New Mechanic: Finding the handle to the exit gate

I have a new idea for a mechanic in the game to make it longer and potentially more fun for killers and survivors.

What about when the last generator is completed and the exit gates are powered why don't the survivors find the handle for the exit gate to escape. One of two handle swill be in random places box places the survivors have to waste time looking through in order to get out. Once they have found it the killer will get a short notification of which survivors have found it and they will have a new objective. If the killer finds and hook the person with the handle its automatically moved to another location for the survivors to find. To compensate the exit gates could take less time to open the door.


  • iZombie
    iZombie Member Posts: 231

    I don’t agree with there being an extra objective once the exit gates are powered. Once that happens, you failed your job as a killer, which is to prevent survivors from repairing generators. I don’t think it’s fair to punish survivors for simply doing their objective.

    However, I wouldn’t be against something for early game. Maybe all generators start locked and you have to find and press a button that unlocks them all for everybody else in the trial.

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    Once the exit gates are powered the killer has a new objective which is to prevent the survivors from escaping. And this mechanic isn't to punish survivors from doing their job. This is to ensure that the game is more tense for both sides and making it so that both sides still have a chance to win.

    Also I do have a mechanic for early game if you wanna hear it?

  • iZombie
    iZombie Member Posts: 231

    I just don’t think it would be an enjoyable mechanic for survivors. Imagine if there were 2 survivors left and one is being chased whilst the other fixes the last gen. Instead of now being able to go and 99% a gate, they have to waste time trying to find the handle which also alerts the killer. In a scenario like this, just waiting for the other person to die and looking for the hatch would be the easier option. It would just promote unhealthy gameplay which we already have enough of. Also, imagine being the sole survivor and the killer closes the hatch. You may as well just give up. As you basically have zero chance of getting a gate open then. A change like this would make keys more popular than they already are and I don’t think anybody wants that lol.

    If any change to objectives is to occur, it should be for early game. To stop survivors just spawning in on generators and it’ll also give slower killers chance to build momentum.

    What’s your idea for early game?

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    Ok I see what you mean

    My idea for early game would be generators located in specific areas of the map would be activated via a swich in which the survivors would have to turn on in order to start repairing the generator. The killer can turn off these switches at anytime in order to apply pressure easily.

  • Randomplayer545
    Randomplayer545 Member Posts: 21

    it would make for a more immersive gameplay but i can imagine killers abusing this and just always bringing noed, bloodwarden, remember me, and some other random perk with op add-ons and offerings.

  • thethruth901
    thethruth901 Member Posts: 1

    This is crazy my guy 😂😜😂😂😜😂. We already overpowered killers. You want us to work even harder to escape. Lol. This is too funny. Nice try though my guy.