Lets Make Thanksgiving And Christmas Time Special!

Let's get a Bloodhunt for 2 months :D PLEEEEEEEEEEEASE
its very likely going to be one during christmas but almost no chance for it being 2 months
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I know but I would love to see 2 months of pure love from the devs
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Any sort of winter event would be nice.
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How about an actual event where there is no related rift where everything is locked behind money and not participation, and the offerings actually affect the hooks and gens in a way that rewards you for participation in the event as a whole?
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I just want the double bloodpoints for 2 months, honestly. That would be good enough for me.
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I'm a simple woman, I'd be happy with snow everywhere.
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Thanksgiving happened a month ago in Canada, though.
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I'd be fine with a little snow and some themed generator skins. Also, it would be hilarious for DbD to celebrate Thanksgiving given both the huge international audience and the fact that the Devs are Canadian and already had their Thanksgiving
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Imagine all of the realms being covered in snow. That would be so awesome.
Plus it would go a long way towards making the holiday season feel special in dead by daylight. As opposed to the non events we've been getting this year.
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I rather have 2 months of double bloodpoints. That way they don't have to redo any of the maps, they can focus on what they was already doing and still everyone gets more blood points.
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That's orgasmic but too bad people would literally farm each other for WGLF stacks on top of that.
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Okay same but am a man
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I just hope it's a fun event for xmas here's hoping! 🌲
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welcome to dbd, dbd is only the game that i know they have not christmas-Event, probably 2-3 skins and winter blast xD
in other game christmas atmosphere, you feel the christmas event, you taste it you smell it D:
dbd... 2-3 skins xD and tell them "cHrIsTmAs eVeNt"