I'm leaving Dead By Daylight permanently

troy99 Member Posts: 45
edited November 2020 in General Discussions

I don't want to sound like seeking attention. I'm aiming to tell my reasoning with this little rant so if you wanna give some time to it, maybe you can relate to some of my problems with the game.

First off, I started playing since March 2020. I saw Bill's trailer on YouTube and I love L4D2. I also bought Dying Light for the same reason, the idea of a crossover game with many franchises sounded super cool. First times I was scared, it felt like a legit horror game. I also tried killer once but at my first game I faced with absolutely toxic survivors. I was playing huntress in haddonfield, one match that i could never forget. Eventually I learned few things and it started to not feel scary anymore. it felt like a frustrating competitive game. But is it even a competitive game when RNG is over the top? Just because of the high rng i think the skill matters to only some extent.

  • Latency is very frustrating. My hatches won't hit, my dead hard's won't work and i get exhausted on ground. i can't have fun with a badly programmed game. Now I don't know whether if i should blame dedicated servers or the community for asking for dedicated servers for this, but it is my biggest problem with this game.
  • They fix ONE bug, which brings at least FOUR more bugs. Sometimes I just think they're making up bugs just to tell they're bugfixing all the time. One thing I liked was Spirit's sounds during phase. I considered that as a shadow nerf but they fixed it. Can't even have good things accidentally.
  • Very few content. I can't explain how many times i went back to survivor tutorial just to get my running vault work properly. This game needs a practice mode where you can set scenarios, practice with the situations, and map exploring (especially for The Game). My friends do not play this game so I can't use Custom Game. I'm only limited with ranked matches and i keep going against red rank swfs when i'm just a green rank killer.
  • Complaining about toxicity doesn't but it's still a problem for me. Being an ######### and mocking the opponent is something i don't comprehend. (t-bags, hook smacks, facecamping (which is a ######### strategy IMO), etc.) it's not ######### funny c'mon.
  • Meta never changes. I really don't like second chance perks even if they're powerful. Map awareness and detection was always more important to me since I'm a solo Q, but the odds of using underrated perks are so low. IMO the meta BT, DS, DH and Adrenaline/Unbreakable is very clutch and boring. OoO is broken in certain maps. (Can't we ever have a MoM buff?)

I think this game has a great potential but currently it's in wrong hands. I'm not sure if it will be better with different coders but I really can't enjoy this game anymore. If you could relate to some of my problems then I'm happy. Thank you for reading my topic and i wish you good games.

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on


  • LuffyBlack
    LuffyBlack Member Posts: 595

    There's pay to win and montization as well. I wish everyone had the common sense to leave or at least step away for a while. There's so many issues with the game but why should they care when their shills are there to protect them

  • Alex_Splicer
    Alex_Splicer Member Posts: 122

    I say this with plenty of PvP games and this is why I don't play them as much as PvE - the game can be great but the people can just stink. That includes you devs, no one's special enough to leave out.

    I play from time to time now but definitely not as often - I play a lot of Destiny 2 now and it's just more fun simply because with the PvE part.. it's not about stressing out while trying to have fun.

    But plenty of killers and survivors in this game just care about their experience and never think of the other party - especially survivors towards killers. It's like they treat them like real killers and it's just ridiculous.

    So yeah, no one can blame you; but I've been playing a bit longer and I'm still kinda interested - I guess while I took a break it got worse.

    Go figure.

  • LuffyBlack
    LuffyBlack Member Posts: 595

    I know that last tibit of yours was bad faith, but I do agree he should play something else. A better game

  • Jarol
    Jarol Member Posts: 1,985

    Yup, I joined dbd in June of this year and the first game is not forgotten, when you play and lower your level, even playing against good people, you realize that the "terror" of the game is lost and that you are entering To a competitive game where the only thing that everyone cares about is winning, lowering the rank and raising blood points as well as fragments, I play to gain experience and thus later counteract my skills as a killer, although the toxicity in this The game is more contaminated by the survivors than by the killers, I hope you can find a game where you feel more comfortable and wear a lot of clothes for it, I wish you luck ...

  • Venzhas
    Venzhas Member Posts: 684
    edited November 2020

    Yup thanks showing the best side of the community by this respectful ans useful comment

  • GrilledCheesus
    GrilledCheesus Member Posts: 6
    edited November 2020

    I take this for what it is for me. A game I can pick up whenever and not really feel like but having played cost me my competitive edge....UNLESS certain things happen. My biggest gripe is that Scream is silent for more then half the game. I use spine chill and I still end up getting picked off. I also dislike the vomiting that can basically cover the entire room and you can't escape it, but I can deal with that.

  • Aldofer
    Aldofer Member Posts: 458

    yep the game is getting stale, and the new graphics are killing the game on console, i hate to say it but wothout a new mode the game lose it's savour

  • Deckergirl
    Deckergirl Member Posts: 39

    I downloaded the game a while back before tomes were a thing. Came back for season 4.

    About toxic players,

    Bullied people bully people.

    If someone acts up & starts being toxic there's only 1 thing happening that I've noticed in 90% of toxic people.

    They only act up when they know someone else is watching. Playing with a friend in the room. On vent with friends ect.

    Otherwise they are quite because they have no one to try impress,

    NOW as for if another company came to take over DBD, nope you wouldn't like that. The new company would know LESS about coding then Current devs.

    Unless it was EA...


    Those players aren't using them because they want to, its because they HAVE too, they google stupid stuff like (DBD best perks)

    There's only 2 mandatory perks in the game ATM. Bbq&c & we're going to live forever,

    Both give you up to 100% BP post game.

    Your truly an amazing player if you don't play with handicaps

    (Term for giving yourself a boost)

    See you in 2021.


    EDIT: other companies who would like DBD,

    Activision Blizzard, they would fix the toxicity so dang fast.

    SEGA, they already sells pallet swaps on the shop.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    What? Do you want me to cry and join the circlejerk? We have this thread every week.

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,177

    Can I have a going away party when I finally wise up and quit?


  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430
    edited November 2020

    Meta 👏 will 👏never👏Change👏As 👏long 👏 as 👏 built-in👏 Mechanics👏 Remain👏 The👏 Same.

    It’s really simple. I get it. “Not every killer plays sweaty”... the problem is NOBODY knows this prior to going into a match, we don’t even know which killer it is. So, your options are take the risk that the killer won’t abuse their free pressure. OR have a decent time in the match where you can counter these mechanics.

    Survivors are literally bringing perks to counter these mechanics, because the alternative is to either sacrifice yourself or another.

    I agree with the rest though.

  • tattiepicker
    tattiepicker Member Posts: 6

    If you dont like it then no point in playing. Only thing that bothers me is the camping killers because I feel it truly ruins the match.

    I dont really notice bugs every single time I play so for me it ain't that bad. The bug where you couldn't hook a survivor was bad though but they sorted it relatively quick.

    The game isn't for everyone but playing since March isnt a long time

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    I wouldn’t call it that much of a shake up.

    It’s simply “Oh... we can make Ruin oppressive again, and punish noobs and solo again”

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    True I guess. tbf old Ruin didnt really hurt solos at all. Unless you were the unluckies man on earth it only added about 30 seconds to a gen. and that was if you couldnt hit greats.

  • Aldofer
    Aldofer Member Posts: 458

    i agree you still have to take pop to be efficient, and undying only synergies with ruin, oh the old meta yay what shakeup, at least you search totem now if you are swf. oh you're solo then it's gg i guess since most people in red rank plays like they're green rank. off to kill myself then

  • BigBadWolf1928
    BigBadWolf1928 Member Posts: 4

    The biggest problem for me is the same boring 7 perks I always see from survivors I don't blame you for leaving dude.

  • Money_Mike
    Money_Mike Member Posts: 22

    It’s ping-related. That’s all there is to it. Ping can make or break a game for you.

  • Lazerboy88
    Lazerboy88 Member Posts: 517

    Okay bye! No offense but you probably won’t be missed!

  • piggypablo
    piggypablo Member Posts: 102

    I need to create a macro on my keyboard for this, since these posts happen so frequently. Don't announce you're leaving, just leave. No one cares.

  • Ethofrasty
    Ethofrasty Member Posts: 18

    I can agree heavily with everything basically and I just deal with it..... Nuff said...

  • undoredo
    undoredo Member Posts: 92

    ok? bye lol

  • QuAd_Rambo
    QuAd_Rambo Member Posts: 8

    Sir u just need to play more to learn how the game works march 2020 lmao

  • QuAd_Rambo
    QuAd_Rambo Member Posts: 8

    At the moment most of the bugs are when you play killer since sometimes you can't hear footsteps or downed survivors

  • Jivetalkin13
    Jivetalkin13 Member Posts: 747

    My advice, take some time off. If you already have, take some more time. Taking an extended break from a game can be good if it is becoming frustrating or unfun. However, if you truly are done with the game. It's fine. You'll still have your memories and at least you tried something new.

  • LuffyBlack
    LuffyBlack Member Posts: 595

    I'm glad not everyone in this community are #########.

  • snowyukimura
    snowyukimura Member Posts: 3

    Unfortunately that's just dbd and will probably allways stay like that. Survivors are toxic to both there teammates and the killer, allways trying to find new ways to bm and that causes killers to tunnel and camp because it pisses them off so much and so the other survivors just do it too and it's just a endless circle that will probably never change

  • Withered
    Withered Member Posts: 71

    K, hun, see ya next week

  • Nywlr
    Nywlr Member Posts: 9

    I feel ya mate, Ive stopped playing it 3 days ago and I don't think I'm ever gonna play it again

  • Mdawgu
    Mdawgu Member Posts: 408

    Go directly to jail, do not pass go, do not collect 200$

  • Umhungy90
    Umhungy90 Member Posts: 1

    LMAOO I've been playing since april and I'm rank 2 easy.. My only issue which no one can touch is why dont we get paid for running the killer for 4 or 5 gens??? Huh huh huh lol instead we depip wow and the team get paid tho

  • itsaconehead
    itsaconehead Member Posts: 236

    But no cake, and we can't afford a good entertainer so you have a choice of a clown with a bad cough who eats fingers or an old guy in an ugly sweater that also coughs because he smokes all the time.

  • Letche
    Letche Member Posts: 96

    Just the other day I was being healed by a teammate and deathslinger saw us from a distance, shot at me and it acted like it hit me, but it didn't. It was almost like it grazed me and my character (Cheryl) screamed like she'd gotten hit. By all means I should have, but I didn't, then he turned his attention to someone else.

  • jotaro
    jotaro Member Posts: 173


  • Traciiee_1974
    Traciiee_1974 Member Posts: 18

    Seriously?? No need to be a dick. That's some responsible parenting right there too 🤨

  • huntress01
    huntress01 Member Posts: 1
    edited November 2020

    It's called grow a ######### sack and get over it. You're the equivalent of a Male Karen. Nobody gives a flying ######### if you're leaving. Just go, and don't rant about it.

  • JoJodownstairs
    JoJodownstairs Member Posts: 2

    Ive been playing this game for 3 yrs now and I play both sides round bout equal.As both a killer and Survivor player i found I had more fun from both perspectives during the pre"end game" mechanic.Its really the only main thing I can't stand about the game.thats both k8ller & Survivor side of me.I can't help it if most of you disagree with My opinion on the subject. As killer I've always enjoyed a good challenging chase,I dont camp I want you off to run somemore,in my opinion endgame robs and cheapens the whole reason of the entity's trial's, the very heart and soul in the matches purpose,its core make up.Thats how i feel anyways.