Which killers could 4 survivors take on?

I mean that if the survivors could fight back which killers could they defeat? They could just picked up things off the floor and try to fight. Add in just a little realism in terms of injuries but certain killers who are supernatural get to keep their powers. Also, the fact that the survivors and killers have been stuck in a never ending loop so they know of each other and have nothing to lose.
My thoughts without really thinking too hard or remembering all the killers:
I think the survivors have no chance against nurse (she's an undead ghost), spirit (same reason as the nurse), Freddie (supernatural), Pyramid Head...
They could probably take out ghostface, death slinger, legion (if it's a 1 vs 4), trapper.
Hag, easily. Legion, if there is only one like in game.
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It depends on which survivors you team up. Ash, Cheryl, Bill, David Tapp, Laurie Strode, and maybe David King any combination of those 4 could kill ANY of the killers. Cheryl killed a newborn god and countless scores of supernatural monsters. Ash well hail to the king baby, Bill is a soldier pretty much. The others I listed are fighters, but really Cheryl and Ash just the duo would most likely be able to kill any of the Killers.
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Clown. Big guy, but just a guy that can be overpowered. Amanda, so long as you don't give her prep time. Wraith, maybe, if they can keep him from bing bonging. Hag, again, without any prep. Legion, if they get them alone. Ghostface. MAYBE Plague, though it depends on the flavor of bile she's spewing. Deathslinger, IF they can get into range. Maybe Blight? Possibly Bubba, if they get him to lose the chainsaw. I think Hillbilly is too unpredictable to be taken down, by that's a toss up for me.
It also depends on the survivors we're talking about. David and Ash, for instance, have the fitness for it. But Claudette or Kate? Nah.
I personally don't see any combo of four survivors beating down Trapper. The dude is a tank. Same with Huntress, Myers, and PH. Doc would fry anybody around him, Oni is a mountain, Demo is a monster. Freddy exists in dreams, and Spirit and Nurse are undead,
Nea could probably solo everybody, though, seeing as she's the entity.
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None of them. The Killers are delayable, but not stoppable.
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With or without their powers? If so, legion, spirit, and hag would be taken down easily.
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Especially because in this realm they have the power to lift 200 pound men on their shoulder in one hand and break heavy pallets with 2 kicks. Not to mention with 2 slashes they can knock someone down and a regular knife slash lacks that power.
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Probably any of the killers who have remained relatively human and didn't gain (or come with) a bunch of supernatural abilities:
- Any individual member of the Legion (but not as a group)
- Pig
- Clown (if his health problems don't beat him first)
- Ghost Face
- Deathslinger
Considering Hag has thick skin (bark?), sharp claws, and cannibalistic inclinations, I'm skeptical that a group of survivors could truly defeat her in a straight-up fight.
Plague is a solid maybe, but it would depend on just how toxic her purge is (ie, it might be lethal to inhale as shown in her mori).
Everyone else is either too big and strong or has too much supernatural mumbo-jumbo working in their favor.
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4 v 1, would only take 3 to restrain and 1 for a lethal blow. Any of the killers could be beaten by 4 survivors other than the bigger male characters.
Oni would make a sandwich out of 4 survivors trying to fight him.
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Lore wise? Probably none of them. The Entity powers them all up, makes then unstoppable killing machines. But if they made it out into the real world, probably a big portion of them.
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If slamming a pallet and decisive striking is enough to stun the killer, i'm sure there must be a way to defeat these guys long enough to escape.
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Uh... None. They're magically enhanced superhumans. Good luck finding 4 random people stuck in the Entities realms to take on the twisted, occult version of Captain America.
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did you forget legion is 4 people? its 4 experienced killers vs. 4 randoms it wouldnt even be close
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I'd say Ghost Face since he's just a dude in a mask. BHVR gave him his power since he technically doesn't have one.
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Thank God it's only Captain America's power level. Captain America is tough but most of his combat prowess comes from his training. Remove his training and even captain America could be overwhelmed by 4 ppl.
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Experienced? Doubtful. Most to any adults could take them all down with ease.
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Maybe not spirit. Don't ######### with an onryo.
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ok even if you dont think they're experienced even though they are its still 4 teens with knives vs 4 randoms
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Fighting a person with a knife is much easier than one without one. They will use the knife, leaving an opening to disarm them, and take away all of their power, adding it to your own. That being said, anyone with minimal training could easily take down the legion.
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They could 100% take out legion and pig with ease.
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lol ######### no its not and they know how to gang up on people this isnt a 1v1 street fight and the 4 random survivors dont have minimal training
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U watch too many movies. "Fighting a person with a knife is much easier than one without one"... Anybody trained to do things like that will tell you that the best thing to do is to not to get into a situation where you need to even try to use any of those techniques.
I do think the survivors could still take the teens in a 4 vs 4 but its not cuz of some ez techniques.
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Bill. And yes, it is. The blade gives a false sense of security, and it becomes much easier to slip through their defenses.
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I have never watched a single movie like that. I have the training myself, and I can tell you from experience, it is much easier to take someone down with a knife. They lunge, you twist to their side, outing one hand right above their wrist, and one right below their bicep. From there pull with the hand above their wrist, and push with the hand below their bicep, breaking their arm. Additionally, one could go behind and choke one. Thats two down already. Then its a four v two.
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you making me think of the Baker family from RE 7
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Yes I can write a bunch of steps on how to do anything. You twist to the side, the person punches you in the face while your attention is stuck to the knife.
Ps some1 untrained in punching is just as likely to do a wide swing or lunge similar to the situation with a knife.
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A punch that is easily blocked, because you twist to the side with the knife. And you don't only pay attention to one thing. You pay attention to EVERYTHING THATS THERE. This is easy enough: I learned it at white belt.
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Logically, any without supernatural powers in my opinion.
Legion because, come on aren't they teens?
Ghost face, he's a guy with a mask and a knife.
Pig, Amanda was killed in the movie by a gunshot to the neck. She's just a person that became John's apprentice.
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Ah yes... Sure. A white belt in what exactly? Whatever it doesn't matter. I'm just warning you that this arrogance will get yourself hurt.
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Tang soo do moo du kwan
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And it won't. Im not cocky to people stronger than me.
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Isn't that taekwondae or something? I remember seeing that in a manwha.
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Its a korean fighting style, and taekwondae is a poor imitation
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I’m sure David, Bill, Jeff, and Jake could easily beat up a Legion member with ease.
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Bubba if ash had his chainsaw.
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Hi Almo I reviewed my actions in the pass weeks and just wanted to issue an apology. I get caught in the hype sometimes.
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Apology accepted. :)
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Thank you senpai 🙏
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None. Lol.
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I feel like everyone is forgetting about how skilled or "powerful" some of the survivors actually are. Yes Dev, the killers are meant to be unstoppable but uhh Cheryl has killed beings more powerful Than Pyramid Head, and Pyramid head is most likely the most powerful killer.
If we exclude cheryl, and only go with "OG Survivors, and OG Killers" then that's a different discussion. Like Cheryl would most likely solo every killer, powered up by the entity or not.
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The Hag! She’s so short she’d take forever killing taking slices ar survivors’ knees. :P
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None, as they have said. If 4 survivors tried to ambush Susie, it would end with 4 corpses and at a best a brushed Susie. The Killers have proven to be strong enough to break wooden doors and pallets with two light kicks, imagine what they could do a human body. So you can’t overpower them, even attacking in a group, because one hit by them would be enough to break bones and disable one of the survivors, and trying to take away a weapon from a person that is stronger than you is not going to end well.
Also, people are sleeping on the hag, she literally ate an entire village of cannibals! Four survivors are nothing but a light buffet compared to that.
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Okay let's say Hypothetically all the Killers who instead of having a full blown Magical Entity Steroid™ making them physically unstoppable had a moderately toned down version making them superhuman. (so they can die but it'd take A LOT of firepower to do so)
I would say Amanda, Any of the Legion alone, and Ghost Face would have the biggest chances to die as they're the most human with no supernatural powers.
Also I guess technically Freddy & Spirit are already dead (Spirit would literally be just a pile of Smurf Parts without Entity Steroids™) so they already lost?
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None of them assuming the crap they pick up off the floor isn't a rifle or a baseball bat.
No one wants to ######### with someone with a knife. Police shoot them dead. Anyone else that engage always get cut up with serious wounds.
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Well with the Entity's buffs to the killers then not even a 4v1 would harm a single killer. Killers as small as Susie can break pallets and doors with relative ease, and pick up the biggest survivors with one hand and have no issue. So disarming them is now not an option due to their grip, and a punch alone will break survivors bones disabling some and impaling others. It would be a slaughterfest.
However if they didn't have the entity steroids then this is my opinion:
Trapper- 4 dead: Trapper already has hooks and metal bits stuck in him so logically DS shouldn't work, he would tank hits, slap survivors with active traps, his weapon, and break them nonetheless.
Wraith- 1 dead at least: with his invisibility one will already get killed before they realize he's there, after that it's a very slim chance, but I could see the other 3 winning.
Hillbilly- 4 dead: he's the killer we get enduring from so he's guaranteed to tank hits. Chainsaw and mallet in the hands of a nerve dead killer, they're done.
Nurse- 4 dead: she's still a spiritual entity that rips itself through space and time.
Hag- 4 dead: She killed a whole cannibal camp, 4 survivors is a snack to her.
Doctor- 4 dead: he subjected himself to his own torture so he's just insane and can't feel, or enjoys pain.
Huntress- 4 dead: she killed German soldiers who had guns, 4 survivors with less training and worse weapons will be nothing.
Pig- Potentially 0 Dead: She is just human, give her no prep time and stick together then they could potentially not have anyone die.
Spirit- 4 dead: it's a spiritual entity that can manifest itself at will and physically harm you. Plus the damage that's already done shows DS logically shouldn't work either so she would be fairly pain resistant at the least.
Legion- potentially 0 Dead: if it's a 1v4 then they may be able to get away with no one getting injuried or killed. But this is them vs us, so Legion is technically a group. So a 4v4 then no. Chimeric Horde Legion is a no either.
Plague- 4 dead: her Mori shows her basic purge is toxic enough to kill. And touching her alone may be infectious.
Oni- 4 Dead: he's a hulking, extremely trained, monstrosity. He fought a dozen trained samurai and still won. So it'd be a massacre.
Pyramid Head-4 dead: he's already an entity made specifically to punish through pain. So he'll continue to do so.
Blight- 4 dead: without entity restrictions I see him as a stronger being, the speed alone he slams into Survivors at would demolish them now, and I'm certain the serum gave him plenty of other buffs similar to what the entity does.
Deathslinger-potentially 0 Dead: if they played their cards right then no one could be injuried or dead, he's a disabled Irish cowboy.
Demogorgon-4 dead: without entity restrictions it's free to throw everyone around and munch as many heads as it wants.
Ghost Face- potentially 0 Dead: he's just a single man with a knife, they could get away without anyone dying or being injuried if they play their cards right.
Clown- potentially 0 Dead: he's a fat guy with more than likely a lot of health problems.
Nightmare-4 dead: a literal dream demon that would easily outsmart and outskill the Survivors and kill them.
Cannibal- potentially 0 Dead: very slim 0 will die, but I see it being a possibility since he is just a single cannibal.
Shape-4 dead: but only cause of horror movie plot logic. Otherwise he should've been dead first movie. I hate this guy.
Edit: Autocorrect errors