Ormond Rework is gonna make many killers leave

Zagrid Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,000

Already the map is too big, runs poorly, almost every tile connects together to make the whole map one huge loop, and it is extremely hard to see auras and scratches.

Will this visual update fix any of this?

I can say with virtually 100% confidence that it won't. And in fact, I think the map will be even worse

No changes to tile spawning, no changes to the map size, even worse performance probably causing the map to be disabled again (which would be the best part of the rework), even harder to see auras and scratches.

On top of all of that they will add breakable walls and will 100% create infinites that the killer needs to waste time to get rid of just like MacMillan. And even with the backlash that map got they didn't change those breakable walls.

So after this patch with these changes, and they increase the spawn rate of those maps 1 of 2 thing will happen. Lots of killers will take a break from DbD, or they will swap to survivor and make the queues even worse.

I can only see this update being a Lose lose lose.

Lose for survivor from queues

Lose for killer with garbage maps

Lose for BHVR because more backlash and less people to buy their overpriced skins. (Even though they look amazing)

If they do basically the opposite of what I think is gonna happen then yay! Now they just have to go back to the other maps they reworked and updated and fix it there.



  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,390

    Ormond deserves to be reworked, but a graphical update is not a map rework.

    We could see some changes to pallet spawns on Ormond, but I wouldn't really expect anything more than just making Ormond look nicer.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    yeah i wont leave and neither will that many players if its just a visual overhaul of the map

  • Justalittlepeeck
    Justalittlepeeck Member Posts: 1,101

    Nah, I doubt it. I'm more positive they're going to address some broken safe loops there and make this map way more bearable to play. Also, it is going to be much better visually.

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,099

    They made haddonfield an infinite fence land by accident, so I wouldn't be surprised if the map suddenly got 2x bigger or some other weird bug happened.

  • Jollykins
    Jollykins Member Posts: 43

    I'd at least give it a chance. No harm in that.

  • APoipleTurtle
    APoipleTurtle Member Posts: 1,274

    The graphical updates are primarily visual reworks, not fundamental/design reworks. Usually the most that really happens is a few major structures on the map will see some re-designing in order to work with Breakable Walls and everything else will otherwise only get a facelift. I'm fully expecting to see some layout adjustments to the Ski Lodge and the Lookout Post, and pretty much nothing else.

    When they get around to giving Ormond it's update, it will probably continue to be an unpleasant map for playing killer until their team gets around to working on changes more focused on each map's gameplay instead of appearances.

  • Withered8
    Withered8 Member Posts: 1,241

    And they fixed that bug u realise? People need to stop assuming that the devs are survivor biased because they are clearly not.

  • itsaconehead
    itsaconehead Member Posts: 236

    Playing both sides has helped me a lot, when I started I played strictly killer, but now I can improve skills on both sides. I find that I can chase better as killer and as survivor, I am more vigilant.

  • MrSmashem
    MrSmashem Member Posts: 161

    Dude, you just went off on nothing, but a bunch of your own conclusions. Chill out and wait for the map to drop before wiggin out.

    Most people, including Behavior(I'd assume) know why Ormond is considered a bad map, or are at least aware of the complaints. Lets see where their head's at.

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,099

    Why are you bringing the us vs them crap?

    I didn't even mention Killer vs Survivor, people need to realize that talking about bugs that make one side more powerful doesn't mean that they are complaining about that side.

    I just said how in one patch they can break the whole map, so I wouldn't be surprised that with the graphical update the map could be unplayable.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,710

    Pfff there haven’t been any killers in the game since Ruin got nerfed. The game died with that, don’t you know?

  • Withered8
    Withered8 Member Posts: 1,241

    Ur implying that it’s only killers who ever get hurt from this stuff tho. All I’m saying is devs do things fro balance and there’s no fsvouring one side.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,873

    Of all the things that could cause players to leave the game, one map update isn't going to do it. Relax Chicken Little. The sky isn't falling.

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,099

    When did I said or implied anything about Killers being the only ones to get hurt?

    Sorry to talk about the most recent map bug, but if you really want to I could mention the basement bug aswell.

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    Survivors are still playing, despite how many changes help killers. You really think changing one map is going to make all the killers leave the game?

  • jerakal
    jerakal Member Posts: 246

    You mean like how we waited for Macmillan update and it was bad, and we told them it was bad and they ignored us?

  • Alphasoul05
    Alphasoul05 Member Posts: 601

    Ormund rework:

    "We've made zero gameplay balance changes whatsoever, but we've added some breakable walls to a map that's already the worst map in the game for killers. We didn't change every loop connecting, we didn't change the map size, but hey, check out these sick new graphics and how cool they are!"

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,084

    The MacMillan-Update is not that bad. Those few breakable Walls are not a big deal tbh.

  • crow13312013
    crow13312013 Member Posts: 61

    As a killer I'll still play I like playing with my food🤣

  • tj0108
    tj0108 Member Posts: 71

    can you just shut your whingeing up for 5 seconds and just let them rework there map? god you haven’t even seen it yet.

    stop complaint about everything bruh this is why devs stopped answering questions on forums.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited November 2020

    We do, but we're worried that the devs will treat Ormond like MacMillan and ruin it with breakable walls that you have to kick if you don't want to deal with infinites.

  • YerenaShadow
    YerenaShadow Member Posts: 6

    Well,yeah,i would play as survivor more often if i wouldn't have that lag that stops me from repairing a gen and practically offers me on a plate to the killer XP

  • TheWarNung
    TheWarNung Member Posts: 794

    What is with all of this guff about "infinite loops" on Macmillain that can be rendered completely weak by taking 2.5 seconds to break a wall right next to it.

    "This window vault is completely broken!" *crack* *crunch* "Oh wait, nevermind."

  • FrostySeal
    FrostySeal Member Posts: 627

    We don't even know what the map reworks will be and your already complaining, jeez

  • ChicoRockz
    ChicoRockz Member Posts: 34

    Jesus Christ! This community is such a bunch of cry babies. You know so much go play the lotto bro. They literally just announced it and you can see the future? You guys wonder why things take so long to get fixed? Well when you comolain about everything, including an UPDATE THAT HASN'T EVEN RELEASED YET, it's hard to take any REAL complaints seriously. This community has become filled with a bunch a cry babies on BOTH sides. Let the devs give us this FREE map update that was desperately needed and shut up and play.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    You’re basing this on 2 pieces of concept art?!

    Geez I’m glad Witch Trials are a thing of the past.....

  • Tatortot
    Tatortot Member Posts: 11

    When I play killer I've never had any bad experiences in Ormond.

  • JinSime
    JinSime Member Posts: 405

    Well, we get quite used to some latency. I can't count how many times I've been hit from meters away or when the frame dropped out of nowhere and then something bugged, like the times I couldn't see skill checks anymore and needed to restart the game. Hope the hitbox thing gets out soon, fixed. But... hmmm, if you lag as survivor, you may also lag a bit as killer, and that's not cool if you get some free hits for it. Better check that out (at least for me, I play on ps4 and the game seems to perform better when I'm a survivor than when I'm killer :( )

  • Jorasly
    Jorasly Member Posts: 9

    I hope they do leave. We need faster que times for killer. Peace out, whiners

  • IMhereRUN
    IMhereRUN Member Posts: 606

    I highly doubt the rework will make Ormund more OP than it already is.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,954

    I didnt leave, Im just taking a break.

  • DaFireSquirtle
    DaFireSquirtle Member Posts: 188

    He's giving a valid opinion based on the rubbish Macmillan rework. It's better to try a get the devs attention before the graphical update trying to get the devs attention. Heck if it even has a slight chance of it then it could improve their ideas. And it is very silly to have a go at someone for voicing their opinion.

  • DaFireSquirtle
    DaFireSquirtle Member Posts: 188

    That's your opinion however the opinion of many other people is that slapping on infinite loops for no reason is that it's a negative.

  • DaFireSquirtle
    DaFireSquirtle Member Posts: 188

    He literally says that it is BOTH bad for survivors and killers in the post. Did you even read it properly?

  • jotaro
    jotaro Member Posts: 173

    Wow why is every killer main here such a toxic crying baby😂

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    It has zero chance of getting the DEV's attention. This is because it was a rude, ill-considered post. I realize many of you grew up thinking the norm of social interaction is to be Trolls on the internet, but I'm going to clue you in on something basic. In the real world, and when attempting to get something done, that isn't how people actually interact. Most people simply shut down and pay you zero attention when you insult them. And he isn't voicing an opinion on anything because we don't have the new maps to even consider yet. More to the point, he is making predictions that everyone here has heard for years (and has never come true). It is a silly post.

    If you actually want to get their attention, you write polite posts and support your assertions with evidence and commonsense. That is the only thing they "might" pay attention to.

  • DaFireSquirtle
    DaFireSquirtle Member Posts: 188

    Ok so .... There was zero rude or offensive comments in his initial post. Furthermore to say he has no proof of bad map reworks or design is completely untrue. Just look at the abundance of breakable walls slapped onto dead Dog salons main building. Look at the newly reworked Macmillan maps central buildings. Not only do they use unnecessary breakable walls they also use it to bring back infinite loops.

    The post can't be ill-considered as you put when he clearly states the negatives for the entire playerbase and devs themselves. Are devs learning from past mistakes in small ways yes and in large ways no. If you think that post is a troll post then please look up the word in a dictionary because you must be so unbelievably stubborn to actually think this post is in anyway rude or offensive because let me CLUE you in on something you sound like a condescending player who settles for sub par gameplay and game quality instead actually wanting the game to improve in a meaningful way for the community and the devs, by calling players who disagree with the devs silly or treating them like their a brainless child. People aren't happy with the game atm there's no denying that, less and less people are gonna throw money at it if we don't let our opinions be heard. This guy is voicing an opinion and whether you like it or not he brings up some valid points.

    By saying this isn't how people interact I'd like to draw your attention towards the fact the devs don't interact with their community enough. They only like positive comments about their game which in fairness I will give credit where credit is due, for example I think visually the new maps are okay. They have some pixelated textures but I can live with that. The devs actively silence people on the forums which is morally wrong and as you yourself say is not how people talk to each other. However I will not mention names because I don't want to get into trouble and I respect people's privacy.

    Look I know your probably just gonna respond with some snarky childish insult or flat out ignore what I say but I think hearing people like this poster out is something the devs could do more often to avoid waves of backlash etc. I want this game to succeed but it won't if we just pretend everything's fine. Yeah the devs won't look at this post I agree but it's worth a shot.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,084

    Those are not infinites, dont call them like that. Also "no reason"... I would not say that. The reason can be that the Main Buildings were too weak after the Rework.

    If we look at the Maps:

    Coal Tower-->The Walls are fine downstairs. Coal Tower did not need changes to begin with, it was considered as one of the most balanced Maps even before the Map Rework a few months ago. Walls upstairs are not needed at all tho.

    Storehouse-->This is the only Wall I would consider bad. Because they also removed the unsafe Pallets in the Storehouse. So it turns from Survivor-sided with the wall to killer-sided without the wall. Not good.

    Ironworks-->The Building did not have anything after the removal of the God Window (which was 100% justified). And the Wall upstairs makes the upper part actually somewhat meaningful for gameplay. This is a two-story building where you would never ever go upstairs, except for that one Chest and a Totem Spot. Now you can actually use the upper Floor at least once.

    Suffocation Pit-->I am twisted on that one, since it is either a quite weak breakable Wall or a Wall next to a strong Window.

    But overall, it is not like the MacMillan-Maps are a Nightmare for Killer since they added the walls. If anyone has a hard time on that Maps, it is certainly not because of the Walls.

  • DaFireSquirtle
    DaFireSquirtle Member Posts: 188

    The big problem I have with the walls isn't that they are necessity bad but that I just sometimes don't see the point in it? If that makes sense like for example blocking the entrance of the coal tower. I don't really understand that it's just weird imo. And breakable walls were meant to be something that killers can play with to do more things in chase not totally break something but to add an extra something to the simple and somewhat bland chase. Or well that's I interpret them. But with the upstairs window next to the wall my big problem is that the upstairs is now basically a guaranteed safe spot. It was already a decent place if played well especially good with balanced landing I mean some of the plays I've made with that perk i felt so mean because there wasn't much the killer could do and now there's seemingly even less. Instead the killer has to take precious seconds to go out of their way to break it. And if you look at the fact one second is four seconds for the survivors then you may see where certain issues arise. But I will be honest I agree with suffocation pit being...odd I think. Honestly haven't got clue what it's purpose serves but I think it's somewhat lazy on the devs to throw these walls in places but hey they're new so I'll wait a little longer before giving my final verdict.

    Also the reason I refer to it as an infinite is because if the killer were to not break the wall using those precious seconds to do so that loop would be and infinite. Much like the window downstairs was.

    Coal tower is a weird one. I think the was no need for any of the walls to be honest. The upstairs breakable walls from last time I tried to use them actually don't work. You can break them but you can't go through them. But tbh I'm not sure why on earth a killer would even want that.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited November 2020

    There is no evidence of how things "will be" in the future. We won't know what we know till we know it. And for the record, I happen to like the breakable walls at the Saloon. I don't have a problem with the walls in any of those maps. I glad some of them are breakable to prevent the infinite. So your evidence that the new map "will be" bad is because you don't like the current ones? :) That isn't even evidence the current maps are bad. That is just another opinion.

    The DEV is not some AI, or alien creature. It is people who work on this game, for long hours and pour their hearts and souls into it. When people spend their time relieving themselves on it 24/7 it comes across as rude. So, back to my former point, this is not the way you get their attention. Whenever I've had a problem or an issue, I've raised it with them through the correct channels. When I was polite and to the point, I always got a resolution. My advice in this matter is based on actual experience. People can choose to behave in a civilized manner, or they can act like Trolls. I'm merely pointing out that one way is more effective than another.