aliased) -- this isn't 1993 where you press the minus key to make Doom smaller and smaller until it runs smooth.

    Performance hits due to resolution primarily come from how many pixels a resolution is pushing, which is an equation you already know because it's right there:

    1920 x 1080 = 2,073,600 pixels

    1440 x 1080 (which I believe is a popular stretch res) = 1,555,200 pixels

    However, because DBD is weird, that res also dramatically increases your FOV, rendering more of the game world at once, which is gonna be a BIG hit to performance on lesser systems as less of the environment is culled.


    1408 x 792 (divisible by 8, unlike 1440 x 810 which is 16:9 but not divisible by 8) = 1,115,136 pixels.

    A very similar resolution, but much easier on your machine because it's almost 450k fewer pixels, and even better on performance because it displays the proper FOV. All while looking much better because you're not using a weird aspect ratio.

  • DaisukeJP
    DaisukeJP Member Posts: 10

    No, I don't understand how resolutions work. Sorry. I'll try this.