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How should DS be altered?

HoHoJoe Member Posts: 16

How should DS be altered? 128 votes

Completely remove it from the game
ErgoPr0xyPega6TeabaggingGhostface 3 votes
Nerfed HARD
GibberishBlueberryBlade92TapeKnotF60_31some_shapemusstang62Nemmy_WemmyAhoyWolfRin_is_my_waifuVikingWilsonfakebjorksnasMaxwellSlashstreetboy[Deleted User]Bigbubbabam270sad_killer_mainMalum_MidnightPior_Morte 27 votes
Nerfed Slightly
SnakeSound222HorsePowerFallenRanger0WhaleBlubberSlaughterhouse3MiriamGDemon_SwordsDr_TrautsDimekTrwthNekoGamerXCashelP14BellersFeryGENMrPenguinlazerlightParallaxthenegativonePadafuPlantCollector 62 votes
Revert back to old DS
EqMonkVeeshanTaigalostkqSassySolidSnakeOBXazameSiMpSoUp 7 votes
Fine how it is
SchinderellaMrsGhostfaceIronWillKnightFall28901HannonCephalon_LebronsourglobeZoophageFobboGoliathBreque[Deleted User]Beast123344SonicTheRestaurantUniversalTaxiWalkingcorpse412jotaroA_Nub_At_LifeNewRMVenusa 20 votes
FFabeqAllhel1Warcrafter4ThePoliceAxeSCP_FOR_DBDMoundshroudbootrocksbubbly 9 votes


  • TsukiYurei
    TsukiYurei Member Posts: 110
    Nerfed Slightly

    It needs an objective to activate the ds perk. Like healing a health state of a survivor or attain a safe hook rescue needed to be achieved to get ds to activate.

    Right now with the jump in locker force stun just isn’t smart and gets repetitive.

    Make it more fun and thrilling for both sides with a adjustable like I gave example above would be a nice changed.

  • FFabeq
    FFabeq Member Posts: 530

    Ds needs to be anti-tunnel not obtain it by doing this and this.

    Either that or developers will delete tunneling as a strategy or punish it.

  • TsukiYurei
    TsukiYurei Member Posts: 110
    Nerfed Slightly

    It needs an activation method to make it more tense and rewarding.

    With this it will keep the killer guessing and stop the survivor being super reliant on DS and jumping straight into a locker for a stun.

    Which in turn jumping into a locker for a stun is a bad decision and adding a activation method should improve the way people use it and value ds more & make better decisions when to use it in certain situations.

    I don’t want it to get a hard nerf but it needs an adjustment to improve gameplay in general helping both sides improve there skills.

  • FFabeq
    FFabeq Member Posts: 530

    But then the killer could just tunnel the first person they see after starting the match, thus denying them a change to activate it, so it wouldn't work out

  • TsukiYurei
    TsukiYurei Member Posts: 110
    Nerfed Slightly

    Tunnelling one person is dumb.

    Therefore if they do that they will mostly lose 3 gens by then or the whole match.

    This balance as I mentioned above would make both sides to think more smartly when to use the perk.

    Like what they are doing with the updated pop that’s coming.

    It would improve the gameplay for both sides instead of being super reliant on ds or pop for example.

    People would use the perks more smarty and be more Strategic with how they use there perks.

    While mindgames and looping abilities would be improved for both sides.

  • FFabeq
    FFabeq Member Posts: 530

    Dude you could tunnel off the hook a survivor that didn't activate thier ds earlier without any punishment.

  • TsukiYurei
    TsukiYurei Member Posts: 110
    Nerfed Slightly

    Clearly you missing the point or not reading what I said about tunnelling above.

    And how this change would improve and balance the game more for both sides.

    Each to there own opinion I respect it.

    People who tunnel lose more and have zero strategy and get punished by 3 or 4 gens popping for being narrow minded.

    If I didn’t make that clear how my mentioned change would improve gameplay for both sides.

    At least it would need a PTB first to see what people think and it should be for a month trial to see the benefits and results for said changes I mentioned above for ds.

  • FFabeq
    FFabeq Member Posts: 530

    You're the one that is missing my point.

    A killer could tunnel first survivor they see, so they wouldn't have time to heal someone, that means they could be tunneled after being unhooked, because they didn't activate thier ds.

  • TsukiYurei
    TsukiYurei Member Posts: 110
    Nerfed Slightly

    There’s the attitude.

    You clearly not reading what I said and sound super biased.

    I enjoy playing both roles and someone who has being playing survivor horror games since 1998 I’m not one to biased.

    And well aware when something should be improved for both roles.

    If you have no strategy and tunnel then you will lose more and eventually give up on dbd or improve how you play.

    I have my opinion and just want to see balance and more fun and thril with reward for both sides.

    Not oh I have ds run to locker to get a stun then get downed and dc screwing the whole team.

    I mean really both sides get punished for that narrow minded thinking and takes the fun out of a match for all the players.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,304
    Nerfed Slightly

    needs something to easy to use and abused.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,304
    Nerfed Slightly

    I hate DS much next person but that too much mostly the last part the other stuff yes nerf it that way but this part to much

    (upon another survivor being hooked ds deactivates

    If picked up by the killer succeed in a difficult skillcheck to escape the killers grasp and stun them for 4 seconds)

    like your not asking for much.🙄

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,780
    Nerfed HARD

    nah I like my changes better and im sticking with them

  • Zoophage
    Zoophage Member Posts: 122
    Fine how it is

    I think it needs to be reworked to be a true anti-tunning perk. I think reverting it to it's old state would be counterproductive. Perhaps it gets disabled after the Survivor starts working on an objective for X seconds AND is paused in chase for Y seconds. That seems to me, someone who plays both sides, as "fair" as you can get. We're all biased in one way or another, but this seems a likely middleground. I know some mains will say "get rid of it completely," just as another player will say "make the stun 10 seconds and reusable."

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,304
    Nerfed Slightly

    still overkill this from someone who doesn't use it also hate it.

    needing a rework and fine how it is are two different thing my idea make it true anti-tunning perk.

  • Zoophage
    Zoophage Member Posts: 122
    Fine how it is

    That wasn't an option in the poll, but it was the next best option. I agree with you, it needs to be reworked into a true anti-tunneling perk.

  • zoozoom6
    zoozoom6 Member Posts: 825
    Nerfed Slightly

    ds shouldn't activate from locker grabs

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099
    Nerfed Slightly

    @azame Why did you vote "revert back to old DS" LOL! I'm pretty sure the oldest version of DS didn't even have the wiggling requirement for non obsessions, it was just easy get out of jail free cards for everyone, still wiggle DS was bullshit as well.

  • CalamityJane
    CalamityJane Member Posts: 487

    An activation method does basically nothing. As killer I don't know if you got one of the safe unhooks 10 minutes ago or not, and it presents exactly the same issue as before where they still have to treat you with kid gloves regardless.

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108
    Completely remove it from the game

    Danny deleto it

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870
    Revert back to old DS

    It was a joke I'm not serious. That version was down right broken.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    Nerfed HARD

    ^ This is exactly what it needs.

    Any of these things mean you aren't being tunneled.

    If the killer has time to down someone else, pick them up, hook them, and still come back to find you, then that was your team failing you as that was plenty of time to be picked up.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    What about a sidegrade?

  • bubbabrotha
    bubbabrotha Member Posts: 1,138
    edited September 2020
    Nerfed Slightly

    My idea is:

    Timer Active for 30 seconds

    Timer Stops when in a chase

    Timer Stops when sluggedw

    Deactivates when ; being healed, healing, touching a gen, touching a totem, opening a chest etc.

    Edit; I'm too tired to fix any grammar issues

  • Trwth
    Trwth Member Posts: 921
    Nerfed Slightly

    It could use a small nerf, but I really think the core issue with DS is with how fast-paced the game is. So before we do anything drastic, we should look into tunneling and camping at base so that DS is less needed and more of a perk you run just in case.

    Or change it completely. Who knows? It’s such a convoluted paradox.

  • lazerlight
    lazerlight Member Posts: 365
    Nerfed Slightly

    I think it should stay active indefinitely after being unhooked UNLESS any of these points are met:

    Once another survivor gets hooked, or the survivor with DS begins getting healed, then the perk will start a 30 second countdown of availability. (This will give the DS user a chance to recover, and/or use it if the killer were to go after them again after hooking someone else shortly after the DS user getting unhooked, but also prevents them from abusing the perk by i.e. self-caring mid-chase, staying at 99% health, etc.)

    The perk will fully deactivate if the survivor touches a gen, a totem, a chest, a locker, starts healing someone else, attempts to rescue another survivor off a hook, gets fully healed, gets healed from the dying state, or enters the exit gates.

    This will prevent using DS when getting grabbed anywhere other than at windows or pallets, and will prevent cheap end-game escapes.

    Also, once all generators are repaired, DS will automatically start with the 30 second cooldown.

  • Venzhas
    Venzhas Member Posts: 684

    Omg stop crying over DS again its already been nerfed. No tunnel no DS simple as this

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862

    Anybody who has discussed and debated this topic for long enough knows that what people are asking for is a rework, not an outright nerf. DS should protect survivors who are actually being tunneled, but it should not provide an ounce of protection for survivors who don't need it and / or survivors who seek to abuse that protection. Ergo:

    If you are healed to full health / uninjured state you don't need Decisive Strike.

    If you feel safe enough to unhook someone else you don't need Decisive Strike.

    If you feel safe enough to repair generators you don't need Decisive Strike.

    If you feel safe enough to cleanse a (hex) totem you don't need Decisive Strike.

    If you feel safe enough to open an exit gate you don't need Decisive Strike.

    And if you have the audacity to think that because you jumped into a red box right in the killer's face you deserve 100% invincibility you DEFINITELY don't need Decisive Strike.

    In exchange:

    DS timer is extended by 15 or 30 seconds.

    DS timer pauses when you are in chase.

    DS skillcheck difficulty is reduced.

    (NOTE - For obvious reasons this list is clearly subject to change to expand or contract in any way, shape, form, or fashion)This is a more than fair enough trade / way of balancing the perk, in all honesty DS doesn't even really deserve the good things I mentioned it'd still be a great perk without all that stuff.

    This new version of the perk however, introduces more dynamic decision making skills for the survivor that uses it, it gives you more than enough time to get away and recover from being hooked, but as soon as you do anything progress the game forward the perk deactivates. Leading to thoughts like "is it worth it to repair this generator now or let it regress so I can be healed and do it later?" or "will I have time to open the exit gate or should I hide instead?" "is it safe to go for the unhook or will we both be downed right away?". Encouraging survivors to more meticulously and carefully plan their moves and actions rather than expect to be given everything for free (free gen. repairs, free unhooks, cleanse hex: totems, free exit gate escapes, etc.) and get away with it just because "60 seconds hasn't expired yet!". Which is obviously dumb, yet still that's how many players act with the current version because it enables these stupidly broken plays where survivors literally can't be punished for a very lengthy extended period of time.

  • Katie_met
    Katie_met Member Posts: 422
    Nerfed Slightly

    It should deactivate if you're on a generator or jump in a locker. Too many survivors try to distract me by jumping in and out of a locker so they can use their ds, and it really annoys me when someone sits on a gen so you can grab them, I know I can lunge to them but out of impulse I end up grabbing them

  • Beneath_The_Sink
    Beneath_The_Sink Member Posts: 14
    Nerfed Slightly

    This is probably dumb, but what if it was tied to totems?

    Keep the DS description the same but add this:

    "If there is any Totem remaining on the Map, Decisive Strike is active."

    Maybe killer totems wouldn't get destroyed as fast if survivors had somewhat less incentive to do them. Survivors would likely still do them but try to save them for later, allowing both killers and survivors to keep their crutch perk at the same cost Lol

    -again, its just a dumb idea o.o

  • ZerLukas
    ZerLukas Member Posts: 294


    My biggest problem with DS is its synergy with perls like BT and UB.

    I've been thinking recently and I liked one idea about a DS rework: change its effect into the one of BT - deep wounds instead of being downed for 60 seconds after every unhook.

    With this DS can do its primary purpose of being an anti-tunnel perk but it wil kill the current DS+UB Small PP build.

  • kaneyboy
    kaneyboy Member Posts: 285

    It’s hard enough to hit the skill check lol. Isn’t the whole point to stop tunnel anyways? If you get DS then you most likely tunnelled...

  • praxZ
    praxZ Member Posts: 8
    Nerfed Slightly

    Have it stop working if you interact with a gen for a few seconds (I don't think your DS should deactivate just because you tapped a gen to stop it from regressing or because you jumped on a gen that was 85% and the Billy chainsawed right back to tunnel you instead of chasing the guy who unhooked you)

    I also don't think it should be deactivated when entering a locker because of Pyramid Head (although that's more of an issue with part of his power literally being tunneling without risking DS and/or BT)

  • Axe
    Axe Member Posts: 1,060

    rework it so its an actual anti tunnel perk, pause in chase. deactivate if killer hook someone else etc.

    Nerfing would mean lowering down its numbers

  • DerpyPlayz
    DerpyPlayz Member Posts: 583
    Nerfed Slightly

    Should make it deactive when proving you no longer are near killer such as doing a generator, and should make it not work in lockers.

  • Axe
    Axe Member Posts: 1,060

    Wouldnt that just encourage ######### tons of tunneling and making it super easy to win as killer?

  • DerpyPlayz
    DerpyPlayz Member Posts: 583
    Nerfed Slightly

    I agree with everything but the "In exchange", with what you proposed people will just find new ways to abuse it.

  • Pawcelot
    Pawcelot Member Posts: 985
    Nerfed Slightly

    It needs to deactivate if you're doing something that's not considered "being tunneled". It makes no sense that the killer get DS'd after finding, chasing, hooking another survivor and then the DS person, who've healed and fixed a generator and intentionally got grabbed so they could DS.

    Makes. No. Sense.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862


    But my point wasn't that DS should undoubtedly get all these things and that this is the concrete proposal I am providing for how it should be changed, rather it was more of a guideline which physically shows clear, concrete ideas that show off a give and take in Decisive Strike that makes it a rework rather than a straight up nerf.

    Really it's more to quell the fears of players who wrongfully believe that DS would be nerfed into the ground, which it wouldn't be (even if DS got none of the things I mentioned). But the perk does serve a purpose, and it wouldn't be fair to rework it in such a way that wouldn't allow players to use it for it's purpose, it's purpose being an anti-tunnel perk, (as opposed to "anti momentum" or whatever BS people made up).

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    It would be OK for DS's anti tunnel to get buffed IF AND ONLY IF they completely removed its anti momentum/forced grabs/locker abuse from the game.

    Overall indifferent if its power goes up or down as long as it removes its anti momentum/forced grab/locker abuse.

  • pichumudkip
    pichumudkip Member Posts: 155

    So I've always hated using ds since I play both sides (equally at this point but originally was just a bad survivor main), but I've had at least 5 games in a row where if I don't have ds, I just get tunneled even when an injured person unhooks me. I just don't understand this game at all TBH. I understand that tunnel is a completely viable strategy (same with camping albeit frowned upon), but at this point, DS is a necessary perk for a lot of people. I 100% believe DS needs some sort of change, but I can't decide if it needs a buff or a Nerf.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    I do think it needs to be tweaked, but neither a Nerf or a Buff. I think it needs something of a compromise. I think it should work as follows:

    1. DS triggers every time a Survivor is unhooked and can be used throughout the match.
    2. There is no time limit on its use but it ends the second the Survivor interacts with his/her environment in any way such as repairing, mending, healing, being healed, being snapped out of something, recovering from madness, etc. The only thing that would not end it is things like vaulting because that is a chase action. Thus you can sit and hide as long as you like with DS as an option but you no longer can do anything productive.
    3. DS automatically shuts down the second the End Game Collapse begins.
    4. I think how quickly the Skill Check happens should be more random, however, so if you are downed right by a Hook it might not be in time.

    Basically, my compromise would make DS be usable after every hook and remove the timer. However, it would also prevent any actions whatsoever beyond simply running and hiding or it shuts off (and disables during the Endgame collapse).

  • nimesulide
    nimesulide Member Posts: 39
    Nerfed Slightly

    I think it should disable once fully healed or doing some other objective (generator, totem) for at least 3 seconds. This slight nerf should be enough IMO.

  • VikingWilson
    VikingWilson Member Posts: 789
    edited November 2020
    Nerfed HARD

    Have DS deactivate when outside a certain range, say 48m, and deactivate when jumping in a locker.

    That should be "nerfed slightly," but whatever.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,304
    Nerfed Slightly

    this so true after getting dsed I normally go after the person who dsed me.