Do you think Legion needs a buff or rework?

I wanted to know people's opinions.

When I say buff, I mean largely keeping his kit the same with some minor adjustments (maybe some QoL changes) while making doing an add-on pass. Rework would be changing several aspects of their power, and a total rework is completely changing the killer.

Personally? i think a minor rework would be good enough while changing most of his add-ons, but that's just me.


  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited November 2020

    A mix of a real rework and undone of the already done rework, with the aim to max fun and this time please also for the Legionplayerbase and not only the audience of 2-3 streamers, thaaanks bhvr waves, thanks^^.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    Definitely rework.

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409


  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,226

    I think an addon pass and a few QOL changes would be nice for the near future, but as it stands, their basekit is in an ok spot. I think Legion is quite an underrated killer, being able to injure an entire team very quickly is quite powerful. However, they're not the best killer in the world and I can see why people are unhappy with them.

    It'd be cool if their basekit was reworked a bit to make them a little more interesting (maybe making deep wound a bit more of a threat instead of "oh I have to mend in the next 30 seconds", but the devs already said they were looking into deep wound in the last Q&A), but I can understand why the devs don't want to touch them with a 10ft pole, given how much of a disaster the old Legion was.

    I saw a pretty cool idea in the Feedback section that @Szarman suggested, which would punish survivors for not mending or healing by (eventually) making their power lethal. I think something along the lines of that would be a good change, but should be implemented with great care and consideration as to not make their power unfun again.

  • Szarman
    Szarman Member Posts: 246

    Hey, Thank's for mentioning me :)

    I would like to see these changes:

    • Make The Legion more aggressive than slowdown (more fun to play as killer and against him)
    • Change most of their addons
    • Make Deep Wound more threathning, but not as long as now (noone likes holding M1 for too long)
    • Make their Power more threatning, because the current power encourage non-healing gameplay. (This makes The Legion an M1 killer which is really boring.)
    • Make fatigue shorter because is wayyy too long.
    • Make Killer Instinct work with Undetectable and Oblivious status effects
    • Make Missing attacks in Frenzy less punishy.

    I think I didn't forget anything :)

  • Tatariu
    Tatariu Member Posts: 3,068

    I believe there are only a few issues with The Legion currently.

    • Deep Wound is not oppressive at the moment (this is being addressed by reducing the timer).
    • Mending isn't an interactive, or engaging action (it's not fun).
    • Feral Frenzy has too many penalties (brutally long fatigue, no scratch marks/blood pools, basic attacks deplete the power gauge).

    Once theses issues are resolved, or mitigated, The Legion will be more fun to go against and will also be more powerful.

  • StibbityStabbity
    StibbityStabbity Member Posts: 1,839

    I agree they need a rework, but I feel like their core mechanics are actually fine. I like Legion and their playstyle, but it definitely needs some kind of alteration.

    I think the issue is that the Devs have a very set idea for Legion, which is that they brutally efficient at WOUNDING the entire Survivor team at break-neck speeds. In theory and on paper, this sounds devastating and powerful. The current implementation of it, however, doesn't work out too well.

    • Fatigue is too long
    • Power consumption outside of Frenzy is brutal
    • Deep Wounds is annoying but not particularly threatening
    • It feels weird to stab people a GORILLION times and they don't go down
    • Legions power makes them VERY predictable due to the need to use the power before the timer is up

    The ability to use Legions power more surgically via reducing the fatigue and maybe NOT MAKING BASIC ATTACKS CAUSE POWER CONSUMPTION would be a massive boon. It would allow Legion to mix up their playstyle instead of feeling like the only optimal use of their power is a stabbing spree that makes them go on a drive-by smooching spree to all the Survivors. Also, when Legion pop Feral Frenzy because their mix-tape got to the badass guitar solo and THAT MEANS IT'S TIME TO STAB TEENAGERS, the Survivors notice. They look at their HUDs and monitor Deep Wounds. If they get stabbed and aren't the last Survivor, they stay in place to mend and continue work on that gen. The ability to do this removes the pressure that a Killer using their power SHOULD cause. The only person feeling any pressure is the one that hears the fatigue sound after a stab, because they know they are the M1 focus target.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060

    Rework. As long as Legion is able to vault windows and Pallets, they will not be able to make a strong Killer out of him.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Just a buff. My idea was every chained hit removes extra deep wound timer.


    • 1st survivor - Full DW timer
    • 2nd survivor - 2/3 DW timer
    • 3rd survivor - 1/3 DW timer
    • 4th survivor - Instadown
  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Need? Not really sure.

    Want? Rework.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    For me a buff is all i really want to see.

    Kinda afraid that if they rework them i might not enjoy the rework anymore. Kinda like freddy.

    Some QoL changes and some changes to some of their addons

    I would rather keep playing a midtier killer i enjoy then them getting bumbed to A tier with a rework but i won't enjoy anymore

  • Only2Megabytes
    Only2Megabytes Member Posts: 37

    Rework, although id like them to keep FF, I can see why they wouldn't, historically Legion has either been too weak, or broken. A Buff either wouldn't do much or make him unfair to go against.

  • Robotman200
    Robotman200 Member Posts: 49

    I wish the idea of legion being multiple people played more into their power.

  • musefan
    musefan Member Posts: 345

    I think legion is the type of killer that would make use of technology.

    I suggest give them a bunch of cameras they can set up around the map that will trigger when a player is spotted.

    That kind of thing would suit legion.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    So this'll sound weird to everyone...

    I actually really like the feeling of playing Legion...

    But what is it that Legion does?

    You run a bit faster than usual, hit Survivors like usual, and put an extra health state on them that they either have to heal or they go down by you or the health state.

    Meanwhile, here you've got Plague slinging around puke that either cripples them or does straight-up damage.

    Doctor is denying vaults & makes hallucinations of many kinds (Skill Checks are weird, fake Terror Radius, etc.).

    Executioner has this cool ranged attack that bypasses objects & is putting you in a completely new kind of hook.

    Legion's really bland to me, and i wouldn't mind a re-do of their Killer Power at all.

    At least for the kill move, wouldn't it be so cool if the Entity made the other Legion members appear, and they all stab the Survivor together?

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    It would be cool if killers had multiple mori animations. Something you could change like charms

  • TheWarNung
    TheWarNung Member Posts: 794

    Legion seems to be in a pretty healthy place right now, especially compared to his past incarnations.

    In a related note it seems weird to me that so many people despise holding m1 to mend, but don't seem to mind holding m1 to do gens... or holding m1 to heal... or holding m1 to open gates... or to open chests... or to recover... or to get their Piggy hats off... or to snap out of it.

  • APoipleTurtle
    APoipleTurtle Member Posts: 1,274

    Probably a rework. I don't think there's much more they can do with Legion's kit without more dynamic changes to it.

    At the very least, Deep Wounds needs improved to be a more effective/useful status (or replaced entirely with a Legion-unique status, since that was its original role).

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,371

    Right now Legion could use some minor buffs to his power like removing the loss of his power bar on M1 hits. But the real thing he needs is a look at some of his addons. We have the useless rare addons in Frank's Mixtape and Stab Wound Study and the Killer Instinct Range addons aren't really that helpful either.

    But power wise he's in a good spot.

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    If they do anything, it'd be changing what Deep Wounds does, but even then I doubt that. FF is an easy first hit and automatic tracking of other survivor movements. It's probably the most flexible ability to build around.

  • Rhymewriter
    Rhymewriter Member Posts: 37

    Ground up rework. There story is about teamwork and friendship and murder and their gameplay is "gotta go fast".

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    A rework. But the same dev that thinks Clown has hidden potential players aren't seeing is the same dev responsible for current Legion. So, it may never happen. They only go off of 'stats,' remember?

  • SaddBoi_NGm
    SaddBoi_NGm Member Posts: 6

    I wouldn't say any of this is NEEDEED, but I feel like it would be fun and neat.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    A buff. Their power may be uncounterable, but it's also not super strong. I think it should reward chaining hits with a shorter post-frenzy stun duration, and increase either the duration or speed to make chaining hits more viable.

  • ChantyBoi
    ChantyBoi Member Posts: 179

    People really underestimate legion. I think a single change that would make him MUCH more dangerous would be to simply increase his speed in frenzy to about 150 or MAYBE 160. As it stands if a legion is more than 16m from you when they start frenzy and you run in a straight line, it is impossible for the legion to catch up in time. Or alternatively make it so he gets a 10% speed increase when he stabs someone up to a 40% bonus. It would make the whole chain stabbing thing much easier.

  • rglarson13
    rglarson13 Member Posts: 205

    You have a valid point, but I feel like you're comment perfectly embodies the problem that so many killers have.

    Everything is done with an eye towards maximizing fun for the survivors. And since it's not fun to lose, get hooked, get downed, etc, there are a million ways to avoid them. Perks, nerfs to killers, the constant clamoring for "counterplay" (really, just a demand that it should always be possible to evade and escape a killer, no matter what they do).

    Meanwhile, the things that are fun for survivors -- long, drawn out chases, tense moments crouching invisible in the bushes while the killer walls right next to you, surprise escapes after being downed or hooked, or surprise immunity to hits that you can spring on a killer -- completely ruin the game for killers.

    Stealth is boring. If you think mending is bad, trying playing against a fully immersed Claudette sweat squad.

    Chases are just stressful. Killers have so many tasks demanding their time already that long chases (something that absolutely should be fun for killers, too) are just stressful reminders that you need to stop playing with your friends and get back to you chores.

    And second chance perks are absolutely awful to play against: you do the thing you're supposed to do and you get punished for it. Or you know it's a problem and your only option is to avoid that survivor (who then realizes they have immunity and flaunts it -- ironically, there's no good counterplay for second chance perks and still I have yet to see one of the daily counterplay threads insisting on a change to those perks).

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    Needs to become a completely different killer. Legion's so incredibly dull and agonisingly simple and boring. Their power is to run at a moderate speed, injure people and force survivors to hold M1 for 10 seconds then carry on with their day. It's so comically bad. There's absolutely nothing to this killer and they need a full-on rework.

  • siren_sorceress
    siren_sorceress Member Posts: 321

    He needs a complete rework. He is essentially a loading bar simulator and half his hits are 100 percent free forcing you to play injured the entire game with no stealth counterplay thanks to his anti stealth abilities. Its poor design and killers still think hes too weak so I guess nobody is satisfied with him?

  • AnnoyingNarrator
    AnnoyingNarrator Member Posts: 222

    Legion always felt to me like an incomplete killer. Like picture plague without her patent ink spray or Pyramid Head without the Cages of Atonement. They still work, but you always feel like something is missing. I think the best way to fix Legion would be to add some sort of element reflecting the multi-person nature of the killer, like being able to switch positions in the map. Like picture you get hit by feral frenzy, you see the legion run off so you go to mend but before you finish, another member of the legion shows up and stabs your kidneys. I am not sure how to balance it, but I think they need some spicing up with a new power.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775


  • Rhymewriter
    Rhymewriter Member Posts: 37

    I like that idea and given the multi-timeline nature of the Trials, you could essential have 3 ghost legions running around on the map not actually doing anything. And the legion in your trial can basically tag in/out with the other three wherever they are on the map. Increasing pressure greatly but providing some counterplay as you can still see the "ghosts" running around.

  • Dredgenn
    Dredgenn Member Posts: 3

    I agree with this 100% legion is just bland when it comes to like everything. the power is below good and the perks are just straight up bad. deep wound doesn't even start counting down until the survivor escapes and if you hit them again while in your power you start yelling like you stubbed a toe for a good 2 seconds and by the time you look up again it's as if the survivor simultaneously used sprint burst and lithe because they're so far away. discordance is cool especially for prove thyself but what is mad grit besides a wiggle stun waiting to happen? iron maiden is just make your choice but with lockers and and active for a lot less time.

  • Demogordon_Ramsay
    Demogordon_Ramsay Member Posts: 1,503

    His entire power is just M1 on steroids. It's so, so impossibly basic to the point where it's either complete trash or broken to hell.

    He needs a rework. He's awful game design.

  • UkilledLegion
    UkilledLegion Member Posts: 620

    only rework stab wound study and frank's mixtape

  • MrPeterPFL
    MrPeterPFL Member Posts: 636

    Definitely rework, Legion’s power should feel like you’re playing as a group of Killers not a singular Killer that keeps getting an asthma attack