A first for me tonight...

So when I play killer I’m used to salty survivors messaging me after games on occasion but I’ve never experienced survivors sending me nasty messages after a game when I was playing survivor with them.

There were only 2 gens left and I was across the map and apparently because I worked to finish the gen and not run across the map I was trash and didn’t deserve to escape even though there was another survivor within their proximity.

Has this happened to anyone else? Is this some other unwritten rule that I broke? I have thick skin but I finally had to block the 2 players because they just kept spamming messages and party invites (I play on console) and I couldn’t concentrate in the next game I was in.


  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Depends on the scenario mate. If you created a 3 gen then they could be annoyed by that. Maybe the other survivor was getting chased by the killer while they were hooked.

  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287

    Don’t worry about them. You cant win them all. Just make sure do what you think is best.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Well, i had a game with a 3 man swf where i got a key, and they knew. The killer found me, and i got him to chase me for 4 gens. When he finally got me, he hooked me and left. The 3 swf came to my hook and let me die there, took my key and got out.

    their reason: i didnt work on a gen with them, and they wanted my key.

  • Funcle1983
    Funcle1983 Member Posts: 78

    Killer or survivor sometimes it seriously feels like you can’t play this game right no matter how hard you try...

  • crow13312013
    crow13312013 Member Posts: 61

    I usually just play the game ignore the jealous people from whatever they hate bout what I play besides realistically are really gonna tell a killer how to kill ya🤣

  • cindlemain
    cindlemain Member Posts: 92

    Your gonna get hate no matter what you do, I've had the same thing happen to me and my friend.

    We weren't fast enough on a save, my friend was crouching, nevermind the killer was right there, they thought I was to close to a door for several minutes, generator anyone? I didn't spend the whole match looking for a hex totem they were sure was there, it wasn't.

    When a game doesn't go the way they think it should, some people can't help themselves. They have to spread the hate.

    Sorry you ran into that

  • JustHeretoHaveFun
    JustHeretoHaveFun Member Posts: 86

    I don't understand toxicity. I had a match as killer earlier, got put against a red rank SWF, (I'm rank 14.) They made fun of me all match and teabagged me at the gates. I was ranting and raving, cussing at them, the devs, myself. Opened the Xbox menu, went to "recently played with," clicked one, hovered over the text bar...


    No matter how mad I am I can't bear to voice it. I wanted to be an #########. I couldn't.

  • prodigy1337
    prodigy1337 Member Posts: 32

    Yeah people are f*cking weird in this game, and it's always crazy to me that people on a team, are so quick to point blame and instead of educating, or having a civil conversation, they just pop off and start slandering. The weirdest post game chat happened today when a 3 man swf group was flaming the odd man out of their group because they were not properly looping me(I was doctor spamming m2 like an ass lol), which resulted in their rank 1 player in their group to be killed? which I guess, costed them the game?

    Like holy sh*t, it's just a game. I think people take this whole "rank" system too seriously. There's no big reward at the end of the season or a leaderboard or something of that sorts. It's just a placeholder. Even if there was, what's the point acting that way lol.