What tier will the Twins be?

As of the PTB they need some fime tuning. But when they are fined tuned what tier do you think they'll be I'd have to say C tier.


  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    Right now I’d say low B high C. With some changes I’d say they can be a low A high B tier killer depending on the changes made.

  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463

    Yh but... Do the devs want them to be A - High B tier??

    They have the potential to have really good mindgames and stuff like that but... I try not to get my hopes up.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,180

    They can really go either way. Being able to recall both twins, injure out of lockers with Victor, not have Victor stolen, and not having Victor crushed after successful attacks would put them high B/low A. That's a lot, but they need a lot. It takes them twice as long to perform basic tasks like hooking survivors.

  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    Well one of the devs confirmed they’re due some buffs (Mainly with the locker counter) so I don’t see why not, especially that the last two killers to me fit into the A - B tier category.

  • Chechia
    Chechia Member Posts: 234

    I would honestly rate this killer lower than Clown.

    Hitting people with Victor isn't easy and takes time if survivors are running around stuff. The moment he missed he can be easily crushed by survivors. Lockers are everywhere around the map and the biggest counter to him. And if someone decides to not get rid of Victor the killer has no power.

    With that being said playing Victor is just a waste of time and has a high chance of failing completely due to many different reasons making The Twins just a basic M1 killer with no real pressure.

    Using your power comes at high risk but it has no high reward compared to other killers like Nurse. Victor doesn't insta down people (which would justify the high risk of using him and all the counters). And also..if Victor is attached to a survivor that wants to leave the game, the moment you down the survivor he falls out and still escapes.

    At the current state The Twins are in my opinion the weakest killer in the game.

    I really like the idea though. The killer mechanic itself is very fun and complex but not fitting for the state that this game is currently in.

  • OrangeJack
    OrangeJack Member Posts: 464

    The idea of their power is decent so hopefully B/C tier by the time they're out but currently they're the worst killers in the game in practice.

  • Cancan71
    Cancan71 Member Posts: 709

    Just a reminder that Blight was considered by many to be low tier with his PTB. We can't rank the Twins without the changes that will come after the PTB.

    It's more important that the killer's design is good and not their actual strength for a PTB. The Twin's design is quite good except for one or two things like lockers and survivors keeping Victor.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082
  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    I may be missing something but how is the "latch on" not punishing currently? You can't do anything while he's on you except the bare minimum and you reveal the aura of nearby Survivors. You would turn it into a 3v1 if you leave him on.

  • Axe
    Axe Member Posts: 1,060

    if they make it to live in their current state. F tier and much lower then Clown

  • Owlzey
    Owlzey Member Posts: 442
    edited November 2020

    Currently? Like D tier, but I saw a Dev mention that something is being done about lockers + the survivor being able to have Victor all game so they are making changes at least. I'm hoping they'll be around B tier once changes are made.

  • MythMage
    MythMage Member Posts: 521

    Because sure, you can't do gens, but you can still unhook survivors. You can still be chased. Having Victor on you is detrimental, sure, but if someone decides to keep Victor on, then the killer has no power. Baby hostaging is getting looked at (thank god), but as it is right now, it's really not that punishing.

  • iZombie
    iZombie Member Posts: 231

    With every killer it comes down to personal preference. I’ve seen some people really struggling with The Twins and others absolutely loving them and saying they’re going to become their new main.

    For example, if you told me I was going to be facing a really strong 4-man team, I’d want to be using Deathslinger. As he’s the killer I feel completely confident and powerful with. Other people might choose Spirit or Freddy, heck some would even choose Pig and Wraith. Different strokes and all that.

    From the looks of things, I think I’m going to really enjoy The Twins and I can see me playing them a lot. But I guess we’ll see in December.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    If nothing is changed but bugfixes, then they will be the absolute worst killers in the entire game just because of the fact that it is detrimental in almost every situation to waste time trying to use Victor.

  • Justalittlepeeck
    Justalittlepeeck Member Posts: 1,101

    B maximum.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,317

    Blight's PTB was also an old build and many of the issues he had on the ptb were already fixed for release. If PTB Blight was release Blight he would be awful.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    But have the devs came out to say that it's the same situation yet? Honest question

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,317

    A dev earlier today said they were looking at fixing the two issues of lockers because hard counters to victor and survivors just hanging onto victor instead of getting him off.

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213
    edited November 2020

    Ah. I missed the "can still unhook survivors" thing. Yeah, wow, good thing they are looking at that.

  • Killing_Time
    Killing_Time Member Posts: 894

    Worst killer in the game. No mobility, no pressure, and no real threat to survivors. Neat concept, but not enough to make me buy.

  • Schmierbach
    Schmierbach Member Posts: 468

    Low Tier at Base, Mid Tier with good addons.

    Power has to much risk for the reward it offers.

    Perks look interesting though.

  • Melvin
    Melvin Member Posts: 7

    For competitive play, I’d have to say twins “as is” would not be a great pick. Seeing as this is predominantly a casual game, twins are probably one of the most interesting killers to play though. Too soon to place a tier on twins considering there will be major changes if comments above mine are accurate. Preventing baby kidnapping, closets besting victor, and survivors leaving the game with him on their back (crawling out), I think twins might end up being more “capable” than given credit for.

  • UMCorian
    UMCorian Member Posts: 531
    edited November 2020

    If she launched as is now, just cleaned up bugs? F for sure.

    Watching Streamers play as them is painful and watching Survivor mains play against them is funny for a little bit, then just sad.

  • jona2180
    jona2180 Member Posts: 2

    I propose that (and I havent played much of the ptb, so correct me if I'm wrong) that victor should put surfs in the dying state if they are on a surv for too long. Also victor should have the power to open lockers, which is obvious to counter the locker thing.

  • TheButcher
    TheButcher Member Posts: 871

    They will B tier. Twin's power allows the killer to be able to traverse the map quickly, track survivors, and ignore looping. Those 3 aspects are requried for a Killer to get above C tier. It's not A or S tier because how easy it is to counter, and avoid the Killer's power.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Right now on PTB if faced with actually good survivors probably like C tier.

    Once all the things wrong with them get adressed possibly even A tier but probably slightly more probable is high B tier imo.

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737

    They're tier "N" for "Next power-gauge laughing stock, please."

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    Too early to say for sure but I'd say F- tier would be accurate.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    Right now? Absolutely the lowest tier killer by a pretty wide margin. I hope they can make the changes needed for them to not be bottom tier, but at this rate I think it'd require new assets and animations. I mean, the locker problem is not a simple fix for Victor.

  • DaKnight
    DaKnight Member Posts: 720

    Idk, maybe low-mid tier? People keep saying they can hold the baby hostage but that person can't do gens so it's a 3v1 if they do that. All an M1 killer needs to be a monster is enduring and bamboozle.

    I doubt it will be too hard to ambush someone with the baby at a generator. I don't think he has a terror radius correct?

    I think people who are attempting to use him mid-chase are wrong for many reasons: The transition period, the difficulty of hitting a survivor attempting to juke, the punishment of a missed attack, the distance they will still be gaining on the main killer, and the waste of the killer instinct.

    He is probably best used like a ward, or to go to generators that survivors are confirmed to be working at through discordance / surveillance / etc.

  • Salty_Pearl
    Salty_Pearl Member Posts: 1,367

    I LOVE their power but as of right now I would say they are Low B tier. Lockers are a huge pain for them and I feel like Victor needs a few buffs.

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    I genuinely think they'll be the worst killer in the game.

  • VexTheHex
    VexTheHex Member Posts: 1,009

    Power Wise? Mid.

    Fun Wise? High.

  • Xpljesus
    Xpljesus Member Posts: 395

    You cannot say based upon not knowing how they will change things. Blight was pretty clearly (to me atleast) a killer with potential on PTB, but sucked on PTB just due to mechanics. Then he got his changes, and is comfortably A tier and probably top 5 to me (something I said since d1 of release). Twins again is a killer with potential, with some obvious downsides the devs have stated will be addressed. If they go full fledged and buff Victor when he's incapacitating a surv, allowing you to recall Victor at will, reducing the Dormant transition or slowdown, I could see this killer being around top 10. Maybe I'm wrong and they could go higher, but the biggest drawback will be the fact that no matter what Charlotte is a basic M1 killer, and it is so difficult to get two hits (if the surv always leaves the loop when you switch, even if Victor is on you, two hits will take forever - aswell as picking up survs being so bad) - My general playstyle is actually playing aggressively, hardslugging, philosophy of trying to get everybody injured, so maybe this killer will suit me. It will be hard though, especially as Victor doesn't present infectious as an option

  • Skycerer
    Skycerer Member Posts: 183

    BHVR balancing Tier.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    The character design should be Victor cause problems on healthy Survivors, then Charlotte finish them. Currently you're kind of need Charlotte to injure them then Victor pouch finish them off. If not you lost Victor. The play style goes opposite with the design.

    For me, they should be like this

    • Charlotte M1 for basic attack, M2 to unbind Victor or call Victor back. Press ability button to change control to Victor. If you unbind Victor while controlling Charlotte, Victor will auto run to the nearest Survivor and cause Killer instinct for Charlotte.
    • Victor M2 to pouch. Press ability button to change control to Charlotte. If you're controlling Victor, Charlotte will move at 50% speed following you (Victor) and attack any survivor nearby.

    Victor does not do any damage on Survivor. Victor pouch cause hindered, incapability, reveal the survivor aura all the time. Charlotte hit Survivor with Victor on them will drop Victor and continue follow Survivors.

    Survivor kick/stun Victor will cause fainted, Charlotte has to come pick him up and start a 20sec recharge power.

    = = = = = = = =

    Currently they're NOT coordinate killers, they are a tag team.

  • mistar_z
    mistar_z Member Posts: 857

    whatever tier plague is in, a really cool killer not a bad killer. but a killer where survivors can literally hostage or ignore your power for 99% of the game.

    I want them to be good, but they'll just endup being another plague situation where no one plays them.

  • modernhighlander
    modernhighlander Member Posts: 27

    I have seen absolutely crazy play with this killer. With high skill, and given that victor can like, open lockers and if you can recall him at will, I would probably give them high B tier with the proper addons and fixes.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I think it’s pretty impossible to tell how good or bad the live release version of the Twins will be since the devs have already confirmed they are actively working on changes to how lockers work against Victor and what happens with survivors choosing to ignore Victor being in their head, two of the biggest issues with the PTB version. (And that’s just the changes they mentioned, it’s entirely possible they’re also tweaking other things as well.) On top of which the way the Twins play is so unique compared to all the other killers there’s not even any consensus on what strategies are the most effective yet for the PTB version let alone the version we’ll ultimately get on live.

    So ... 🤷‍♂️