What "underrated" franchises would you wanna see

It's me again, doing another video tonight on characters I'd like to see, but again I want opinions of you guys on the forum. My video on characters I don't want to see is rendering right now (I'll probably do a part 2 of that because I forgot to mention a few other things I don't want to see). I wanna do this on the "underrated" franchises in horror or just horror movies that I feel don't get a lot of appreciation that I think would do great in this game.

Hostel, survivors are kinda endless with the 3 movies. Killer? The guy from the first movie personally this guy.

Ma, survivors would be cool I can't decide who though. Ma as a killer would be great, that movie was amazing. In my younger days, we relied on older ones we hung out with for parties and drink/smokes which could have been dangerous, when I saw that movie it actually scared me.

Happy Death Day, baby faced killer would be cool I don't know about powers but it was a great movie. Tree was a hilarious character and I loved her.

Purge, there's so many options. I don't think this franchise is overrated though, it did get a lot of hype, but the skins! All the skins you could have if the license allowed it.
