General Discussions

General Discussions

So, this is it!

I want to start saying that the game has indeed entertained me for the time; the setting, the animations, the gameplay, the models, effects... all of these things are really nice in my opinion. Congrats to devs.

Unfortunately it's impossible to keep overlooking the other side of the coin.

In 1 hour session today, i got 6 matches:

  • 4 of them atleast 1 teammate suicided on first hook. One of them even waited me to start going for the rescue and start doing kobes to end suiciding when i was at 1 meter. Killer was not camping.
  • The 2 other matches i got paired with greens, even white ranks in one of them. That being rank 2 myself.

These two points describe two major problems the game has, one is that the game was designed "carelessly" about how unbalanced a match can get if survivors intentionally suicide on hooks.

The other is that matchmaking makes literally zero sense, i'm getting queues than less than 30 seconds, at red ranks, and i'm still being paired with greens and whites. I could understand purples, but greens and whites?

Obviously the urge of posting about this points, is due to frequency of occurrence. Today was just the perfect example.

Anyways as i'm getting older and patience is starting to becoming a flaw of mine, which i'm sure is not helping, i leave it here.

Goodbye everyone!

P.D: 250 hours. Rank 2 Survivor. Rank 3 Killer.

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  • Member Posts: 14,890

    They are working on a different mechanic for matchmaking - MMR. Which (ideally) would make one of your points obsolete.

    i hope with better matchmaking hook suiciding will also be less observed but who knows..

  • Member Posts: 2,418

    There it is, 1st departure of the new week.

    We totally understand. Hope it suits you well... if not, you’re always welcome back anytime for more DBDing.

  • Member Posts: 38
    edited November 2020


    You finding the time extremely weird means that you have experienced it aswell?

    I gave my best.

    Be enough or not to last is still better than those that suicide on first hook are choosing to give.

  • Member Posts: 5,564

    No lol I would say that unless the killer downs all 4 survivors and kills them in 5 minutes then there's no way you can play 6 games in that time.

    I've had people kill themselves or dc immediately to start the game and it still lasts at least 10 minutes.

  • Member Posts: 5,270

    @Anara fish gang

  • Member Posts: 38


    Will make sure to put approximately an hour next time, haha.


    If you are right, which seems to be, might be better to quit playing team based games unless with friends.

    Maybe is something you realized time ago but is something i just realized thanks to DBD.

  • Member Posts: 296
  • Member Posts: 5,564

    That doesn't include the roughly 3 minutes you may need to wait to exit and find another game. It's plausible but having 6 games in 1 hour just seems a bit much.

  • Member Posts: 1,297

    Do what is good to you, but dont forget its easy to make new friends on video games !

  • Member Posts: 38

    Imagine experiencing what happened on those matches if you already find it odd just by the duration.

  • Member Posts: 5,564

    If I genuinely played 6 matches in 1 hour I'd stop playing survivor lol at that rate solo survivor is even worse than before. I also would be disappointed in myself having chases that short that the game only lasts 5 minutes, 6 times in a row.

    I'd say if your actually having those sort of problems then bring Object of Obsession. Make sure your chased first and let the babies work on gens.

  • Member Posts: 5,211
    edited November 2020

    One of these days I'll wise up, make my own "I'm leaving forever, goodbye!!!!" thread, and then actually leave forever

    It probably should be today but I'm too stupid to do that...

    See you guys in the next "I'm Leaving!!!" thread when I repeat the same thing until I eventually realize playing this game brings me nothing but misery!

  • Member Posts: 38




    In my case it made me stop playing the game.

    OoO is only going to delay it, these players seem to have an i give up at first chance mindset due to X.

    This has to be prevented from devs side, either by better punishments or encouragements. But would be interesting to understand what is making these players to act like that first.

    On an interesting side note i always run Kindred, so they can know if teammates are going for the rescue, others repairing...

  • Member Posts: 5,564

    Unfortunately it's the risk you take when playing solo survivor. You need to add players and create a swf.

    Problem is they can't punish people for killing themselves on hook. I know last year I got chased for 2 mins and when I got hooked I saw something disgusting. 3 urban evasion survivors. No gens were done and I went "Nope I'm outta here" lol

  • Member Posts: 38


    DC penalties exist, you find this different?

  • Member Posts: 714

    This game has a lot of problems, even more if you dont play with friends, i suggest you to play with friends, because solo survivors is a pain in the ***, and apparently the devs are ok with it

  • Member Posts: 5,564

    Btw if you quote people then you don't need to tag them. It will notify me that you replied to me.

    Yea I do. I'd rather people don't do it and I personally don't do it unless I feel it's a pointless game to play. I don't mean that like 'oh it's a freddy with double slowdown add-ons and slowdown perks I must kill themself'. I will play basically every game unless I see a reason to not do play it, like my example.

    If someone needs to leave the lobby for personal reasons then I think it's fair that they kill themselves on the hook.

  • Member Posts: 38

    I dont agree.

    If everyone quits when they feel is pointless this is exactly what can happen.

    That others that might be trying their best are punished instead.

    If you knew personal reasons could arise, then don't play for the same reason.

    I will always feel this only contributes to an unnecessary selfish environment.

  • Member Posts: 5,564

    It all depends on the person that's playing at the time. You can't control what's way they are going to play, that's just multiplayer games for you. It's why I always feel the need to play swf because I know all the players are reliable.

    I live on a farm with someone who is elderly. There are times that I can't help but leave early to help him. I don't want to build up DC's because of something that's out of my control. Thankfully I'm normally in a swf so they understand and are good enough to get maybe 1 or more escapes without me.

    However if I'm playing extremely well and my teammates are basically doing nothing to help me then I'd see no reason playing that game. If I loop the killer for 2 minutes and no gens are done and people are just hiding from the killer I'd say I have the right to kill myself on hook.

  • Member Posts: 38

    And how you know others "that do nothing" are not under same situation as you?

    In the end theres no difference between someone who quits than to someone who does nothing. Both reduce the teammates win chances as the game is designed for 1vs4.

    If this was a non team based or non competitive game i would agree with you but this is both.

  • Member Posts: 5,270

    I'm usually up for complaining about the devs but idk how it's their responsibility to make randoms play well

  • Member Posts: 170

    Im dumbfounded by y'all riding his ass about saying 6 games in an hour. It was more than likely a generalization and doesnt need to be taken so seriously. Jesus christ...

  • Member Posts: 170

    @PlayerLUE saying that somebody needs to not play cause of personal reasons possibly arrising...really???? I have a serious heart disorder. At any given moment I could have a massive heart attack and die. Should i not play the game because that's a possibility? What kind of logic is that? Like, really?

  • Member Posts: 5,564

    When I say do nothing I mean going around the map with urban evasion, hiding in corners, not working on gens, etc.

    Being afk is different.

    Both reduce the teams chances of winning but as someone with over 3k hours I know when there's no point in playing. I don't care who the killer is or what they're running, just who my teammates are.

  • Member Posts: 3,130

    What needs to be addressed is why are they suiciding?

    Could it be because the killer is using the sleepy slowgen build and they felt there was no chance (oppressed)? Is he camping? Is it a Iri-Head Huntress? A Freddy? A mori was used and the survivor felt they were going to tunnel off hook?

  • Member Posts: 5,270
    edited November 2020

    Well whatever the reason we can both agree it's definitely the killer's fault.

    remember your job is to keep survivors alive and unoppressed at all costs. Only bad killers let their survivors die! - ask them yourselves in end game chat if you don't believe us

  • Member Posts: 38

    Would you accept a penalty due to putting the teammates at a disadvantage due to quitting?

  • Member Posts: 38

    Yes that should be a way to go, but there will always be suicides based on non competitive teamplay motivs like toxicity, selfishness...

    So the problem could persist.

  • Member Posts: 170

    @PlayerLUE dude that's a toxic mindset to have. I just told you I have a heart condition that could kill me and all you care about is putting your team at a disadvantage? If I have a heart attack while playing I promise you I won't dc and hurt your feelings. Ill be on the floor dying lol

  • Member Posts: 170

    @PlayerLUE also, if I'm playing the game and out of nowhere my family shows up, that's always gonna take priority. If my dog pisses on my floor and what not. Like, unknown variables exist and it's that simple. People don't have to not play because life exist outside of their bedroom.

  • Member Posts: 38

    Yet you totally avoided my question.

    Answer it, please.

  • Member Posts: 38

    I think i have seen enough, not all.

    Want to discuss something else?

  • Member Posts: 38

    You might be lucky everyone seems to be loosing it more easily as ages go by in my experience.

    Want to share something about more important topics of the discussion or?

  • Member Posts: 38

    Understandable, but what would happen if many don't have atleast a bit of control on the free time when they play?

    That's the problem with individual priorization over the group.

    What's better for all?

    Maybe it's indeed that you can play but that something punishes you for leaving the teammates alone and punish others if they do the same to you.

    Don't DC penalties exist for the same reason?

  • Member Posts: 170

    @PlayerLUE I genuinely don't understand what you're getting at man. Your free time isn't somebody's concern if they get a work call or a family member shows up or anything in between. You genuinely don't seem to want to have a reasonable discussion on this topic though. It would appear you would rather spread negativity than have a genuine conversation on how your viewpoint is toxic to the community itself. Dcing is a problem, I get it but, people have lives outside of the game even when the games running. If you want to suggest a solution to the problem then rally behind behavior implementing dc bots like the mobile version has.

  • Member Posts: 102

    Again, don't announce you're leaving, just leave.

  • Member Posts: 2,418

    I kno you feel the same way, tho

    It’s kinda upsetting seeing so many players opting to leave. We’re all experiencing the same challenges and frustrations, so it’s easy to empathize with each other.

  • Member Posts: 38
    edited November 2020

    I find what i responded here disrespectful, i delete this. Read the one below please.

    Post edited by PlayerLUE on
  • Member Posts: 38

    Unless points worth discusson are bringed, which seems to be the case.

  • Member Posts: 38

    I would agree to you if this was not a team based competitive game but others are expecting exactly that, teammates able to compete.

    That this quantity of players that suicide on hooks or DCs is due to real life events or don't have a play time uninterrupted time is at best an assumption we can make so i still think it should be punished due to the other toxic, selfish or weird possible reasons. Consistency as with DCs.

    But on top of all, as a player, i wouldn't play a competitive match if i'm not certain that something in my real life can't get in between as i would love others to do aswell to make the experience fair and enjoyable.

    Do you find this unreasonable or toxic?

  • Member Posts: 1,488

    Yeah if you keep up to date with my posts, its obvious I care. However, I totally understand everyone and I feel for them, I have considered quitting so many times. Hell, even azame says he has never got back to back bad matches like me. I have a third his time! I digress, so many people here are just sarcastic or belligerent and it gets nowhere. So people can't come to this forum to have a venting without things being made worse, ruining the idea of a "community."

  • Member Posts: 2,418

    Yeah absolutely, I took last week off from DBD jus to rest my mind a bit. It was refreshing.

    Over the past several months, I’ve been inspired by uplifting messages I’ve read here in the forums to keep up the good fight against the negativity and maintain a positive outlook.

    That’s why I view this community as more of a family. When players do vent their concerns and frustrations, the positivity they are met with from the members who truly care outshine all the negative vibes (wether intentional or unintentional) that find their way into the discussion.

    I believe that those who are here venting can see and understand this, then are enabled to take away more good from the posts and from those who are empathetic, as opposed to any negativity that is posted could ever take away from them.

    This cannot be a place of negativity when people are coming here seeking help.

    We all find ways to keep everyone feeling good, having fun gaming DBD and interacting healthily together. ‘Cause deep down inside, no one wants to be miserable.

  • Member Posts: 38

    Yes, i want to mention that the frustration of that morning is exactly what made me quit and come to the forums to see how others where feeling about these situations.

    If these things happen even if it's a bad luck streak i can't do anything that's in my control to help it other than giving my best or not playing alone. And if noone supports solo q what happens? Killers would enjoy SWF often?

    This is why many of these arguments start to fall apart when you bring reciprocity or community to the table.

    Is the better for the game experience of everyone that you quit or that they quit when you play? What if many start to quit often?

    What happened when someone pointed out this can get enough bad? How the community responded, looking for the group or for themselves?

    In the end i'm no longer sure if this community is not a reflection or a consequence of what's going on in-game.

    Maybe this is exactly what DBD deserves and i'm the one naive.

  • Member Posts: 2,418
    edited November 2020

    I’ll always opt to play Solo over SWF... the challenge is too intoxicating for me not to, tho sometimes it can bring on excessive anxiety.

    I actually took a break last week when I was faced with 14 consecutive neg pip matches and started to feel a bit stressed over it. Came back mentally rejuvenated and in 1 day pip’d all the way back to where I was. That’s how streaky this game can be.

    The number of good people who play DBD aren’t nearly as recognized as the number of those who aid in the breeding and inciting of toxicity amongst the community.

    There are way more decent, fun, positive, friendly players out there who will pick another person up instead of trying to tear them down. These forums only represent a handful of DBD players, overall. That’s why I am always confident that the state of the community is in much better shape than it seems.

    Jus have to try not to let any negative attributes broadcast by the selfish, toxic minority take away from our healthy interactions with the majority of good people who play, and also never allow them to kill our positive outlook, mood or enjoyment of life.

  • Member Posts: 2,418
    edited November 2020

    Edit: Duplicate post

  • Member Posts: 52

    It's just a game, stop being a drama queen

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