There are good reasons as to why people find some killers boring to play against.

Begraero Member Posts: 32
edited November 2020 in General Discussions

Edit: Changed the title cuz it sounded entitled :P

Sorry very important note, I did not make it clear at all that I'm talking about the context of survivor killer interaction within chase. Not stealthing, not winning, but rather the fundamental aspects of a chase that make the chase fun.

Also I haven't played since the update sorry I don't know how much PH has changed.

God I ######### hate it when people cannot understand what a boring killer is. A boring killer is a killer that can feel oppressive, have incredibly repetitive counter-play, or not having any information to counter-play the killer which leads to guessing. Clown, spirit, deathslinger, and pyramid head all fall under this category regardless of their strength. Clown is debatably the worst killer, and spirit is the second best killer, they are both very boring to go against imo. The counter-play for clown is to run up to a pallet and pre drop it every ######### time. Pyramid head is oppressive because at a loop, if the Pyramid head is average, or even a bad player, but knows that as long as he puts his sword in the ground once he reaches the pallet, there is absolutely nothing you can do, and you are going to get hit or go down. For spirit and deathslinger, you have to constantly guess as to what they're going to do, but it's not an equal guessing game, it's tipped towards the killers side. An example of a fair guessing game is a 50/50 on a t-and l wall. An imbalanced guessing game is when deathslinger keeps ads(aiming down sights) at you and you have to guess (notice I say guess, not react) when he will shoot and when he will not. When someone makes the point "oh your just bad because these killer counter loops haha trash survivor main," it means ######### all. I adore playing against Oni, Huntress, Hillbilly, Nurse, and Blight, and they are all good within chase. Also if you want to play dbd for the intimidating and scary aspect of the chase, this is not the game for that. It simply isn't. This game in its current state is not meant to be scary. Maybe it was intended to be at launch, but at it's current state it is an extremely unique asymmetrical HORROR THEMED multiplayer, not a horror multiplayer. Anyways I don't know why you read this all but this is my opinion and I would love to have some friendly arguments below :)

P.S. Sorry if I come out as aggressive I'm just really annoyed of people just completely ignoring my points on this topic by just saying "mAyBe yOU jUsT neED tO gEt beTTeR haHA!" it adds nothing to the conversation and it annoys me.

I will try to reach all the comments, I'm just one guy :(

Sorry very important note, I did not make it clear at all that I'm talking about the context of survivor killer interaction within chase. Not stealthing, not winning, but rather the fundamental aspects of a chase that make the chase fun.

Also, I'm trying to tell people what people mean what boring killers are. I'm trying to justify why people think this way, and why people find certain killers boring. Idrc if you think these killers are fun to play against, and as a matter of fact I envy you, but I just want people to understand what I mean by a boring killer.

Post edited by Begraero on


  • OllieHellhunter
    OllieHellhunter Member Posts: 703
    edited November 2020

    Its almost as if the term boring is subjective, the only 2 killers I find boring are Freddy and Oni, do I think they should be changed because I find them boring, no, I think Freddy should likely be changed as he hes got something of everything not because I find him boring, and despite me finding Oni boring I do not think he should be changed.

    Also I think prediction would be a better word over guess as its closer to that for all the ones you mentioned from Spirit to TL walls to Slinger.

    And if its not the game to get a intimidating and scary part of a chase then people that want that wouldn't enjoy the game now would they.

    Also how were people ignoring your points if this is your first post?

    Edited to fix grammar and spelling a bit

  • Malum_Midnight
    Malum_Midnight Member Posts: 366

    I personally find deathslinger fun. It’s a nice mini game to try and dodge his gun

  • Begraero
    Begraero Member Posts: 32

    I respect your opinion, but how is playing against a killer like clown fun and interactive. I probably should've pointed out in the fun that the boring part is in terms of getting chased. I'm talking about the killer survivor interaction. My bad for not mentioning that. But in terms of killer-survivor interaction, fun is subjective, but not that much. Going up to a pallet over and over cannot be fun if you are looking to outplay your oppent. You running up to a pallet and dropping it immediately does not require skill. It may require knowledge, but not skill. I can make a case of the other killers but I want to talk about killer-survivor interaction of clown. There are fair guesses, and unfair guesses. A guess as to if the huntress will raise a hatchet will she approaches the pallet or run through it like a mad man is a fair guess and either side can outplay the other equally and fairly meanwhile guessing where a spirit which side of the loop where she will appear when she can hear you and know where YOU are, that is very unfair imo. I haven't talked about this issue on the forums, only on discord and youtube comments (yes im an idiot). And also the reason people enjoy getting intimidated in chase is because they don't have a full understanding of how a chase works in the first place, or they simply do not want to learn. Once you learn how to chase, it becomes more of a matter of reading your opponents, using knowledge of the maps and tiles to your advantage and taking advantage of the killer's mistakes. I have yet to find a survivor that know what they are doing in a chase and is intimidated by this game.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,702

    So guessing if the killer is going to fake their power or not is boring, but guessing how a killer plays a tile is not. Seems a little hypocritical.

  • Terro
    Terro Member Posts: 1,171

    Repetitive counterplay = boring killer? Rip DBD. There's no such thing as a fun killer to play against.

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,181

    Boring is subjective. I personally agree on the topic of spirit and clown, but I find Pyramid Head and Deathslinger fun to go against. You can find a killer boring, that's fine, but in terms of balance I personally think they're (except Spirit) are balanced. Slinger has his chase, and only his chase. They nerfed PH recently, and Clown is being reworked (I think?) On the topic of the whole "horror" thing...

    The game markets itself as a horror game. It has horror icons within the game. There is a reason people think it's a horror game.

  • Entity_Lich94
    Entity_Lich94 Member Posts: 321

    That would be because the term boring gets thrown around towards anything that causes the slightest inconvenience for people and is a completely subjective term.

    I personally find only forever Freddy or any killer that slugs for the 4k boring to go against but I get why some don't like spirit or deathslinger, even if I myself don't have a problem with them.

    Some people prefer going against certain killer to others which is fine but most times when someone says a killer is boring, i find i take it with a grain of salt

  • TripleSteal
    TripleSteal Member Posts: 1,298

    Don't present your subjective opinion as a universal fact. And l2p, too.

  • Begraero
    Begraero Member Posts: 32

    I don't think you understood what I meant. What I meant it that when it comes to spirit or deathslinger, the guessing game is INCREDIBLY favored in their favor. Meanwhile a simple t and l wall can be brought down to a 50/50 chance rather than the guessing game being tipped severely in the killers favor. When spirit is phasing, she can hear you, see your scratches, and move much faster than you. This new update has made it much better, whether intended or not, being able to hear her makes her much more bearable to play against. For deathslinger, aslong as you are in his sights and he can shoot you, he is zoning you by doing absolutely nothing. You have no idea if he's going to shoot the second you show up on his screen, or if he fakes the shot and zones you that way. The only thing you have to outplay him in this sense is sheer dumb luck.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627
    edited November 2020

    "Boring" is still subjective, no matter what you mention. And it is also not a fact that "DBD is not a horror game". If you don't get thrilled anymore, it doesn't change the genre. I don't even get what your point is between horror and horror themed.

    The key thing about subjectivity you even mentioned yourself: "very boring to go against IMO" YOUR opinion!

    "Also if you want to play dbd for the intimidating and scary aspect of the chase, this is not the game for that" - also just your opinion. I still see a lot of people getting super scared by T1 Myers, GF or other jumpscares. Just because this doesn't apply to you, you have absolutely no point of "disallowing" others to do play the game for exactly that reason.

  • OllieHellhunter
    OllieHellhunter Member Posts: 703

    I don't face clowns,demos or pyramid heads much at all so I enjoy them just for the novelty, and you don't have to drop every pallet immediately, unless youre on Hawkins or something thats gonna eat through your resources fast and the fact from one pallet break you'll likely make a good enough distance you won't need to use a pallet for a good while.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,702

    I would hope that a Killer's power favors the Killer over the Survivor.

  • Begraero
    Begraero Member Posts: 32

    ??? I'm sorry but your argument makes no ######### sense. You're going to tell me that running up to a pallet and waiting for clown to kick the pallet is the same as running in between tiles as blight chases after you with a lethal rush??? What your trying to say is that every singles killer there is a certain playstyle, but what you don't realize is that for clown, there really only is 1 way to counter him if u want to counter him consistently. Meanwhile for other killers, there is much much more variety it terms of situations, and chances to out play the killer. Now I would love to try to do some weird ass ######### while going against clown like not dropping the pallet or predicting where he would throw the bottle, but it's no use. The only real way to counter him is to just drop the pallet as soon as comes at you in a chase

  • Hunkulese
    Hunkulese Member Posts: 436

    You're clearly not here to have a thoughtful discussion. You don't like playing against some of the killers. Are you suggesting that no one should ever play them because you don't like them?

    What does it even mean that it's not a horror game? It's just as scary as it's even been, which isn't very scary.

  • Begraero
    Begraero Member Posts: 32

    Obviously boring in these terms are subjective, I don't know if I made that clear, but if the game goes into the direction of a horror game and markets itself currently as a horror game, than it is a deceptive\, unsustainable business strategy. I AM NOT saying that this game is never scary. T1 myers if ######### terrifying, but what I'm trying to say is that eventually at some point, you will not get scared at this game even against T1 myers, and that it is really really REALLY rare for people to get jumpscared. The vast majority of the games do not involve killers being undetectable and jumping you. Plus jumpscaring people in this game as killer involve you needing to get an indoor map, which is a rare cause, and so if the game is marketed around the fact that you get scared once every 10 to 15 games, then it is deceptive and unsustainable.

  • Begraero
    Begraero Member Posts: 32

    Yeah I do agree with you that clown and pyramid head aren't played that often, but it's not a matter of keeping your resources up, it's the fact that there is only one option. You will eventually have to drop a pallet regardless of how good the clown is unless he is literally braindead. I do agree with you that if used well and at a full healthy state, you could actually probably last around 50 seconds against a clown with one pallet. I know you didn't say that, but you implied that you can still do well with not using many resources, which I agree with.

  • Owlzey
    Owlzey Member Posts: 442

    Personally I really enjoy going against Pyramid Head. Since he got changed, I've noticed people are using his ranged attack much more often now, which is fun to dodge and constantly keeps me on edge in a chase.

  • Begraero
    Begraero Member Posts: 32

    This is kind of an ignorant statement. I play both sides very equally. I completely understand why some survivors use unbreakable ds, and why some killers run tinkerer undying ruin. Some people just want to win, some survivors don't wanna die in the game within the first 4 minutes or due to bad teammates, and some killers don't want the gens to be completed within the first 90 seconds of the game. I run different perks all the time as survivor and killer, but I also understand the people that run the same meta builds every game.

  • Hunkulese
    Hunkulese Member Posts: 436
    edited November 2020

    Have you ever seen a slasher movie. 90% of the "scares" involve the victims knowing exactly where the killer is but being unable to escape the chase. DBD does a great job of putting that in a video game.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    Still what I said before: if you get hardened/used to it by repetition, it does not change the genre. Or do you say for example the movie Sinister is a thriller/comedy/whatever after watching it 10 times? It is and stays horror. Getting thrown into a realm being chased by a killer over and over again is pretty much horror.

  • Begraero
    Begraero Member Posts: 32

    I don't know where the hell I said that no one should play these killers, I truly don't. I ducking love play deathslinger. Arguably my favorite to play as. But it is a snooze to play against because nothing I really do matters, because I cannot react to his shots, aand requires me to guess when he is going to shoot. You never really dodge a deathslinger shot, the deathslinger just misses. I think a killer who is crazy good in chase is ok, like nurse. But if everything I do feels like it doesn't matter, it is very boring to play against.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    I used the same logic you used about killers. You claim boring killers are those that repeat the same actions at every chase, or near every chase, due to their power. That no real interaction takes place because it's simply rinse and repeat. That same can be applied to survivors. While survivors don't have powers of their own, they do have the same builds, and they play the same nearly every match. They'll run the same loops, run the same 'pop on a gen after being unhooked because DS/Unbreakable,' use the same comms, etc. Not all, but a fair few.

    That's just the state of the game. The game has little in the way of innovation, and until that changes, you'll get killers like PH and perks like Soul Guard.

  • Begraero
    Begraero Member Posts: 32

    You make a very good point how deathslingers only real upside is that he is good in chase. But so is someone like demogorgon and I don't find him boring. I agree with you saying that all of them execpt spirit and clown are balanced. I'm trying to make this a case of having fun within a chase rather than a matter of balance. I personally only place survivor to get really fun chases with the killer. OUtplaying them with my knowledge and skill that I've aquired by playing survivor and killer is extremely rewarding, but all the killer I mentioned don't really care about my skill level. It just depends on how good the killer is rather than it mattering how good the surivor and killer is. Also for context everything I say is meant to be in the context of you being chased by the killer.

  • mrcrumbb
    mrcrumbb Member Posts: 8

    You know what's ACTUALLY boring? Whiny survivor mains that log into DbD to play a 4 minute "speed fix the generator" simulator, and spec to near invincibility to do so. Your entire gameplay loop, should the killers "not be boring", involves running to 5 generators undetected, being nearly unstoppable if you ARE detected and walking to the exit unscathed in under 10 minutes. You don't have the right to call ANYTHING boring XD

    Because the fact is, this IS a horror game. You're the one ruining it, not us. That's like saying Monopoly isn't a game about real estate just because all you want to do when you "play it" is to jam all the hotels up your nose and play with the money. Doesn't mean you're right. Just means you suck at the very CONCEPT of Monopoly. This game is at its best when it feels like it's meant to. This OP is just whining because his usually neigh-invincible bullshit spec/mods can't save them from everything and was likely prevented from winning in 7 minutes.

    Best part for me is, I'm getting to the point to where I can identify you people pretty quickly, and boy oh boy do you get salty when you're hook camped <3

  • Hunkulese
    Hunkulese Member Posts: 436
    edited November 2020

    So what's the point you're trying to make? Did you really need an all caps title just to say I think these killers are boring to play against and don't have anything else to say?

    Here's some advice. Instead of "WHY DON'T PEOPLE UNDERSTAND WHAT BORING KILLERS ARE, AND THE FACT THAT DBD IS NOT A HORROR GAME???," try "What changes could they make to these killers to make them more fun to play against?" if you're looking for a discussion.

  • Begraero
    Begraero Member Posts: 32

    When I say a killer is boring, I mean that something is repetitive, or that my skill and knowledge of the game doesn't matter. If that is the context of what you mean inconvenience then you are correct. But I don't think that's what you mean. Getting destroyed by a good nurse is ok with mean, and at that point it's not an inconvenience, it's just me getting destroyed, and the nurse having a better understanding of how the killer works and has more skill than me. Meanwhile say for Clown, it doesn't really matter how good you are, as long as the killer doesn't suck ass, if you do not drop the pallet at a loop and he plays it somewhat right, he will hit you, which will result in you having to pre drop pallets against him in most of his chases. That's just an example. Against Freddy that slugs everyone with slowdown addons is boring because you're literally not doing anything. It's (almost) the same principle in a chase with deathslinger. Nothing you do really matters so at this point you're just kinda playing a cutscene until you go down. Also this is in the context that the deathslinger knows what he's doing. I agree getting slugged by a freddy with slow down addons is 10 times worse than what I'm stating, but what I'm trying to say is that the reason I find these killers boring is that nothing I do feels like it matters because I either am doing the same thing every time which gets boring for almost anything , or that my decisions don't feel like they matter.

  • Begraero
    Begraero Member Posts: 32

    Lol it auto capitalizes, I didn't want it to be capitalized lmao. I tried to make it clear that I'm not forcing you to agree with me, I'm just trying to help people understand why some people think certain killers are boring to play against.

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,181

    I think the key difference there is Demo is nowhere near as good in a chase. He has a mediocre chase, as well as mediocre map traversal. I do understand that Slinger isn't nearly as fun for Survivor, it does suck to be randomly speared from outside is terror radius if he's using the right perks and add-ons, but the whole "Why don't people understand what a boring killer is?" title leaves a bad taste in my mouth. If anything I just need Slinger needs a noise right before he shoots. Then, you can react if you're fast enough.

  • Begraero
    Begraero Member Posts: 32

    Yeah I can agree with you on that note that some survivors only run meta builds, but I don't think you understand what I'm getting at. I'm not getting at the players for running the same builds every game. That's more on the devs fault. I also agree that innovation has gone down a bit, but I think the Blight was a really good idea implemented. Sure, maybe he's not that original, but at least they took a risk and did innovate somewhat aside from past dlc like PH. PH is so simple yet so boring imo he was not very innovative to the game. Also if every survivor runs the same loops over and over again then why haven't killer mains quit? It because killers can alter as to how the loops are played and is dependant as to how good a killer is in terms of balance wise, and how good a player is. I also don't think that whataboutism should be implied here (search it up). DS/Unbreakable and ######### is another topic as it covers another aspect of the game. It covers the winning aspect instead of the chase aspect. I agree that DS/Unbreakable and stupid ass perks like that are dumb. It's just not what I'm discussing.

    I also respect you for saying that not all survivors do this. I try to be one of those. I respect you a lot because you made some good points :)

  • Begraero
    Begraero Member Posts: 32

    ######### hell man, DS/Unbreakable are a different topic. If you are trying to win then these perks are incredibly boring to play against. If you are trying to have fun in chasing people, then you would not care. I sure as ######### do not. I care very little about winning, so I am really unbothered by DS/Unbreakable. I'm talking about having fun in chase, not winning. If that was the case I would be complaining that nurse shouldn't be as good as she is right now, or how god pallets like shack pallets shouldn't be in the game.

  • Begraero
    Begraero Member Posts: 32

    I get what you are trying to say, but if the purpose of dead by daylight were be to scare you, then this game would've died long long ago. The devs realized that the game after some time is not supposed to scare you. That's why decisive strike was nerfed. It was originally supposed to be a perk that just let you escape outright unfairly and the devs changed it for an anti-tunneling perk. This would not have happened if the devs recognized that the game was meant to scare you. If your point is that beginners are supposed to be scared, then you would be correct. But the problem lies when those beginners do grow and get comfortable with the game. And by your logic, the once beginner would now leave the game because it is meant for people who do not want to invest time into the game. And sure the concept of being chased by a killer is scary as all hell, but this game doesn't capitalize on that. There would be much much more jumpscares and it wouldn't be an asymmetrical game anymore, only then it would truly become a horror game. In some aspects I guess it is a horror game. Like the map setting is supposed to creep you out, but it's awful at doing that. If you buy this game for the horror aspect then you are going to ask for a refund 50 hrs into playing the game.

  • Begraero
    Begraero Member Posts: 32

    Sorry my title wasn't exactly properly worded and for some reason it auto-capitalized lmao. I'll probably try to change it because people are getting mad and think that I'm trying to tell them that only I'm right. I'm just trying to help understand why some people find some killers boring. Ok let me give you another example then. Why do I find nurse, or hillbilly, or huntress fun to play against even if they are all on the same, or above deathslingers level in terms of chase? Idk I understand your logic and thought process but I'm trying to say it's not a matter of strength but a matter of survivors feeling like nothing they do matters. Also that change to deathslinger sound fantastic imo :)

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,181

    I'll admit, I fully recognize why people don't like Slinger, and as to why you like those killers - they have more interactivity. You can tell when they're charging or using their power. With Slinger, you can't without looking at him, something he can easily fake. I just don't find him boring because he scares me every single time he shoots me. That's why I feel if he had some kind of noise, people wouldn't hate him as much.

  • Begraero
    Begraero Member Posts: 32


    I think we're on the same side. I dislike playing against slinger. Sometimes I ######### myself if he has M&A and shoots me before I even hear a faint heartbeat, even though he was not meant to be a stealth killer, I think he is the strongest stealth killer lol. Also what do you mean "as to why you like those killers."? I dislike playing against every killer I mentioned in my main post. Also I don't remember if you said this, but why do you think Demogorgon is weak. I think his map mobility with his portals was a failed pet project, but wwhy do you think his shred is mediocre. I don't know if it's a matter of skill but personally, I like playing against and as him for the single reason of using shred at like every loop.

  • originalvio
    originalvio Member Posts: 1

    Survivors choice in perks, is just as much the devs fault, as a killers choice in who and how to play.

    Finding anything scary, 2 seconds or 2 years in, is subjective.

    If a boring killer, is described by survivors not being able to do anything to avoid them, boring perks can be described as those which force the killer to make specific decisions or be punished.

    Any design choice is up to the devs

    Any play style choice is up to the player

    Not everyone wants to just have "fun" chases, not everyone plays to win.

    The game was designed to be competitive, which is likely why there is no unranked matchmaking.

    Imo there are far too many variables to make this game flawless for everyone.

    At the highest ranks, there are many things boring to play against, a nurse main can end the game in minutes, however there are many killers who are bound to a set amount of time they need to invest into a survivor they want to chase, and have little room for variety, or error.

    I am a rank 1 survivor, and killer.

    I main myers

    I'm not saying you are wrong. I'm saying the argument goes both ways, as there are reasons to why some survivors or maps can be boring for the killer, based on several variables. These variables also apply to whether a killer is boring for a survivor.

  • Slendy4321
    Slendy4321 Member Posts: 605

    I've been trying this point across for months. Thank you for going detail by detail why each of these killers are boring to go against. I agree 100% with what you're saying

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    Well, Clown is certainly not the worst and I don't adore versing a huntress. No counterplay there. Survivors have been nerfed, maps have been nerfed, making all these killers have limited to no counterplay. All it takes is a good killer with oppressive perks and you better hope you are on a genrush team.

  • Begraero
    Begraero Member Posts: 32
  • DaKnight
    DaKnight Member Posts: 720

    Killer has never been easier. There's so many disgusting builds you can run these days that are only going to be met with any sort of resistance by a full team of genrush meta survivors. Alot of them remind me of old nurse where you are just totally screwed inside a chase with them, though you are still pretty screwed inside a chase against a good nurse.

    So all you can do is hide, which can be removed with certain perks.

  • Begraero
    Begraero Member Posts: 32

    IMO Clown is the worst killer in the game, most killers in the game have snowball potential and nearly all of them have something rooting for them. Clown has literally nothing. The only good thing I see about clown is punishing survivors mistakes and that is too inconsistent and unreliable. I think he is the only killer that truly really relies on that. Also you saying that huntress has no counter play doesn't make sense to me. There are multiple ways to counter something the huntress does. First chase with her? Instead of dropping the pallet keep running, see if she runs through it. If she pulls up a hatchet and you keep looping, you will not get hit. Survivors haven't even been nerfed since like 2018 so I don't even know what you mean by that. Maps have been nerfed because some maps are absolutely ridiculous. Ormond is still bonkers. Haddonfield is one of the biggest maps with one of the most amount of pallets, mother's dwelling is incredibly hard to win on with a killer with no map mobility (so like half the killers), there are still busted maps in the game. Also, you saying that all killers have counterplay doesn't make sense. It really doesn't. You can counter the hillbilly and bubba by stunning him out of their chainsaw dash with a pallet which takes skill and knowledge. You can bait nurse into blinking into the pallet and then dropping it as she appears out of her blink. You can loop any m1 killers normally without needed to adapt to a certain tile. You have to explain what you mean by most killers having limited to no counterplay. To me it barely makes any sense.

  • Begraero
    Begraero Member Posts: 32

    First off, I just wished I made it clearer in the post, but the post was meant for people who didn't understand why people call these killers boring. Now let me give you an example. If you watch your favorite movie once every three days, how fast would you get tired of it? Pretty fast. I think the same principle here applies to how scary this game is. I could be harsher and said that you watch the same movie every day rather than 3 days. I personally think that the same rate you would get bored of the movie, would be the same amount of time you would find dbd not scary. Obviously this is subjective. But when I say that people won't be scared of this game if they invest even small amounts of time, isn't a matter of subjectiveness, but more out of what the majority of people would feel. Do you think the majority of people would feel scared of dead by daylight 200 hours played into the game? I would assume not, because this game is not that scary in comparison other actually scary things. I do not disagree with you when it's equal amounts of fault in terms of killers and survivors choosing meta perks and it being on the devs rather than the players. I never made the point that it's the survivors and killer fault. But I still do think it is on the devs. They control how the killers play out, not the players. I am talking about game mechanics rather than playstyles. Another point I want to make is that I'm saying that these killers are boring, because of how boring they are in chase, not in terms of perks. I am talking about in chase. The ONLY thing I personally care about is the chase. I do not care if I get facecamped for it, as long as I had a good chase, I will be happy. This also goes for kiler for me. I play a lot of killers and instead of focusing on not letting the survivors completing gens, I focus on hooks and chase time. They way you play this game is subjective. That is how I play it and a good amount of the community plays that well. I know a lot of people that play survivor that way where they only care about the chase. Also if people don't play for the chase or winning, then why the ######### are they playing this game??? Idk I just can't see another way of playing this game either than for those 2 reasons. I'm fairly certain this game was never ever meant to be competitive. If that were true, then they would focus and fixing bugs much much more than putting out a lot of dlcs and the current type of game balancing they're doing. They barely even know how to balance their game(I can give examples but I don't want to make this too long even though it already is)! No game is ever flawless imo, there will always be something to improve on. Now for the nurse example, ending a game in 40 seconds with nurse takes hundreds, if not thousands to actually accomplish against competent survivors, some killers. Any killer at any rank no matter how good they are needs to be good at time management and I can agree with you there, but again I am not talking about killer strength, I am talking about survivor-killer interaction in a chase. I too am a rank 1 killer, but I'm a rank 4 survivor. Also I haven't played since the last patch so maybe ######### hasn't been so bad.

  • Begraero
    Begraero Member Posts: 32

    Yeah killer really has never been easier. In terms of balance there are still a LOT of problems but it is so much better than what it used to be,

    Hiding isn't even countering a killer, it's just wasting the killers time which in return makes them lose the game.

  • Uncharted
    Uncharted Member Posts: 137

    Killers who's powers actually help them get downs will always be picked over the others, especially at high ranks where survivors know how powerful it is to split up on gens. Even if one guy gets downed quickly, the killer can't be at 3 places at once.

    It's important to end chases as fast and as efficiently as possible. It might be boring from the survivors' perspective that they can't last long in a chase or have to pre drop pallets, but it's not exactly fun either when the killer gets gen rushed, especially with the amount of second chance perks survivors have. As a survivor you can easily recover from mistakes in a chase, but with mediocre/low tier killers, one mistake is all it takes to cost you the game.

    Until survivors get secondary objectives, I'm of the opinion that all killers should be just as strong as Spirit/Freddy/Nurse etc. This is coming from someone who plays both sides equally.

  • Begraero
    Begraero Member Posts: 32

    Yes it is very true that killers who have powers that down survivors faster will be picked more, but that's irrelevant. There is a major difference though. What good design killers will do is have a power that changes the chase and makes the survivor adapt to said changes. Huntress is a good example, billy is one too, nurse is also one, and oni is another example. It's a matter as to what the survivor can do to stop the killer from downing them as fast as possible. If someone expects a billy to respect a pallet and he doesn't the survivor goes down immediately. To me that is very fair. The survivor did a bad read and it was an equal opportunity where the billy could've respected it, and the survivor would've outplayed him by reading him. Now say for deathslinger, it is not an equal opportunity to outplay him. If he is able to see you and you are within 14 meters within his range, you will not be able to react to his shot, therefore you have to randomly guess ask to when he is going to shoot. The best play deathslinger can do is literally not shoot at all because he zones people by doing nothing. Chase time and boring killers may correlate, but it does not equal that killers who can down people fast are boring to play against. I agree with you that it sucks to go against a team who do gens efficiently. If anything all that really does is just make you better and for each game you get steamrolled, the rarer it will be that you will lose. I've played this game for a really long time and playing survivor is getting a bit unbearable. The only reason I still play this game is because sometimes they release a new killer who's really fun to play as and/or against. Again the main problem I have with what you said is that imo, correlation to the fact that some killers have fast chase time does not mean that they are boring killers to go against.