Good job devs
I REALLY enjoy the new chapter.
I like the new perks, cool survivor, amazing new killers with interesting mechanics, the new music, ...
You really DID do a pretty good job so far. ;)
While I could ruin this post with a 10 page essay with everything the devs need to fix and where they ######### up in their game, I gotta give credit where credit is due: I haven't even SEEN gameplay of the new chapter (school is hell. I'd rather be in the Entity's realm), and it's already cool as #########.
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new killer is an m1 killer, since survivor just needs to press space on a locker to stop her in her tracks
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This was the complete opposite of what I expected from the title. They did good, agree :D
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They've only made one mistake with a simple two word perk. I didn't tell you what it is but you already know.
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I'm seeing a lot of negativity around this chapter, and I'm not sure why. The killer is unique. The map looks nice. A handful of the perks are actually useful. What more can you reasonably expect? The game is busted, but that doesn't mean you need to constantly dump on it. Just appreciate that this is a good update and leave it at that. I'm glad someone else sees this.
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You talking about Decisive Crutch? IDK, there's hundreds of more problems with the game than just Decisive Crutch
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I can't think of a single one.
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They may yet still address this.
But everything about the twins and perks oozes creativity.
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Three weeks isn't much time to address the plethora of issues Twins has. I agree that it's creative, but it's also kinda undercooked.
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its 2 things that need looking at (other than bugs)
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Well, you have the locker issue and the baby hostage issue. Obviously, those are big. A lot of smaller issues, however, exist, that aren't just bugs. Victor needs a lot of tweaking because they are easy to lose. Transitioning between Victor and Charlotte is essentially a DS. Charlotte doesn't have any kind of tracking ability or notice when the player is using Victor, which means Survivors can freely operate around her without Victor knowing. Victor doesn't highlight the target they are attached to, which still makes counterplay against Charlotte too easy.
These are just off the top of my head. I think the Killer is a good idea, but needs a LOT more consideration and refinement. Getting BABY BLASTED should be a panic scenario for the Survivors. Right now, if anything, it kinda works in their favor to let the baby latch on. It denies the Killer a sentinel for area tracking and turns them into an M1 killer. They will probably need to throw in a new mechanic for Victor that requires he be removed or else the Survivor takes another hit, though that will receive complaints as well because it will incentivize tunneling the latched Survivor down until Victor secure a Dying state.
I just don't think the Killer is ready for release, and needs much more time. I hope I'm wrong, but we'll see.
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As long as they fix the issues with Victor (which they seem to be aware of) then I think this will be a really decent chapter. Might just be my 2nd favorite chapter of the year.
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After the Silent Hill chapter I suppose.