Ignoring the rift?

Anyone else ignoring the rift? I understand if people likes the extra challenge but for me i just want to play the game. I think i only did the first one after that i just collect the stuff i get at the end for just playing.
Those challenges are what make me keep playing the game to be quite honest. After 7k hours there's nothing much to do.
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I only do the Rift if there’s a cool cosmetic in the free pass. Other than that I haven’t done a Rift since the very first one
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Yes. I couldn't care less about charms and most of the cosmetics are underwhelming.
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I'm doing it to save bp from challenges to level the killer from the next chapter quickly.
Other than that I play it to give myself a challenge here and there, but I understand why some ignore it.
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After 3.2k I've already run out of killers to level. Can't imagine how little you have to do.
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I have like 4 alt accounts that I play on. I circle through them when I get bored.
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Fair enough lol
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Not ignoring it but not trying to get through it like I did the others. Last rift was too grindy and burned me out from the game a bit. The ps4 issues at start of this one, lack of Halloween event compared to other games, and this one having more of a grind than the last rift hasn't helped make me want to try to make it to tier 70.
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I like playing the rift.
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You do you, i'll do me, and we won't do eachother.
Props if you know that quote.
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Suum cuique? :p
I mean i just dont like to play in a special way the rift is telling me. For me its boring and kinda stressful
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once i get the free ace cozmetics im just not gonna care about the rift as much
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Honestly I've been slackin'. Too busy with real life this time around. After rank reset yeets me to Rank 5 next week I'll probably hit it hard.
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I have never once bothered to even pay attention to the rift to begin with, so yes.
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I'm with you on that really tried of the charms. I never can keep track of what's new that I've unlocked either. Charms are not something I desire and the cosmetics are really boring recolours nothing worth the money or time.
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I'm completing the rift because I want all the charms and cosmetics. I love the customizing aspect of this game
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It gives the game a lil more spice.
I just wish it was automatic so I could play more games instead of fiddeling around on the Archives page.
Minutes are lost there.
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I wish they cut the amount of grind required to reach level 70 because it simply takes too much time for people who have jobs or play other games than dbd. I fully completed rift one and two but gave up at last one because of burnout.