Can there be more than one way of actually winning as survivor?
Pretty sure everyone can agree that doing gens is the most boring part of the entire game. The fact that it is the only objective to survive and you have to do 5 of them is so utterly lame.
You can say that it's a group effort and that survivors can put in a group effort to finish them quickly, but lets be honest here, there is always that one guy sitting in the corner doing absolutely nothing while one of your other teammates is wasting every pallet and screwing you over.
I have no idea on what objectives you can put in the game, but I sure as hell know, that doing gens for the past couple years has been the most boring ######### ever and has become very stale.
Honestly I've been thinking lately instead of skill checks they could do small puzzles that do the same as skill checks but require just enough attention to distract so a killer can sneak up on a person
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That wouldn't even be half bad honestly. Something like that, that requires more of your attention would be great
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Well... technically there are lots of roles a Survivor can play on a team. Perhaps the most dangerous and exciting is the "Bait," i.e. the one whose job it is it to loop the Killer and lead him/her away from others. You can likewise take on the role of Totem hunter. Or, like most people, you can do a little of all three. The game is only going to be a progress bar simulator as much as you CHOOSE to Gen-Rush.
Ideally, you will score more points and Emblem progression by doing a little bit of everything, i.e. two Generators, two rescues and/or healing your teammates, at least two Totems, and probably a good minute or two in chase. If you spend all your time slinking around to Generators, i.e. the Hide & Seek approach, I can see that getting boring too.
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It doesn't sound like a lack of objectives problem. Though I admit holding M1 is boring. It sounds more like a random problem. If they implement a true ranking system it could weed out the weak and stop them from reaching red ranks. It just baffles my mind how someone who sits at a pallet instead of looping can rank up past green.
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SWF. They get carried by information. :)