Why can't we block PC players?

Camping killers and DC pc players, basically. At least they should come up with a mechanic that prevents you from losing rank if you get something like that.
I didnt want to deactivate crosspplay, but I don't see any other alternative.
How do you know the people who DC are on Steam anyway? It doesn't show you, it just shows the globe icon.
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Well..that is the only option. Turn crossplay off
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Camping is a strategy and the devs have said many times that it is completely fine to do it.
Not depipping when someone DC's is a good idea and I hope they will implement that in the future.
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And I wanna block Console players who Hold W into the corner of the map
just turn off crossplay or deal with it
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To be fair,if i see a player with the name "Mori me Daddy" then i can be pretty sure that that players is on PC
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1) I haven't seen the kind of behavior you're talking about, and I've been playing on PC for 4 years. Are you playing at lower ranks? Because killers tend to camp and use NOED above rank 10, but settle down once you reach green/purple ranks.
2) How do you know this is exclusively PC players? All you can say for sure is that they're on a different platform. I hear people say occasionally that they know people are on PC because they have spaces in their names, but Xbox players can do that too.
3) If you're struggling to deal with campers there's a lot of counterplay. Loads of people run BT/DS for this very reason. If the killer is facecamping you can split up and slam out gens and still win. You need to adapt to the killer.
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PC players are the problem? Funniest thing I've ever read.
And meantime console players are crouching in corners, hiding in every locker for days, not doing gens, not being able to last a chase for longer than 10 seconds...
Turn the crossplay off. I did, I wait a bit longer, but at least I don't have to deal with console crouchers.
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You can. Turn off your Cross Play.
Post edited by Rizzo on1 -
I mean I’ll admit a lot of console players are bad, but there are a lot of good console players too. It’s unfair to gather them all in a single group
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Console players don't have W
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git gud
do bones
stop losing
do gens
loop better
Or, you know, turn off Crossplay. I'm sure you will NEVER come across a camping killer or someone that DCs ever again on console :DDD
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Kind of bad as gathering all PC players into one group?
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Stop feeding into the camping killer's strategy and git gud.
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But we love you... 🥺
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PC players are the same as console players. I play on both so am I a different player when I play on PC?
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Are you delusional, many PC players are a huge problem.
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So the answer to camping killers is "git gud" do you realize how stupid that is? It shows an extreme lack of skill on a killer's part if they feel the only way they can win is to camp. How about improving your own skill so you don't be the d-bag that camps every survivor you hook.
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So if you're a survivor that is hooked and the killer is camping you, you win how? There really is no counter play to a camping killer. They never buy into anyone running distraction or bother with generators until the survivor they hooked and are camping is dead. It's pretty ridiculous to lose pips because a killer lacks the necessary skill to effectively play the game.
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I'm gonna be honest, most of the campy killers I meet are console not PC and I know this because one: I'm PC so I see steam, and two: because literally no one uses window's store.
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I wish crossplay wasn't a thing.
If there has to be a crossplay option then I would prefer to have a way to exclude PC players.
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I dont know what platform people are on 100% but since crossplay has been enabled D/Cs have become a huge problem.
I wasn't really sure what all the D/C punishment fuss was about at first as there wasn't a major problem on PS4, I'd see a few here and there but not loads. In 10 matches today, I have had 11 people "lose connection" strangely after being found first/downed and 100% of them had the little globe icon next to their name.
I don't want to turn off crossplay as the wait times are good right now but I've gone from r1 to r3 today alone having lost at least 1 player withing the first 1-2 mins in nearly every match. Managed to salvage a safety pip here and there but what else can you do?
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PC players are a pain to play against, but with crossplay off all that seems to exist on xbox are red ranks... At rank 10 it just depends on whether I want to be able to contact them for some reason.
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They should add the platform symbol so we could know who's where,plus I'd like to know if I'm getting dusted by a switch player the PC can stay a globe symbol because it's fitting
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PC players? lmao, there are players on both sides who do that. Your whole argument is flawed.
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Just like many console players. Proper way to say it is 'some people are #########, no matter where they play'.
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Are you really see the difference between console and pc players? First crossplay was added, I noticed that console players wasn't prepared for skilled huntress. It was obvious for several weeks but then console players adapted to play against any killer. Now I have seen a lot of good and bad players from all platforms, so I can't tell the difference anymore. DC is absolute random thing that you can see from pc and console players equally. Everyone ragequitting eventually.
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console killers and pc killers camp and tunnel alike, literally no difference.
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Because of the user name.
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Depipping it's unfair, truly.
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1) I've seen a clear difference when crossplay is active, and I've been playing for the last 3 years. Normally rank 2-5.
2) User name.
3) You don't have a counterplay if the killer camps you and wants you dead. Deppiping for that or an early DC is absurd.
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Rank 2 to 5 all the time
Small game is one of my meta perks.
I win a lot
I do a lot of gens
I'm a average at looping
The DC rate with crossplay disabled decreases a lot
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The rate of DC from players with nicknames like "Killer lets farm" is close to 100%. I'm having bad luck then?
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The quality of players is better on PC. The mouse is pretty good for the 360. But sadly, people who disconnect stop qualyfing as players.
Post edited by OldSilentHill on0 -
I'll take campers any day over console survivor teammates that hide behind gens and leave you dead on your first hook. Console survivor players are something else, I don't know if it is because it is easy to rank up against console killers, or what.. it just seems like they don't belong in the rank that they're playing at. Anytime I have an absolutely ridiculous game it is 9/10 times because my teammates are console players. The bad decisions. The lack of altruism. The lack of doing ANYTHING. I guess it is how we all played a few years ago or something and that is how all noobs are? I dono.. just anytime I see a globe emoticon beside someone's name I am very tempted to just dodge the lobby.
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I've heard that 360 is more console thing because of analog sticks. I remember first days of crossplay I was missing hatchets when survivors did 360. Your spins was so different. Kinda wide and fast. I wasn't ready for that stuff. It took time to get used to it. But on distance console players payed zero attention to hatchets because they never expected hatchet hit from 20-30 meters. Now is everyone adapted to every opponent's playstyle.
And I hardly dissagree about camping is pc exlusive thing. This is kinda biased statement.
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It's a lot easier to do with mouse. Also, when did I say it was pc exclusive thing?