Why DC penalty in this game is a bad thing

So yeah, can you guys make that the sistem recognise when you hit the dc button, and when the connection crash. Or I don't know just remove the penality and change it, give me a blood points penalty not a time penalty.
I'm on a 48 hour ban just because the DC penalty sistem it's dogshit
bruh there is no way you got a 48 hour timeout from crashes alone, your dc'ing and thats why you created the account
dont dc your screwing your team over.
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If I was dc'ing I wouldn't be here, I'm not that stupid.
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Play something else until your DC penalty is off
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Why the ######### should I DC during double blood points, in particular when I use my party streamer or a cake.
If I go against something I don't like I'm just gonna kill myself on first hook
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well according to some else you would have to dc or crash at least 7 times and i find it very unlikely for that to happen for you to get to 48 hours without dc'ing.
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If I'm telling you I have connection issues there is a reason. I live in a small city where I'm surprised internet reach, and recently everybody's is having connection issues.
And with double points I wanted to play this game with my boyfriend and have fun.
If the penalty sistem was done right, I wouldn't be here complaining
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Play something else until your DC penalty is off
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Don't punish people you play with by using a bad internet connection. It's not fair to them.
The system is designed to stop players like you too.
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Are you joking right, I'm sorry if I'm not that fortune to live in a big city or to have a good internet service where I live.
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The only people who have a problem with dc bans are the ones dcing on purpose. I do not sympathize.
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I think a d/c penalty with the game in its current state is ridiculous. The client isn't stable. There are too many abusable/unfun things on both sides. Players will awful internet connections or VPNs still have the upper hand. I shouldn't have to stay in a game with a Billy who runs in place and hits me from the other side of a jungle gym. The d/c penalty punishes people for BHVR's lack of quality control most of the time. If they really cared about disconnects, they'd be addressing the reasons behind disconnects with something approaching urgency. But they've never even surveyed on them. Just slap a penalty on it and look the other way.
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If someone leaves the game via the menu, they could likely flag that. That would tell the client and server you left of your own accord. If you are cut off and that flag is absent, it would show your connection was cut off. TECHNICALLY SPEAKING, that would allow the game to know if you quit to menu or if your game/internet cut out.
That said, it would also mean that people that want to DC would be able to just cut off their internet for a moment (reset their modem) and avoid being flagged for quitting. It would also let people use Task Manager to cut the program and essentially fake a crash.
I dunno. I don't like the idea of telling people they can't play video games because life dealt them some crappy cards so their local internet is butt. That said, there's not really a way to make a system that would differentiate between quitters and legitimate issues without it being abusable.
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Implement said system:
Man I don't like [Insert bad reason to disconnect], lemme just unplug this wire and... looks like my internet "accidentally" went down AGAIN for the 10th time today but luckily I'm not punished for it because I didn't purposely disconnect. :^)
Yeah no, if you're inappropriately disconnecting because of stupid things like it being a certain Killer/Map/Survivor/Item/Perk/Add On/Etc. Then you deserve that penalty, it was designed mainly for you.
Internet went out for the 3rd time today? Playing during a storm? Your pet chewed on a wire and it "sort of works"? Well you still deserve the penalty for not only ruining 4 other players match multiple times (intentional or not you Readying Up means you're saying you're okay to play a match) but also for not taking the first few penalties as a sign to STOP and go see whatever issue on your end is and fix it before continuing.
And in the more uncommon case of you encountering a gamebreaking bug/glitch enough to somehow rack up a big penalty and you 100% know it isn't on you're end, then why haven't you stopped and decided to report said issue and get assistance on the matter.
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The dc penalty is in place to stop you from playing matches and ruining other people's games because of you leaving. If your crashing every other game, then their really isn't a reason for you to continue to tey to play the game.
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Well are their situations in which DC should happen without a penalty?
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But you know what's funny? i already talked to the provider of my connection, and they said that everithing should be good now, i played all afternoon with no problem, and then it crashed giving me the penality.
I'm not gonna stop playing this game just to be afraid to "ruin" one of two hundred games my teammates can have in a day also teammates that most of the time are my friends and they don't get uppset at me if my conection crashes. Also in this three year i have given money and time to this game so i'm not gonna stop playing, just because you think im ruinning people life in a videogame.
And I've always had connection problem, and when they added the penality, things did gone wrong, but i still did have fun and now that we are in quarantine i'm just frustrated that i can't play the only game that me and my friend have in common. iI think people who take this party game too seriously are the ruin of themeselves, the dc penalty wasn't a neccesary thing and didn't need to be riactivated.
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I will always think if you aren't having fun in a videogame match you should just go, this isn't even a competitive game i don't understand why people get so upsett if they have a teammates that doesn't want to deal with borring things.
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People get upset when you leave because you are essentially wasting their time. Those people that you left in that game have to sit through the rest of that game when they already know that they're going to lose. Then those people have to sit through another round of queue times that could have them sitting there for 10-15 minutes.
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It takes work to get to a 48 hour band. either you are liar and DC every so often or you have terrible internet. If you trying to play a team based game with bad internet, than you deserve the ban when you lose connection, are you are impacting other people experience.
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Yeah but not all the people get upset that's the thing, the game has two different sound if you crash or if you dc, i don't know if they change this thing but i don't think. Queue times aren't that long since they added crossplay. Everytime someone crash in my game i don't get upset cause i understand that there are people in my same situation.
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agreed, I'm getting also penalized from game crashes. But those crashes are from the game's side, not mine. And why should I get punished for that?
pls remove dc penalty untill you fixed the crash bugs. or at least give us a casual mode without dc penalties. Try hards can play ranked then.
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It's not a terrible connection , sometimes the access to the internet dies and not even the provider knows why so i can't do anithing, it happens. And i repeat: I'm not gonna stop playing this game just to be afraid to "ruin" one of two hundred games my teammates can have in a day
My only complain is about the dc system that doesn't work properly and doesn't recognize when you dc or the connection crash
And yeah it taked work to get to a 48 hour ban, because i'm entusiast to play this game after every penality and the i get ######### by the connection, if i dc i dc when i know i have a three minute ban, just because if i'm not feeling to go against a specific killer that day, i will just dc and wait three minute, i'm not gonna dc when i know i'm gonna get a big ban, i wouldn't be here complaining.
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I don't think it should be removed, just change it, make it like overwatch, that if you dc certain times you get to do number of games with an experience penality, in this case bloodpoints penality, but let me play and have fun.
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90% of peoole are not going to be ok with their teamates leaving for whatever reason. By leaving you are effectively wasting their time. The reason does not matter. If the reason for you disconnecting is something you can fix, then you shouldn't be playing the game until your issue is resolved.
Also, what is this sound that you speak of.
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Before quitting the game long time ago, if you crash you didn't make any dc sound, that was the way to understand if a people dc on purpose or not, i don't know if it still a thing cause i don't pay much attention when a people dc or crash
The fact is that i played without problems for months and in this period it's happening casually at least once a day, so yeah i'm taking the risk of a penality but just because i wanna play with friends, risk that wouldn't be a thing with a good penality sistem, and my sentence will always be that, one match on twohundred on a day doesn't ruin people life, they just go to the next game in a small time considering queue are pretty fast
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I'm not trying to be an a-hole here.
But when you know you have a terrible Internet connection but decide to play anyway eventhough you know there are dc penalties in play, than imo you can't complain when you get punished.
It's a decision you knew fully well there would be consequences for it.
The system can't and will never be able to tell if it was a connection issue or a real rage dc.
If it would be able to detect a connection issue than people would abuse the F out of it by pulling out the cable or just unchecked the connect with Internet box.
I can understand your frustration about the ban, but this is an issue on your end.
As you tried to play a pvp game knowing full well there would be a very big chance that you would got a dc.
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i mean if you keep getting disconnected because of internet which screws the other players doesn't that mean the system is working?
your a small portion of the community and not trying to sound like a douche but the game shouldn't cater to you if it means allowing dc'ing since they can't detect if you actually dc'd.
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It might actually only be partially in his end. Depending on what kind of servers the game uses per region, it could be the server providers causing an issue. As an example, Amazons US west coast servers are notoriously problematic, and have connection and latency issues all the time. Their infrastructure there is pretty lousy. Cali is obviously pretty big, so some areas of Cali are fine. Others, well, no. In any event, this means that the connection may periodically fine, while at other times, spotty at best. Those servers have caused many issues in online games for Cali players that get randomly dropped all the time. A buddy of mine has that exact issue, and normally we fix it by making me host our group in a game to force him to connect to east coast servers. As in, he gets a better connection to east coast servers from California than he gets from the west coast server.
Just pointing out that the local provider might not be the issue, but rather a third party that neither the Devs nor the player have any actual quality control over. Been playing many online games for years and still see that being an issue all the time.
Not arguing with you or anything, simply pointing out another possibility as to what the issue could be and how it technically MIGHT be out of nearly everyones hands.
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This post right here just further supports my belief that your Internet isn't the only reason you DC. 😐️
Anyway, about the whole "shouldn't get the penalty if you crash" or whatever. This wouldn't work. Players could just unplug their net/shut the game down/unplug their console or whatever to force crash it. Then they'd be DCing and circumventing the penalty.
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This is why I test my ps4 for its connection to the internet, I have 4 people in this house including me and everyone is online at the same time so I know it slows down. If it's slow I play something offline, it's not even hard to test internet connection to double check.