Relatively new player here, why is matchmaking so bad?
I’m a rank 9 killer on Xbox (pls don’t bully I’m trying to get a pc) with about 200 hours on the game and recently the matchmaking has gotten really bad with actually putting me against opponents of the same skill level as me. I played about six games today, and every single one was against a 4 stack of red rank survs, with a few purple ranks in there. It’s annoying to go into a game expecting a casual match only to be sent to Haddonfield and have a gen done in the first 20 seconds. Again, I’m only a rank 9 killer, so why doesn’t the game put me against green ranked survivors? I’m not a red ranked killer, so why do I have to deal with red ranked survivors who are leagues ahead of me in terms of skill?
Something you learn and have to accept while playing this game is that the matchmaking has and probably will be, garbage forever.
ik, not very cash money
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While rank doesn’t necessarily mean skill, it does mean something. I.E., a person that’s Rank 1 will be statistically better than a person that has never made it to Rank 1.
So why doesn’t it measure skill? Survivor pip system is just too EZ. You can be an absolute potato and let your team carry you to wins and pips. You CANNOT underestimate the value of a 1v4.
From personal experience, I’d say about 70% of red survivors I face should be green. If you truly are facing survivors above your skill level, it’ll make your skills improve!
You won’t become better facing people of equal or less skill level...your skill level will stay the same.
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Its's because the Devs favor survivors since they bring in more money. Instead of making red rank survivors find an actual balanced match for them which would take a bit longer, they just throw them against any killers up to I believe 9 ranks below them.
This extends even further when SWF queue up with a low rank friend on purpose to go against baby killers.
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Because devs are REALLY, REALLY, REEEEEEEEALLY trying to speed up matchmaking times.
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This sounds more like you started off against newbs and soloq players. When you get into red ranks your talking veterans and coordinated swf.
EDIT: Also its worth mentioning that the BP generation for killer is ridiculously easy (provided you can at least chase) so by extension hitting your tiers to rank up is pretty easy.
Meaning it might be a l2p issue, just saying.
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Because high ranked Survivors exploit the SWF matchmaking system by grouping with at least 1 rank 20 which riggs the match so they get paired against a low ranked killer to the detriment of the health, well being and future of their -own- game all so they can get an easy match vs an inexperienced killer for a quick farm.
I mean it's not too bright I know with next to zero foresight but there you have it.
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All their campaigning and marketing are based on killer. Survivors are just reskins at this point.
You haven't played since release have you? If you did you wouldn't post that with a straight face knowing the history and trajectory of the game.
Here's hoping you forgot a /s
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It might be hard for you but there is way more red rank survs than killers (its not 4:1 ratio its way more than 4) and when survs are queing up Matchmaker to find them game has to look for lower rank killers (it used to be up to 8 or 6 ranks diff)
To those who are calling Matchmaker biased towards survs (you dont even know what are you talking about, just pure hate to survs is dripping from you).
Rank doesnt show your skill. It only shows how much someone is playing game.
Ofc you may say if someone is playing a lot he should be better, but thats not the case. Ton of ppl are not using brain when they are playing games (so called Autopilot) they dont get better, but because rank system is so bad its awfully easy to pip as surv (as long as killer gives you fair game its impossible not to pip even if you die). And that creates big difference in surv/killer ratio in red ranks (because if youre not tunneling <bad word> you have to use brain to do sth in the game as killer)
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They really need to incentivize ranks. Make it harder to rank up as survivor and make the effort worth it.
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The Matchmaking is garbage since they changed it to the +- 6 ranks rule and changed the rank reset. There are many Survivors in red ranks who don't belong there and got carried by their team (best example: Urban evading Blendette).
When I started to play over 2 years ago, I could at least tell, that my opponents would have approximately the same rank as me. Around rank 12 it could weirded because of swf not being matched by the highest rank, but by the average. It resulted in 2 reds with 2 newer players in an swf be matched against a rank 10. It was annoying, but better than now.
On my second account where I practice some killers I rarely play, I'm rank 14 and I also get a ton of red ranks. Wich is not OK at all.
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Limited pool of players sometimes.
There's way more survivors than killers at red ranks because the gameplay loop kind of diminishes the better survivors are. Lots of killers get bored when it's really the survivors hunting you and blasting gens. The killer toolkit shrinks and playing a variety of killers where you have lessor perks can be miserable, where survivors have no real reason to mix up their survivors.
It's good practice in a way if you just don't let the losses get to you. I do wish there was a bit of a bloodpoint bonus for playing people way better rank than you. Like a minimum amount for being way out of your league.
Here's to hoping they figure out their killer based matchmaking one of these days.
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100% serious.
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Cause there's only 4 ranks per color and the MM looks for ranks within 6 at first then expands the search when there aren't enough players on at a giving rank
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If you decide to continue studying I recommend doing a paper on 'group think' mentalities.
Do it on this echo room of a forum.
Expand your world view.
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You can't get games where all the teammates are the same rank, statistically unlikely. Do you wind up against teams with both strong and weak players.
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Because it has always been bad and you cannot have nice things. It was the first thing I was amazed at in this game when I first started and then realized this has been a constant completely forever. How this company can't do better matchmaking is almost unbelievable. it is either an surprising amount incompetence or something the really don't' care about a feature.