If you're going to make an edgy killer at least own up to it lol
I'm not sure if this is the official position, but mods seem unhappy about Victor-baby comparisons, (and you can get banned off the discord from them) which is fine I guess but Victor's design really isn't helping in that regard.
I don't know why anyone is surprised that people compare him to a baby. If you asked someone out of the loop to guess Victor's age without giving them the whole paragraph about them being twins I guarantee they'd say infant.
He sounds like a baby, he looks for the most part like a baby, he runs in the unsure manor of a baby, he even lives in a woman's chest for crying out loud.
If you're going to let players punt something that looks and sounds for all extents and purposes like an evil baby, don't then get all pearl clutchy when people start calling him by what he resembles.
Just my two cents.
All it would (have) need(ed) would have been making his model look a little more grown up, twisted grown-up, but still.
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Maybe like a Jockey from L4D? something like that? Cause that just looks like a short, deformed dude...
(I understand why he looks how he does now: it's part of the story and all.. I just wanted to add the comparison.)
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I have neither heard a baby sound like Victor, nor seen a baby run like Victor. Or, for that matter, seen a baby rip itself out of someone's torso in a shower of viscera like Victor. Well, unless we count nonhuman infants, in which case I have indeed seen many of the Alien films and played many of the games.
Also, very few babies are ever in a woman's chest. It can happen, though, if you count the ones that develop below the ribcage and also extend the definition of "chest" to include the entire ribcage.
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Ah yes, I too resided in a woman's chest before I was born.
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or have had him look like the Rake and lurk on Charlotte's shoulder like a parrot, feet grown into her torso, and you can kick his head off when he detaches himself (maybe just the upper body?) from her
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No wonder I've been seeing DBD content creators retracting their previous statements as of late. I guess it makes sense since it could lead to trouble if the whole thing gets overblown.
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Its their fault he looks like a baby walks has hands like a baby, heck even some addons and theme DLC music. Is for a baby, so yep Hes a baby.. Better to think this up first devs... Really curious killer state after ptb btw...
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I don't think they have much right to complain about people calling him "the baby" considering the way they designed it. Maybe if the killer was a guy and/or they looked (way) closer in age people wouldn't make the comparison quite as much but still. You'd expect twins to look like twins (even if they aren't identical) and not more like a mother/child because to anyone who doesn't know that's probably what they'd assume before they'd assume they're twins
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Yeah at the end of the day he's a child but nothing wrong with calling him baby or whatever
I actually call him denizen because he shares there goddamm mechanics ( shrieking taking years to remove ######### you up big time as well.)
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The bad thing is after this blows over, new people are going to come to the game down the road and not understand the taboo, and I'm sure a lot of people are running into it unexpectedly at the moment.
There's really no winning. You can only censor so much and when you do, nobody knows there's a censure until it's too late.
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I mean a bit lower but you did technically
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I mean its not a baby but calling it that really isn't a big deal they should just not care what people call victor honestly
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People need to stop making it personal about themselves
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With regards to the comment about Discord, there are Discord ToS which need to be followed. People are not getting banned for comments relating to the character model (although we are clear to remind people that Victor is Charlotte's twin brother), but Discord ToS is incredibly strict with regards to things like child abuse etc (as they should be), so comments relating to that specifically are what's getting warned/banned.
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So.... would you refer to a physically handicapped person whose body is underdeveloped as a baby? Seems pretty messed up of you.
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Content Creators are under the rules of the platform they produce their content on - so they are restricted in that manner.
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So on discord you are able to refer to him as a baby as long as you don't involve crushing him in the sentence?
So would sentences like "How powerful is the baby?" be fine or is that bad as well?
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It's a horror game, what are you talking about. Why are people like you looking to be offended? that's what's wrong with the world right now
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“He sounds like a baby, he looks for the most part like a baby, he runs in the unsure manor of a baby, he even lives in a woman's chest for crying out loud“
i... am.. speechless. Are you sure you know what babys look and sound like and how they develop/grow?
i get why people are calling him baby for fun etc but no one really thinks he is supposed to be a baby, right?
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Go outside and get some fresh air.
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Kinda don't want to, I quite enjoy the inside right now
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Well maybe stop looking at being offended at stupid things. That have know relevant in your day to day life.
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@Hoodied I think you'll probably be corrected and requested to not call Victor a baby, because as soon as one does it then others do it as well - and that's where the comments get into trouble with Discord ToS.
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I am not offended by it?
On Discord you can get banned for breaking ToS by saying "I wanna crush that baby" as thats considered threatening a baby, I just asked a question on what would be fine as some newer players won't remember or even know what Victor's name is as they won't even know who the Twins even are.
Seeing through someones eyes who are new and don't know killer names would possibly call Victor a baby due to design, and banning them because they don't know Victor's name will feel extremely bad for them
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I can't ever tell if people are actually being serious about this or not. So i'm just gonna lol.
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Ah thanks for clarification, atleast thats better than muting or kicking someone who actually doesn't know Victor's name and called them for what they looked like
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Maybe you just don't know what a baby looks like, have you thought of that ? Looking at Victor you can see he isn't a baby, he is a demon monster. I have know idea what babies you have looked at recently, where you can compare them to Victor.
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Like rickey berwick?
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Its mainly due to Victor's size, he is extremely small and some of the noises he makes is very...child like?
And in the lore, he also acts alot like a baby, like I mean some of the add-ons (I.E the horse and table top add-on) he cried about so he could get. Sometimes at a quick glace it will be hard to tell that victor is an undead twin, but an infant running at you.
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He sounds like a baby, he looks for the most part like a baby, he runs in the unsure manor of a baby, he even lives in a woman's chest for crying out loud
You and I must have different definitons of "baby" if you think Victor sounds, moves, or even looks like a baby.
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Great idea in the middle of a pandemic where the virus is airborne!
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I tend to not draw comparison to real people
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This. His proportions are not that of a baby or even a toddler. Babys have large heads and small, chubby appendages.
Victor is long and skinny. He's more akin to a little gremlin.
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And I don't recall babies having razor sharp teeth either
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Never seen a baby run as fast as victor, and for the noises, if you have come across a baby that makes those weird noises, I would say take them to a hospital as its not baby like. Plus I've never seen a baby with red eyes like that. Oh and in regards to his size, that's because he's a twin, that's not fully developed. PLEASE EVERYONE STOP MAKING NOTHING INTO A SOMETHING.
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One more thing, his noises sound more like a feral animal
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Oh and this is definitely the last one. You said it in your post about Victor living in Charlottes chest, not sure if your aware but babies live in stomach area and not the chest. Go and have some cheese and crackers to wind down.
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Plus you said it in your post, victor lives in Charlottes chest, not sure if your aware but babies live in the stomach. Everything regarding victor is nothing like a baby. Go and have cheese and crackers and wind down.
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You will be safe in your garden, if you don't have a garden open a window.
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I'm not sure why they would Ban someone for calling him a baby.
The Lore is vague but his body died some age prior to pre-teen, so he IS at least a small child and Given his appearance, actions and sounds he pretty much is seen as a toddler.
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The moderators can only do so much, I think they are doing a wonderful job at the moment with what they have got, considering I think they need more people working with them.