
Is he on the hit list right after Deathslinger?
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Sometimes he can be fun to play against, but often times he can be irritating. Kinda like my neighbors. Sadly, duct-tape doesn't make him any less irritating, unlike my neighbors.
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He is a bit annoying but his counter is the same as almost any other killer, drop the pallet early and he can't get you. If you are good at looping he is usually pretty trivial to beat; unless you hit a really good doctor or a discipline shock spam doctor. Most doctors I face don't even time the shocks and just spam them at me, giving me plenty of time to continue the loop. If you rely on stealth he will be a bad time, but you should not be relying on stealth honestly. It's your first line of defense; but looping is pretty core if you want to advance as a survivor in DBD. Otherwise you will be targeted as a weak looper and tunneled by good killers.
Some maps I admit he is pretty OP on however, like the game or hawkins, where he just shocks you once and you can't play almost any pallet and are reduced to just throwing them and running.
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This pour soul apparently never played against a Deathslinger,Stridor Spirit or Freddy 🤧
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"ChAnGe My MiNd"
I really dislike when people say this because not only is it a waste of time but no one is going to change your mind. No one.
Anyway, there's a reason I run Calm Spirit on Nancy. 🙃
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My nurse says hello. Get calm spirit btw.
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Doctor can be unfun to vs at times. He isn't however the most unfun to vs.
May I introduce you to Hag?
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But seriously, just drop pallets early and use lockers. Try to count to 52 (the shortest cooldown his blast can have with add-ons) after he uses Static Blast so you can know if he has it ready.
Also, have you played against Hag, Trapper, Ghostface, Deathslinger, or Spirit? They’re much worse than Doctor.
Nah, that’s Freddy. Doc’s after him though.
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i hate to say it but i actually enjoy them. deathslinger has no counterplay but i like him so i’m allg with it. spirit with stridor is kinda aids but i’m use to it since i have 1k hours at rank 1. Freddy is still more fun then doc tbh
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I like playing against doctor
it's only your opinion, nothing is fun with doctor for you... not everyone
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i’m a hag main 😬
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Please don't, I can't handle this killer x)
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I dont think many people here are getting the point. Hag, Spirit, Freddy and others are all stronger killers. Doc is just EASILY the most annoying. Maybe Legion is next. The constant shocks and giving away your own position and not being able to do key tasks like gens, heals, etc and when they time it right, taking away your only way to defend yourself with vaults and pallets... Running anti-gen builds is just so gd annoying. ITs not fun. Just annoying. The highest percentage of DCs I guarantee. I haven't seen any data... just know it. But oblivious Behaviour will leave it as-is because they dont give a damn about keeping the game fun. God forbid they take anything out or fix anything that ruins the game....
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I hope they give him AOE damage one day just to make him worse to play against.
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Toxic survivors are the most rage inducing killers to go against actually.
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1.) He wants to chase you, meaning that you have fun in the chase, and get a chance to outplay him all the time.
2.) You get to actually concentrate for skill checks, which I personally find fun.
3.) He gives you points in survival, which is the hardest category to get points in.
4.) If he spams his shocks, you can turn normally unsafe loops into literal INFINITES.
Doctor is a noob stomper, and if you don't find him fun you're probably not good.
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Another "I hate ____ killer" thread. I play every killer in the game and I get rage about choosing every single one of them. Oh, except Demo. Nobody hates going against Demo because Demo... sucks. He's just bottom tier. No offense Demo mains.
I've long since stopped caring which killers you have a personal distaste for. Impossible Skill-Check Doctor is hilarious, involves no meta perks, and wins me loads of matches. I'm gonna stick with it, thank-you-very-much.
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That's disgusting. You should go to a Doctor and get that horrible condition checked out.
Dont worry she will eventually get destroyed. We just have to do a lot of praying but when she's gone from the game it will all be worth it.
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Well then you infuriate survivors much worse than the doctor irritates you Im fairly certain.
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Or a half-decent Nurse or Hag.
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Have you tried hiding in a locker. You have to study how the doctor plays.
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Hrm. He isn't anywhere close to that in my book. Just take Calm Spirit and 90% of your Doctor irritation goes away.
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i know how to play against doctor lmao. i didn’t say he was hard to verse, i said he wasn’t fun to verse
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I hate the Clown much, much more. Don’t care for Legion either.
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Doctor is pretty easy to beat if you have more than 1 braincell to drop pallets earlier. He has no mobility and his antiloop tool eventually goes his undoing as he technically saves pallets for survivors for late game.
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You ever heard of Freddie, Spirit with stridor, hag or Pyrimid head? I'd rather face a doctor than those. The only time I stress is if I'm death hook against a good doctor.
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The only thing that really annoys me about doc is the loud noise in your ears after you hit madness and docs with the smallest skillcheck builds in the history of history. I have to take my headphones off every time I play against a doctor.
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I'll take Doc over a stridor Spirit or forever Freddy.
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As a massive doctor main myself may I suggest calm spirit and just getting him to chase 1 survivor then gen rush him
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Doc is bloody annoying, but at least it's not your typical Bubba.
Cause, lbr. With Doctor, you can get players who play (semi)fair. Same with Nurse, Spirit, Deathslinger (people, learn to stealth ffs).
Bubba (and Freddy) however? I have yet to see a single one of them who wouldn't play scummy to no end.
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not even close, spirit is.