Balance team, please...

New chapter has been relased, the new killer is very good in terms of giving a fun time to the survivor, but there's a killer in your game. Can you address your "frustrating to play against", in "frustrating to play as" sometimes? Who will know... I'm not going to buy this killer. @everyonelse, don't touch this killer until she get buffed.
#counter the entire power by just hiding in a locker
#doing gens right in her face becose she seems to go AFK.
The locker issue has been recognized, and it will probably be addressed before they come to the live version. Same thing with holding Victor hostage.
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This is not enough, doing gens in her face while she is "AFK" needs to be addressed. Maybe give a speed penalty on repairing for those who are in her TR while you are controlling Victor!
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Where did they said that?
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- Devs said in a feedback post that they are buffing Charlotte by allowing Victor to interact with lockers
- Well I are controlling another killer, and if you need to you can just wake Charlotte up from her dreams about cheese and slap em...hell down em
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Doing gens in a killer's face is outrageous vs. me, I am an experienced killer main and I feel humiliated by playing this unbalanced mess!
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Maybe. We’ll just have to see.
Ghost Face and Blight came out basically unplayable, but when they got to live they were actually good. I believe The Twins are in good hands.
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A dev responded to a post on the 4.4.0 feedback section about the locker issue. I found out holding victor hostage was an exploit of game mechanics from a developer on stream.
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The locker thing and holding Victor hostage are the biggest problems. There's some other in my opinion needed buffs such calling Victor back whenever you want when you placed him across the map or a faster transition between Charlotte and Vic.
Not sure what you wanna do about doing gens in front of Charlottes face when you're playing as Vic though. Maybe they could be revealed with killer instinct in a certain radious similar to what happens when you park Vic somewhere. Not sure.
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The point is, I can't know if they are repairing. Did you ever seen a killer with a provided power to be trolled like that? I hope you keep playing Nurse becouse if you buy this new killer I will find you, and I will facecamp you.
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It's perfectly fine if you don't want to buy the chapter, I'd say it's even fine if you encourage others to think about if they want to get it or not.
But basically saying you'll "punish" people for buying something you don't want to buy when they might have an entirely different opinion on the "value" of the product in question? Take a chill pill and/or a break, jeez.
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"If you buy a product I personally dislike because I don't think it's good enough, I will ensure you have a bad time!"
Holy ######### did this community suddenly get filled with children when I blinked? Let people spend their money on what they want; it doesn't impact you in the slightest.
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I was joking about the facecamping part, but she needs adjustements, or no one will play her lol, unless you love to hurt yourself xD
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Yeah, this is one where they swung for the moon in the "creative design" and "fun to play against" catagory while 100% forgetting the killer also has to be fun to play as or no one's gonna freakin' do it.
Watching Streamers stream as the killer is just depressing after the initial baby lunge hilarity wears off. They only have fun when streaming gameplay against Twins.
I think the sobering moment to everyone is where you try to leap to places where you can't normally go... and then just die. I get the Devs said it's a technical limitation, but it comes off like: "Ah, trying to have fun as killer, I see? Yeha, no. Get clapped."
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That's good, honestly hard to tell with some of the ascended takes you see on here sometimes.
While I don't agree with everything you've said in this thread (like finding it "humiliating" to have survivors do gens in your face) I certainly do agree there's things that need changes like Victor vs lockers, survivors "refusing" to give Victor back and taking him for a ride and such 😄