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Playing cleanly gets you nowhere

Been trying lately to play as 'cleanly' as possible, no defending hooks, no tunneling, no moris (barely used them) yet, depsite trying to hook all players as many times as possible to make it 'more fun' for everyone, the survivors still blitz the last 2 gens and then bodyblock as I go for late m1, taunt and tea bag at the gates when I get there.

You can't win

You play dirty, you get hate mail, you play cleanly, you hate yourself. I play both sides and I've lost all anger when playing as a survivor which I used to only play. Now, when a killer moris, tunnels or defends hooks tightly, I don't show any ill feelings towards them because frankly, if they don't, they get rinsed by the power side.


  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    That's karma

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,853

    I play a pretty clean game, but I have to agree that that's not what DBD incentivizes killers to do.

  • Chechia
    Chechia Member Posts: 234

    You can't win

    Exactly. There will always be a person that doesn't agree with your playstyle even if you are the most angelic killer being in the game.'s time that you decide for yourself what kind of playstyle you enjoy the most. Because your own opinion should be the only that matters here.

    You can never make it right, so why even care?

  • horrortale_sans
    horrortale_sans Member Posts: 651

    wen i have a mori i only use it for the toxic players or if it is the end and i am running out of options

  • JustHeretoHaveFun
    JustHeretoHaveFun Member Posts: 86

    Keep in mind this applies to both sides as well. Imo any build is fine. Earlier I lost a 4K to an obvious DS that I missed. I didn't rage that he was using DS. I sent him a message saying GG, he thanked me, said I did well. Pleasant.

    Toxicity breed toxicity. Play whatever you want, just don't be rude about it.

  • JustHeretoHaveFun
    JustHeretoHaveFun Member Posts: 86

    I take Moris if I feel like it. The matchmaking is so horrible I usually only get one or two anyway.

  • Komi
    Komi Member Posts: 366

    You set the difficulty in every match as much as the other players do. If you go into a round with the intent to "play fair", don't be upset if the other side are going in to troll, they can't help not knowing you werent going to stomp them. If you wanted to win you should have gone into the match with the intent to win.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited November 2020

    You can win quite a lot of games even at rank 1 playing cleanly, but it's just because of a multitude of messed up systems piling people up at ranks they don't belong in. IE you end up playing against a lot of bad players even at rank 1.

    When you go against actual good survivors playing cleanly loses you the game. You can't play that way and win if they are playing optimally. That's part of the issues people have with all the second chance perks that force you into a lose/lose scenario because if you're against actually good survivors you can't afford to play around them. Eat the second chances and lose, or don't slug/tunnel/camp and lose.

  • NekoTorvic
    NekoTorvic Member Posts: 778

    Its not up to the survivors to make the match last longer by not pumping out their objective, and its not up to the killers to cater to the survivor's happiness by trying to 3 hook everyone and give everyone a fair shot. Its entirely up to the developers to create an environment and match pacing that is conducive to both sides having a reasonable amount of fun, whatever the vision of that developers for that fun may be.

    I too, have stopped judging killers for whatever action they take during matches....although moris are still a bit too much and deliberate BMing I still see as scummy. Like pretending you're gonna give hatch or exit gates only to betray and hook survivors.. I think thats in terrible taste and sadistic.

    However, tunneling, camping and slugging are just sometimes completely necessary. Same with survivors blinding, hookbombing, finishing gens in your face. It's all fair game.

    Play however you feel you have to to achieve your own goals for your own play session, so long as you don't cheat. Like I said, it's up to the developers to create the game experience they want players to have, not players to police themselves or others.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    That's because you fell into the mental trap that there's such a thing as "playing cleanly" beyond just following the rules set by the developers. There is not. Play however you want, as long as you don't break the real rules, and you're good.

  • Izy
    Izy Member Posts: 27

    Playing perfectly by Survivor rules is a surefire way to lose. Survivors truly do have to be goofing around our make really bad mistakes to have the game not go their way if the survivor plays nice at all. Most survivors won't respect a killer who gives them an opening. They have 0 incentive to make the game more enjoyable for killers.

    You have to try to catch people going for unhooks a little bit. You need to try to take out a survivor relatively quickly to maintain any sort of pressure to movie between gens, especially in SWF. This isn't sweaty even if many survivors will still act that way.

    That said, you don't need to camp hooks. You don't have to always go for the person unhooked to get them out immediately. You don't need to ensure a 4k every single game. There's a healthy middle ground and toxic people on both sides will get angry regardless.

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,385

    If the survivors seems a bit rubbish or play like solos, focus on maximising your bloodpoints (i.e. play "cleanly"). If you are against efficient players, flashlight-clickers or teabaggers, then that is an invitation to play "dirty" and try to get someone out of the game.

    Let's be hoenst here, many of us feel bad for getting a default Meg out of the game because she didn't know how to drop a pallet from the correct side, but a teabagging, flashlight-clicking meta-perked P3 blendette mic'd up in a SWF? Yeah I'm not going to feel bad in the slightest.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    I mean, you don't have to play like a complete dick, but when opportunities fall into your lap, such as an unhooked survivor running right into you at a different tile, you take it.

  • GothicDamo
    GothicDamo Member Posts: 7

    This man speaks the truth. You paid for your copy of the game so you can play it however you please. Tunnel, camp and mori as you please. The fact that you even tried to play nice is mind blowing. The survivors (despite what they preach on here) certainly dont care about you and your killer.

  • Phaeris
    Phaeris Member Posts: 77

    There are only a few killers you can play 'cleanly' with . Hag, nurse, spirit. So basically killers with high mobility and great map coverage.

    I main Clown. Unless the other side is 4 potatoes, no way in hell can you play clean. There's a reason some killers are bottom of the tier list.

    I think survivors seem to forget (if that's the right word), 75 percent of killers can't cross from one side of the map to another and are better suited to proxy camp/ 3 gen defend.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    My last few games I've been in control of the game, ruin still up, some survivors already hooked, some left to heal, 3 stacks of remember me. I took my foot off the pedal, walking to all gens not defending the hooked survivor, only to the gen outplayed late game and then get taunted for being a nice killer. One survivors chased after me as I went to go afk after 3 had escaped through exit.

    Put it this way

    Had I defended hook, tunnelled a couple of the same survivors and used noed or a mori, I'd have won easily but *****ed off the survivors.

  • Phaeris
    Phaeris Member Posts: 77

    No matter how you play, what you do, survivors will complain.

    Even if one player left on a hook , rest of team all dead, and you're standing next to him, he'll call you a camper.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    People will always find something to ######### about, however you play. If they don’t dislike the killer you chose they dislike your perks, or your playstyle, or your add ons, and on and on.

    Same goes for survivors, too. I’ve had killer players berate me for perks, items, bodyblocking to help my teammates, doing gens, not doing gens, doing totems, not doing totems, trying to help a camped guy, not trying to help a camped guy, and on and on and on.

    You will never be able to play in a way that satisfies the other side because anything you use to win, they will inevitably complain about. So just play to have fun, whatever that means to you. As long as you’re not cheating or going out of your way to grief someone then you’re good.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    I love to play fair. Even if the survivors are toxic at the end, i still feel good, because i played in a fun way for myself.

  • itsaconehead
    itsaconehead Member Posts: 236

    Every time I see your name in a thread I just know it's going to be something sensible that I agree with. I try to make games fun for everyone, as well as myself but I definitely don't follow a rule book.

  • Pennywise
    Pennywise Member Posts: 257

    Camping, slugging and tunnelling all have their place in the game and survivors have perks that can counter these. Just remember the 45th rule in the survivors rule book:

    "If the killer wins, it is their fault for being a bad killer"

    and the 46th rule:

    "If the killer loses, it is their fault for being a bad killer."

  • Thrax
    Thrax Member Posts: 974

    Well you gotta just do you man. Enjoy yourself. Want a 4k then play hard. Don't want to play hard then just have some fun. I had a lot of fun just trying to keep the middle gen in lerys once. They wanted it bad and I didn't have much of a reason to let them finish it. It was a bummer when they gave up. Make your own objectives.

  • KelC
    KelC Member Posts: 7

    There's no real point to playing cleanly if you don't get anything out of it. Besides that everyone's gonna find something to get mad at regardless of whether your playing fairly or not. Like you could play fair the entire game and they complain about a perk they didn't even realized you had or something you didn't intentionally do but was mostly their fault. Such as them running around closely in a hooked survivors vicinity and your chasing them but then they claim it was camping. Unless your just playing cleanly because it doesn't feel right to play in a mean way, than more power to you but the survivors aren't gonna be any nicer.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    That is what weirded me out the most, like you know..... Go to a pallet and drop it, boom without brutal strength I won't catch up anytime soon.

    But I guess now every killer don't have any counters.

  • Clevite
    Clevite Member Posts: 4,335

    Yeah, it is very hard to 12 hook four good survivors.

    And next to impossible if they're going be pounding gennys.

    I play as fair as possible, but without cucking myself. And I play to the intensity of my competitors.

    If they seem to be memeing ill chill a bit.

  • Fog_King
    Fog_King Member Posts: 688

    If you play without being toxic, tunneling, camping, etc, it should be fun, but I agree it is not. Trying to not chase the same person twice, to not take advantage of finding the person that is still hurt after being unhooked, usually, for me, ends up in me hooking survivors twice and then all of them (or maybe minus one) escaping. I played fair? Yes, but do I feel good when I'm the killer and almost everyone (or everyone really) escapes? No...

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    Never have played clean, never will.

    If you'll excuse me, The Spirit and I have some survivors to instadown with Devour.

    *distant cackle*

  • Fluffysh4rk
    Fluffysh4rk Member Posts: 6

    It's weird to me how so many people play with anger. I am a survivor main and I personally enjoy every trick in the book a killer can use to win the game. (I struggle a bit with Myers addon to just kill you on first down) but even then it's just another dynamic that makes me rethink how to improve. As survivors, the game should be slightly biased towards killers in as much as to prevent someone walking around with a flashlight like they are invincible. The game should be balanced to think twice before taking an action. I firmly believe that best against best (minus swf on discord) the killer can control the game. If they seem to wipe up early a bit, they have the option to run around more and spread the love, but if one decides to go on a rampage like huntress with iridescent heads, well, so be it. Just dodge the axes and don't get seen ;). Just enjoy and never stop learning.