Oppression would be amazing if base regression was worth it.

In my opinion, Oppression is probably the Twins' best perk. Coup De Grace looks like a lot of fun, and Hoarder seems to be a meme perk and not much more, but they're not amazing. I feel like Oppression is going to have a lot of potential late game when a few survivors are dead, and in general I think it has some great synergy with some existing perks (even if I do feel the cooldown is a bit much), but base regression holds it back. Base regression is just not good. I really think it needs to be increased at least slightly.
Again, this is just my opinion. What're your thoughts?
I prefer Oppression for the skill check thing. If the Survivors mess it up you get free instant regression and tabs.
My question is, does it work with Surveillance?
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Yeah. Its why I've always found kicking gens over immediately chasing the survivor worthless. I remember a long time back asking in a Q and A stream if base regression would ever increase even just by 25-50% and they said no.
For those that don't know, base gen regression is 0.25 charges per second. Survivors repair at 1 charge per second. So if you were able to kick a complete gen it would take 320 seconds to regress fully.
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As far as I understand, yes. And that's fair. I actually haven't seen how difficult the skillcheck is yet.
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The problem with Oppression imo is the 80 second cooldown! The perk needs a cooldown, but 80s is too long!
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The cooldown is a bit ridiculous when the affect isn't that amazing.
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I've said this before, I'll say it again - I feel like a lot of the "genrush" problems would be at least somewhat solved if base regression was worth it. The fact that survivors can just tap a gen to stop it regressing is a huge problem, at least imo. I'm not saying it needs to be Ruin levels, but it needs to be more.
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Whenever I see people say that Oppression is going to be meta I think of those rank 20 killers who stop to kick a gen before every chase.
Base regression does literally nothing unless you are able to completely stop survivors from working on gens, in which case you have already won.
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Heck, if base regression were better survivors would be able to stop complaining about Ruin/Undying/Pop because only the sweatiest "I must win" killers would still use it. Most of us want to try using other perks with other killers but matches are over in 5 minutes if we do.
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Yeah base regression is so poor to put it in concept Ruin regress gens at half of a survivor repair speed while base does a quarter hence why people dont kick gens unless they have pop as whats the point to spend approx 3 seconds kicking a gen so it can regress at a quarter of a survivor repair speed to have it wipe in less that a second by a survivor.
In other word please buff base gen regress when kicked lol
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I think Oppression is a very good perk for killers that have very bad map pressure just cause it keeps them from having to go to each gen specifically.
I'm curious if Oppression would work well with Trail of Torment. Kick a gen to become undetectable and if a survivor fails a skill check on a different gen you know which general area to go, all with no terror radius.
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If base regression was better it would be more useful outside of combos with Ruin.
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I could finally get the Wraith Adept. After two years.
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I remember those rank 20 days where I thought kicking a gen did things. Times were simpler then.
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Oppression certainly will have it's uses. And huh, I didn't even think about that. I'm gonna have to try out a Trail of Torment, Dragon's Grip, Oppression, Surveillance build.
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It's decently difficult. I think it could use a slightly smaller zone to make it really challenging for Survivors so it's less easy to counter.
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Seconds absolutely count in this game as killer.
If for any reason survivors aren’t on the other 3 gens that start to regress after kicking another, any regression is better than NO regression.
Like Surge, this is going to save tonnes of time, especially if getting into another chase shortly after kicking a gen.
It’s like a mild t1 Ruin that the survivors can’t cleanse.
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Surge+Oppression might be an okay combo.
Surge hits the gens near you, then oppression gets up to 3 more regressing. So you defend your 3 gen, and make the far gens regress with oppression.
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I don't understand this argument at all. What did u do before undying came? Are you saying it was impossible to win a match? Cause that's just nonsense.
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I'm not saying Oppression is a bad perk - it isn't. It just isn't worth it in the current state of regression. It's definitely going to save a lot of time, but only in the kicking of other gens. I'd rather just run Ruin/Undying, as unless I get really unlucky at the immediate start of the match, it's guaranteed better regression.
This post isn't about Oppression being bad, it's about base regression being bad - because it is.
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I used corrupt and pop. Because outside of the top tier killers or playing against survivors who don't know how to loop, the first hook would almost always take 1 or more gens.
Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on0 -
Oppression stacks with Pop. Thats already another combo in my book after Ruin and Undying.
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I think that’s where the trade off consideration lays. My feelings are is it’s meant to be a weaker version of Ruin with the upside that the survivors cannot eliminate the perk from the match.
Much like a serial slugger could choose between The Third Seal or Knockout. Knockout isn’t as strong as TTS for this strategy, but it also can’t be cleansed either.
It’s also worth noting that sometimes the chaos simply leads/keeps survivors away from particular areas of the map. Even with base regression, if survivors for any reason don’t return for some time, it can still hurt their progress.
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This right here on the doctor was a good combo for me today, I got a 4k with only 2 gens completed on coal tower
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Fair enough. Oppression is definitely worth a try, I just don't see it lasting in the current game outside of niche builds. The devs have definitely been adding enough gen kick perks lately to make a few different builds.
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Oh man, yeah. I can see how Oppression will be painful on Doc. Especially with Overcharge too.
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Yea if you can get good pressure early on with that build it's hard for the survivors to get anything done with having to snap out of it every so often and not being able to finish gens uninterrupted in some sort of way
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It is like a tier 2 Overcharge
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Just as note if that was your thought: Overcharge will not be applied to the randomly regressed gens. Overcharge is bound to the kicking action, not the regression state or damage. Same like Pop
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Who said it is meta?
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Surge explosions wouldn't trigger Oppression. Oppression needs the kicking action, same like on Pop and Overcharge
EDIT: just checked that the perk said "damage" not "kick". Is it confirmed that this works?
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Honestly, if you don't see the value in a potentially map-wide Surge then Opression is not the perk for you. Instead of going around and manually kicking 4 generators, you kick 1 generator and have 3 more start regressing completely for free, or getting an Overcharge skillcheck seemingly out of the blue. And there are a lot of perks that it can be paired with - PGTW, Trail Of Torment, Dragons Grip, Overcharge, Surveillance...
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Yeah I realise that. I’m just thinking of the wealth of difficult skillchecks it means survivors will be dealing with in T1 and T2 madness.
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it probably wouldn’t matter anyway. The combo would still save tonnes of time. Surge procs, doesn’t find a survivor to chase before coming across a gen to kick. 2 actions, up to all 7 gens affected in some fashion.
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He's saying that surge would cause gens to regress and then if you chased a survivor off a gen and kicked it then oppression would start regressing 3 additional gens seperate to those that surge affected
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I think Oppression has the potential to be a good perk, but I don't think it's going to be a good perk on its own. I personally am excited to pair oppression with pop goes the weasel, surveillance, and possibly even surge too, as long as surge does actually trigger oppression after the PTB. Using it not as a slowdown perk, but as a detection perk when its paired with surveillance is the main way I think Oppression will be useful. I'm excited to hopefully incorporate it into my pig build, but I do think the ruin/undying combo will be better on killers that can reliably defend totems.
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Base regression is .25
Ruin regression is .50 (at tier 3)
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That's how the game just is though. You shouldn't measure ur success against gens because that doesn't work. The first three gens are always the easiest to pop and its about how the other ones go once you've started getting pressure. Like I wouldn't be fussed if two or three pop wiht my first hook becuase often i'm then able to play from there and win.
I just think it's silly that people expect to be able to win at 4 or 5 gens, that's an indicator of the survivor's ability to hold m1 not of who won. LIke someone who slugs and one hooks everyone at 5 gens didnt do no where near as well as someone who got twelve hooks by endgame.
Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on0 -
I used old ruin to make it so the game lasted more than 5 minutes. Then they took that away.
Then i used corrupt and pop, which made the game last more than 5 minutes.
then undying came out, and ruin + undying became viable, so now i have 2 options.
The problem is, if you aren't taking one of these combos, against competent survivors, the game will be over less than 5 minutes. Survivors that play efficiently are able to waste too much time.
Even if a survivor only holds W and doesn't even use pallets, it'll take you ~45 seconds to down them. Now factor in looping, pallets, mindgames, and even 1 wrong guess in the first chase will lose you 3 gens against a high level team.
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If they wanted to get fancy, they could even give it something like...
"Any generators put into the regressing state by Oppression will regress at a rate of 200% if the generator is above 75% completion, 150% if between 50% and 75%, and 100% (normal regression) if the generator is less than 50% completed."
It could get slowly weaker the more it regresses a generator, but never weaker than base regression. So still weaker than ruin, but not meme-weak.
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45 seconds? Oh boy if ur taking 45 seconds to down everyone no wonder ur games are going fast.
If survivors run to good positions or you know its gonna be a long chase, rotate. Find someone who's out of position or weaker. Get pressure going from hooks and injures and ur killer power so you are able to take that longer chase.
And no any mid-high tier killer you don't need these perk combos. I run bbq only on blight and huntress.
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please don't strawman and read what i wrote. I didn't say it takes me 45 seconds to get a down. I said that, if a survivor does nothing but hold w in the opposite direction of the killer when they hear the terror radius, it takes 45 seconds to get 2 hits, from doing literally nothing, but holding w.
Seriously, do the math.
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I'm confused is 2 hits not a down?
If that is rlly hurting you then i would reccomend runnign monitor, a huge game changer if w gamer survivors r an issue, same with brutal.
There are plenty of perks out there which can help and you don't need ruin undying.
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I don't think you are understanding, on average, i down people much faster, but the math i am talking about is if survivors just hold w, and we remove everything possible from the equation (perks, killer powers, pallets, windows etc.).
Imagine this scenario, which is pretty typical.
- Game Starts
- All the survivors hop on different gens within say, 20 seconds (maybe 1 or 2 are able to get on 1 right away but the other 2 take 20 seconds to run to one)
- Killer runs the the opposite end of the map, where survivors typically spawn. This takes about 10 seconds, depending on the map.
- Killer finds a survivor on a gen.
- As soon as the survivor hears the terror radius of the killer, they immediately hold w and run in the opposite direction of them.
- If they don't try to pallet loop, or use windows, or do anything other than hold w, killer gets a hit, survivor continues to hold w until the killer gets a down, killer grabs the survivor and hooks them. Here is the math on how long that takes:
- Average killer movespeed is 4.6 m/s
- Survivor movespeed is 4 m/s
- Average terror radius is 32 meters
- Average human response time is .25 seconds, to account for latency, and the fact that a survivor is distracted and they need to find the direction the killer is coming from, lets multiply that by 8x and say they can react and know where the killer is in 2 seconds.
- A running survivor movespeed is 4.6 m/s
- A survivor that gets hit runs at 6.0 m/s for 2 seconds.
- A killer attack cooldown after a hit is 3 seconds during which they are slowed by 90%.
- A killer lunge range at max range is 6 meters, due to latency, reaction time and other factors, let say the killer lunges at 5 meters.
Killer is 32 meters away from the survivor. 2 second later the survivor is able to react and start running the opposite direction. The killer is now 22.8 meters away.
The killer catches up by .6 meters every second the survivor is running, which means that (22.8 - 5)/.6 is the number of seconds it will take to catch up fully to the survivor when factoring in lunge range and not baiting out a dead hard because the survivor is uninjured. This means the first hit takes about 29.6666 seconds, lets round that DOWN nicely to 29 seconds.
1st hit takes 29 seconds. Now, lets math out the second hit:
Killer is animation locked for 3 seconds due to the hit animation, and they basically can barely move, they get a 90% speed reduction. So during those 3 seconds they can travel 1.39 meters, so lets just round up and say 2 meters. During those 3 seconds, the survivor is moving at 6 m/s for 2 seconds, and 4 m/s for 1 second. Which is a total of 18 meters. The killer moved 2 meters, so now the survivor is 16 meters away. The killer now needs to cover 11 meters of distance to reach lunge range. During that time they gain .6 meters per second. This means 11/.6. During this time, the killer takes 18.3333 seconds to catch up and down the survivor. Let's round that down and say 18 seconds for the second hit.
Now the survivor is downed, the killer then picks up the survivor, which takes 2 seconds, they then need to travel to a hook, which typically will take around 5-10 seconds (let's say 5 to be generous) and then its a 1.5 second animation to actually hook them.
Now let's add all that up.
10 seconds to locate the first survivor
29 seconds for the first hit
18 seconds for the second hit
2 seconds to pick the survivor up
5 seconds to walk to a hook
1.5 seconds to hook.
Adds up to
10 + 29 + 18 + 2 + 5 + 1.5 = 65.5 seconds.
Now, during this entire interaction, what was going on? The other 3 survivors were on gens. A generator takes 80 seconds to complete. This means that even if you were to know exactly where to go, say with BBQ, 3 generators would likely complete before you could locate the next survivor.
Now, you might say, "But some killers have chasing powers, like huntress". This is true, but survivors also have pallets, and windows, and looping etc. So we aren't factoring in any of that now, trying to keep it basic.
Now you might say. "But you wouldn't focus 1 survivor like that, you'd get the rest of them off gens first." To which i say, of course you would in a typical game, but now if you look above, it actually takes longer to get that first hit, then it does the second hit. This means that it is actually more efficient to just keep going until you get the second hit.
This is why this game has so many problems.
Now, i'm not saying this is a typical game, nor that everyone always perfectly spreads around to the gens or everyone always plays optimally. But i'm saying that, if everyone DOES play optimally and plays at the highest level of play, this game still heavily favors survivors. The math just doesn't add up.
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I've said it before, just buff the gen kick to do an instant 5% regression or something, and keep the regression over time the same.