Why don't killers come to the exit gates anymore?



  • ILoveDemo
    ILoveDemo Member Posts: 681

    But what is If I want some Wglf stacks? You got 2 Hits and I got 2 Stacks. Win-Win

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    The answer has already been given and I'm sure its mostly to avoid toxic survivor butt dancing, that said though there is a pragmatic objective response and its about blood points.

    Typically at the end of a match I'm maxed out on chase and survivor found so the only thing I can get coming to the gates is 300 (I think that's right) points for a hit which is not always guaranteed. Typically I can get more points breaking unbroken pallets, walls and maybe finding and closing the hatch as usually not everyone leaves straight away. So I go to the gate and potentially get nothing for my efforts or I go around the map and clean up as it were. Also if the timer gets low I've had survivors come back in to try and taunt, only to get caught and killed for their efforts.

    There are a lot of unsafe pallets you don't have to break when they first drop and they make for a good task during the egc if its a 4E steamroll.

    Yes I could get more for hits but many survivors will run out the door without me getting the hit, often using deadhard just to rub it in. For the non-toxic survivors who want to share the points I'm afraid you are often outnumbered by this toxic behaviour and that makes it a no brainer to do other things, if there are any to do, when it comes to the egc. If there is nothing to do then you can chase everyone out and call it a day.

    The fact that the egc is necessary in the first place says a lot about player behaviour, it was introduced because people weren't leaving, dragging out the match indefinitely.

  • DecisiveDwight
    DecisiveDwight Member Posts: 593

    Personally I go there to watch them run out the game when I threaten them with my weapon especially when I have noed and one runs up to me thinking I'm just being silly ringing my bell pfft get real I'm luring you into a sense of safety so I can hit you and put you on the hook and get at least one kill 😂

  • Ecstasy
    Ecstasy Member Posts: 426

    Hah, I quit DBD for about as long and discovered that same surprise. Learned my lesson quickly though.

    I was going for an adept achievement against a Hag who was just having a godawful match. Super easy to ditch, maybe 2 hooks the whole game. Everyone else escaped without consequence while I opened that last exit gate.

    I know how frustrating those matches can be, and use to main Hag, so I wanted to do a solid and waited to make sure they got at least one customary free hit, like I'd always appreciated as a killer. And I do mean waited. Took 30 seconds to get to my gate. I stood just far enough from the finish line so they'd get the gist. Even stayed stationary as they approached to be totally clear this wasn't some BM or selfish extra escape.

    Okay they're coming. They're coming. Still I'm waiting patiently as they sweep to my side a bit, and uh okay, well just take the hit so I can go and... NOED.

    Mother ######### NOED. Their first and only end game hit. My first and only down. They desperately snatched me up off the ground and gleefully darted to a hook as if they'd finally showed me what's what, adding that last swipe at me on the hook, as that type so often does.

    Escape I'd earned. Adept I'd earned. My own damn fault for trying to do a nice thing 😑

    That's DBD for ya.

  • cloudface
    cloudface Member Posts: 93


  • EnoughHoopla
    EnoughHoopla Member Posts: 2

    When are we getting a perk that allows the entity to pull back a survivor you down at the exit gate, so many times I've downed a survivor and they auto crawl away

  • Thatgurl_again
    Thatgurl_again Member Posts: 287

    I wait for the killer so I can leave my item there for him. Or sometimes I just let them kill me or get a lil bit of extra bloodpoints, I'm sorry to all the killers for my team being toxic. I praise you all <3

  • jhiieri
    jhiieri Member Posts: 24

    I've been a survivor main for 4 years and my exit gate play for the first 3 years was to stick near the exit and try to get a protection hit from the killer. That can make a difference between pipping or not.

    If the killer just stood there, I would squat twice as a sign of respect and walk out. I don't know when this squatting started being translated as BM, but someone told me about it about 6-7 months ago and I was stunned. Since then, I have purposefully tbagged 3-4 really bad killers that tried to tunnel or facecamp me. Or both

    I really don't get how squatting a few times by the exit gate before leaving is tbagging and BM. If a survivor did it at a palette or window, I get it. But at the exit gate? Most people I've played with squat a few times and leave unless it's a memeing ghostface.

    So considering there's very little a survivor can do to communicate with the killer, try not to take everything as "BM". It's not like you're prone on the ground and the survivors squat on you. Go give them a love tap so you can both get a few more points and move on to the next.

    Like I said. I've mostly stopped the squatting as a show of respect even though I always thought of it as a bow to the killer of sorts. If I am at the exit gate and I know all my teammates are safe, I wait 10-15 seconds in case the killer wants to get a hit off me and if not, I leave

  • Ecstasy
    Ecstasy Member Posts: 426

    "Leave" yeah just let me travel back in time and get on that.

  • Schmierbach
    Schmierbach Member Posts: 468

    No point, I'd rather go around the map to break pallets I missed/farm deviousness with my power for more blood points that walk up to an exit gate to give survivors a free chase escape.

  • ILoveDemo
    ILoveDemo Member Posts: 681

    What If I want some Wglf stacks? You got min. 2 Hits and I got 2 Stacks. Win-Win

  • yadielrodriguez
    yadielrodriguez Member Posts: 515

    Would you leave if blood warden is activate no and will you still t bag no.

  • evil_one_74
    evil_one_74 Member Posts: 312

    They want you to leave, so they can move on to the next match.

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    Well, these are pretty big maps. Dunno if the Entity likes the idea of us working together.

    Say, you know I think I found a way out of the trials...

    *whispering noises*

  • DaFireSquirtle
    DaFireSquirtle Member Posts: 188

    Because if everyone's left and your still the exit game your just salty you don't get to teabag and be toxic. Just leave and get on with your life.

  • LuffyBlack
    LuffyBlack Member Posts: 595

    It's for future reference, but thanks for being a smartass. Furthermore, if you're going to get on a public forum then share your story then don't pout when you don't get the response you like. The whole situation was your fault. Then you have the gall to whine about it and blame the killer.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,159

    What if you do want WGLF stacks? That's not the killer's problem. I assume the survivors want something like "escape chase" points or a flashlight blind or WGLF stacks... and I don't care. There's a 1 in 3 chance what the survivor wants will also benefit me, so I'm going to play the odds. I'm going to break pallets, break walls, and on the rare nice occasions close the hatch. In that case, it's a guaranteed win for me as I get points; you get your time wasted.

  • LuffyBlack
    LuffyBlack Member Posts: 595

    The Pig, The Trapper, The Shape, Ghostface, The Clown, and I'm trying to learn The Spirit

  • LuffyBlack
    LuffyBlack Member Posts: 595

    My thoughts exactly. I'm going to be real and say that they were acting in bad faith and just wanted to get a reaction from posters. I'm not perfect myself but I know an attempt to get salty tears when I see it.

  • ILoveDemo
    ILoveDemo Member Posts: 681

    If the Killer refuse to give me my last Stack(s) I Type ggez instand of ggwp >:(

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,159

    That's kind of petty and selfish given that the killer had no idea you had WGLF and just wanted to be sure to make some points breaking pallets and stuff. The majority of the time, I go to the exit gates and the survivors refuse to let me do anything to get points, so all I did was waste time making that trip and lose a chance at getting points breaking walls and pallets.

    Personally, I'm on PS4 with friend requests and messages turned off, so you'd be talking to yourself.

  • ILoveDemo
    ILoveDemo Member Posts: 681

    The Trapper, The Shape and The Clown are very kinky Killers. So...

    Again, Hit me!!

  • Ecstasy
    Ecstasy Member Posts: 426

    You're so worked up about this issue that you still don't even recognize that my smart-ass comment actually served a purpose in pointing out "hey, no #########, that was a story about coming back and finding a different environment... in response to a post about said environment having changed... agreeing with their assessment" without having to lay those facts explicitly and matter-of-fact like I would for a child.

    Maybe try reading it all again without the baggage. The anecdote directly opens with that statement "I learned my lesson quickly," and the ending acknowledges "it's my own damn fault for trying to do something nice" ...so what possibly lead you to believe that's something I've tried to do since then? And if you did follow along, then what purpose does your condescending reiteration even serve?

    What are you actually expressing beyond a kneejerk interjection "NO! DO NOT DO!" because of a tangental relationship to this issue you're so clearly spun about right now? (To the point of obliviousness and overt hostility I might add)

    You're tilting at windmills. I don't even disagree with anything you've said in the thread, and I'd upvoted many of your posts. I don't go to the gate anymore either, yet here you seeing one amusing story and only see ZE ENEMY. I guess because everything is Pro or Con, black or white, support or refute, with nothing in between. Especially not good natured conversation.

    So here we are where you don't even realize you've taken what's meant to be a simple amusing anecdote and arrogantly interjected your own reading between the lines into the equation to white-knight "what REALLY happened" about a series of events that, for all you know, I just made up entirely. That's arrogant to the point of delusion. You're spun up about something here to do that, and gonna read whatever you want to read anyhow. …And now you've tripled down with a display of overt bad manners and hostility based on even more projected interactions.

    Go for a walk, maybe take a few shots, and check your own whining, friend. This issue starts and ends at you.

  • ILoveDemo
    ILoveDemo Member Posts: 681
  • ILoveDemo
    ILoveDemo Member Posts: 681

    Wait what? Why should I give the Killer free bbq stacks when the gates are open. And no I don't farm in this game

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,159

    But wait, you just said you expect the killer to farm points with you by giving you free WGLF stacks. Which is it? Do you want to play for real, in which case escape is the priority, or do you want to play for points? I'm confused, because according to you, free points for you when you've already won are a requirement for good sportsmanship; helping the player who's going to end the match with very few points is a definite no, and even just being nice towards the player who got stomped comes with conditions. Which, I mean, that can't possibly be what you meant, otherwise you'd be a hugely sore winner and definitely not mature enough for a game that's rated M, and I'm sure neither of those describe you.

    (Though, there's also a good reason to get hooked during the EGC. Two reasons, actually. Survivors not only get more points for EGC hook saves, but there's also a Tome Challenge right now requiring exactly that. The hook saves would even count for WGLF stacks. But hey, you do you and deprive the killer, your teammates, and even yourself of those extra points.)

  • ILoveDemo
    ILoveDemo Member Posts: 681

    I think you don't understand, Wglf give you also Tokens for protecten Hits, that's the reason we don't leave the Match and waiting that the Killer slaps us. You don't need to unhook someone for Tokens. So what is your problem again?

  • SpicyTopRamen
    SpicyTopRamen Member Posts: 68

    I do for the extra hits, but I understand why others don't. If I'm playing survivor and the killer doesn't follow us all to the gate, I just leave. I don't feel the need to be toxic.

  • ILoveDemo
    ILoveDemo Member Posts: 681

    I'm sure the Killer would kill you If you give him the chance so... No. But the Killer also get Points for slaping me in the gates, so what's the problem with that? Just press M1!

  • Sunbreaker7
    Sunbreaker7 Member Posts: 651

    I think it's far more satisfying leaving those T-bagging survivors standing cold at the gate wasting their time waiting for my arrival which never comes while I chill alt-tabbing watching YouTube video or something.

  • ILoveDemo
    ILoveDemo Member Posts: 681

    Is it worth it to get maybe 4 pallets = 400 Points instand of talking the risk to get 4 Hits = 1200 Points?

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