what are your best killers and your best builds

i am looking for experimental killer builds to use and see if i like them


  • DaKnight
    DaKnight Member Posts: 720

    Pretty much the best build for any killer in the game is ruin / undying / discordance. You can use tinkerer / surveillance for the 4th slot or something else spicier. It's absolutely brutal on killers who can apply alot of pressure really fast through 1 shots or have high mobility.

    It won't carry you if you over commit to chases but if you are bouncing between survivors and gens it will make getting the gens done extremely difficult unless they spend a few minutes getting rid of the totems, by which the time you could already have some people on their death hooks.

    Corrupt / Pop is kinda meh since the nerf. You spend so much time traveling to and kicking a gen that it's hardly worth the 20 seconds of regression you get when you give the survivor who was working on it such a huge head start in the chase.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,954

    I like Clown, with M&A, Furtive Chase, BBQ and Bloodwarden.

    I call him "Agen Covert Gass"

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082
    edited November 2020

    One agressive build I've had is Blood Echo, Sloppy, BBQ, and Infectious. This is for agressive M1s.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Pig- Sloppy/Corrupt/ BBQ/Whispers

    use any addons

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695
    edited November 2020

    I've been having good results with Corrupt, Pop, M&A, and BBQ on Pyramid Head. It pretty much covers everything you need. It slows down the start of the game while allowing you to get closer to survivors. You also have the best gen regression perk in the game, and BBQ lets you know where survivors are.

    If you want to be particularly dirty, swap out monitor for iron maiden. 😉

  • Yugyr
    Yugyr Member Posts: 17

    I'm a Ghostface main and my favorite build is Haunted Grounds, Undying, Barbeque and Lightborn if I see flashlights. It's not a meta build at all, but it is fun. For some reason I think the idea of me staring into a flashlight is hilarious so that's the whole reason I do it... plus I like the chaos of all the one-shots.

  • Tricks
    Tricks Member Posts: 957

    I swear by STBFL / Nurses Calling / Whispers / Tinker, I use it on all my killers.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,904

    On Mikey I use BBQ, Corrupt, Infectious, and Pop.

    For add ons I'll often use dead rabbit for that smaller terror radius in tier 2, and hair bow for the extended tier 3 duration. Really allows me to snowball with infectious.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    So when I go for a daily ritual I ussualy just farm survivors don't have too I just mean I'm not trying to kill anyone I'm just there for the ritual. So last night I got the Legion deep wound and my ritual build is always the same nemesis, rancor, beast of prey (hunter bloodpoints), and tinkerer. It's funny how I will knock, pickup, let go constantly but the entire team freaks out and runs for there life whole match. It's nice knowing if i got an ***hole in the match all I need is for him to drop a pallet on me and bye bye.

  • freddymybae
    freddymybae Member Posts: 613


  • GhostMaceNotCrusty
    GhostMaceNotCrusty Member Posts: 716

    I've found a fun was for making random pern builds. You ask a friend or google for a random number between 1-5 (or however many pages of perks you have) you then go to the page number that your given ans ask 1-4. You then go to row you were given and ask 1-5 and bam, you get random perk. I did a bad job wording it but it's fun if you want a completely random build

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Personally? Spirit with Ruin, Undying, Tinkerer, BBQ. Blight with Ruin, Undying, Tinkerer, BBQ. Nurse with Ruin, Undying, Tinkerer, BBQ. Deathslinger with Ruin, Undying, Sloppy Butcher, Nurses Calling. Legion with Ruin, Undying, Tinkerer, BBQ.

    Sensing a pattern? Ruin/Undying is insane. Combine it with Tinkerer and a good secondary tracking perk on a high-mobility killer (I like BBQ for bloodpoints, but Whispers is probably better) and it will carry you through most of your trials.

  • Natex
    Natex Member Posts: 4

    I like Bubba with infectious, monitor ,Barbecue and chili and a last perk thanatophobia or deerstarker if you wanna play a SLUG

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    Doctor: Pop Goes The Weasel + Enduring + Brutal Strength + BBQ & Chili

    Legion: Pop Goes The Weasel + Brutal Strength + Discordance + Thanatophobia

    Oni: Pop goes The Weasel + Infectious Fright + BBQ & Chili + Discordance

    Deathslinger: Pop Goes The Weasel + A Nurses Calling + Monitor & Abuse + Discordance

    Executioner: Pop Goes The Weasel + I'm All Ears + Discordance + BBQ & Chili

    note: BBQ can be replaced with any different perk such as Discordance or Monitor & Abuse on all but Oni. It's really just there for the double BP, the only one making good use out of it is Oni, in rare cases Doc.

    Pop is definitely my go to game slow down perk. it rewards good gameplay and can be a gamechanger in the right scenarios. it works together beautifully with Discordance, which on its own is an amazing map knowledge perk.

  • Justalittlepeeck
    Justalittlepeeck Member Posts: 1,101
    edited November 2020


    Alchemist Ring + Compound 7

    Sacrificial Ward (to deny possible map tempering, I don't need mori).

    Infectious Fright, Pop, Thana, Forced Penance.

    Every time I feel like I'm going to get a strong squad, I instantly switch to blight with this setup and if I've warmed up enough, I will crush them. Of course there's no chill gameplay when I do this build, pure sweating and tryharding. Forget about Spirits or Nurses, one can be outplayed and the other is fighting bugs more than survivors (and often loses) and if doesn't win the chase in 2 blinks, then she loses. Blight is what's the true SWF's nightmare is. Imagine a killer, who can cross the entire map in ~10 seconds, has no CD after hitting a survivor with his power, can find any hiding survivors and shuts down almost any loops with his ability.

    Infectious Fright is to increase snowball potential and prevent possible sudden saves so if screams don't proc I can safely pick up survivor and vica-versa, chase after his failed saviour.

    Pop is to get some time and defend gens, I usually let go of the ones I can't access with my rushes or where survivors are more safe from my power.

    Thana+FP is synergy to 1) Slow down survivors 2) Keep them broken and significantly increase my snowball chances. Any time they try to go for bodyblocking or other saving bs, I get 1-2 survivors broken for 80 seconds and later I can capitalize on that. Imagine being unable to heal against heat seeking missile that is compound 7 blight.

    This build basically has no actual downsides - you can either play default no slug killer if SWF has anti slug and if they don't, you simply get a 4 gen and keep slugging them or hooking if you feel like you need your pop. Alchemist ring makes sure you can spam your power after every hit, so chases end in 10-15 seconds or you can bounce from one survivor to another better than legion. Compound 7 is a core addon for blight due to how it removes ~50% of human factor from your charges and allows to literally spam M2 to go after any survivor within lethal range, then rinse and repeat until they all are dead. No survivor perks can actually threaten this build, it has no hexes to be shut down or other stuff that survivors can hard counter, with an exception of Infectious Fright being countered by calm spirit, although lets be honest, nobody runs calm spirit.

    Blight allows to quickly remove survivor from the game (no caring about DS, eat it and down survivor in 10 seconds again) and apply insane 3-4 gen pressure due to how huge reach his power has and how far survivors have to be in order not to be under the threat of being attacked. Blight is extremely dangerous on most survivor favoured maps like Ormond (even though he slides off textures, there're still a lot of open spaces for him to chase survivors and his power shuts down all ormond loops) or Haddonfield (same here, just learn this map and survivors will curse you. You can even replace Sacrificial ward with mori if you'd like, the kind of survivors this build is oriented against isn't going to through lery or gideon in anyway, unless they know what they are going to face.

    Of course this is one of "no fun allowed builds" and it's not for memeing or chilling. At least for me. When I take this build, this means I'm serious and somebody's getting PTSD after this match.

  • BlackRabies
    BlackRabies Member Posts: 925

    Legion - knock out, infectious fright, deer stalker and 4th perk up in the air for me still.

    Toxic build yes I do this when I'm a bit of a bad mood if I keep getting gen rushing toxic survivors. easy to keep everyone injured and just slug everyone. If no scream proc or don't idea where any others are I'll hook one.

  • Lanzak
    Lanzak Member Posts: 2

    Plague with Ruin, Undying, BBQ or some other info perk, and thana. Thana plague is just broken.