My theory for the new chapter...

I have a feeling that the killer is going to have two abilities, similar to killers like Demogorgon and Freddy. I think the first one is going to be a scream or shriek of some sort that hinders whoever is within a certain radius. This will cause survivors to either lose game sounds for a period of time or it will slow them down. Possibly even both.

I think the second ability is some sort of dash / dive mechanic. The killer will go in a crawling position and be able to move at a faster speed for a duration of time. They are then able to dash forward to attack. Unlike any other killer, they are also able to dive over vaults and dropped pallets whilst using this ability.

Both abilities will have a cool down of some sort.

Thought it would be interesting to post this in case anything I’ve said is actually accurate. 😂
