Don't be mad if your ign says to mori you and the killer does

Why would you make your name something that encourages the killer to bring a mori then cry about it after. Had a game where something like this where someone's named asked for a mori and I brought a green one. After I moried him his friend immediately disconnects so I felt bad for the other two survivors and let them escape. Just don't ask for things you don't want
Played a "will you Mori me" two nights ago. You bet I used an iridescent Mori on them and only them.
Expected salt, got salt.
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So if someone had "Let me live" or "Don't hook me/Don't hit me" you would give them what they wanted? My guess would be no because that would be going against what the objective of the game is for you. It isn't bad that you mori'd them, it's bad that you mori'd them and complained here about their name on this forum like it matters or is some sort of badge of justification.
This post boils down to "Lol I mori'd someone who had "mori me" as their name, I'm so quirky."
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Honestly, if someone names themselves "Mori me Myers" and I mori them as Myers, I expect them to be happy.
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No it boils down to becareful what you ask for and op isn't complaing he's simply expressing is lack of understanding on why a survivor who's name asked for a mori would get upset that they got morried.
It isn't bad you misunderstood the post, it is bad that you think that this post doesn't matter since this forum is a place where people can share their thoughts and feelings
Honestly this post boils down to "Omg a killer morried a survivor I'm so angry"
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Actually had a game like that a couple of days ago. I had a survivor with a name kinda like that and he showed me rocks that you could climb on Yamaoka estate. Everyone else joined in and we had a rock climbing party.
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OP's first sentence is "Why would you make your name something that encourages the killer to bring a mori then cry about it after." To complain is to "express dissatisfaction or annoyance about something." I don't think OP is expressing satisfaction with people who have "Mori me" in their name so by definition they're complaining.
Which isn't a bad thing. Everyone is allowed complain about whatever they want, like I am allowed to complain about OP complaining.
I will say I shouldn't have said it doesn't matters, because people CAN share their thoughts and opinions on things. I just think this one was a bad take.
I don't think survivors should be penalized because of the name they choose to use (UNLESS that name is something ban worthy), it's like saying those who have ttv in their name shouldn't be surprised when killers or survivors stream snipe them when they're live. "If they didn't want killers or survivors to stream snipe them, they shouldn't put it in their name!"
It's an excuse we use to justify something that would in other words or situations be considered unjustifiable.
Good on you! I'll give you mad props for that. Plus now I know you can climb rocks on Yamaoka Estate so I think I'm winning here.
But seriously, at least you're consistent. If you're consistently mori-ing those with "mori me" and consistently letting those with "let me go" in their names, I have no issues with this.
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Fam, I have a similar ign and I never cry about it lol. In post game chat me and the killer usually laugh about it, bc I find being moried way more entertaining than dying on the hook.
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Same. Dying on the hook is so boring and routine.
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I haven't had a 'Mori' name yet, but I have had variations of 'Tunnel me.' So i do. It's amusing.