Feeling bad for killers. Should I?

FrenziedLegion Member Posts: 32
edited February 2020 in General Discussions

So I got into two games in particular tonight. One against Huntress the other with Oni. Neither had killed anyone all game. The games in my eyes went too fast and I figured that the killers didn't get nearly enough bloodpoints. So I decided to signal to my teammates to get out and let the killer kill me. They were both hesitant at killing me. Repeatedly dropping me off at the exit gate. I convinced the Huntress to kill me but with the Oni, I got forced through the exit point. I felt bad. Should I feel bad?

P.S. I ran the Oni for 3 gens and the other two got finished in quick succession leading to probably a 7 min game.


  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 9,027

    I always try to let myself die but then they usually drop at the gate I guess they assume they won't black pip anyway

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    No. It isn't your job to make the game more entertaining for the opponent. That job is for the Devs.

    Sometimes, openly showing someone pity makes them feel bad. You should have left the match the first time they took you to the gate.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,491

    ^ This. I appreciate the sentiment when I have a bad game, but I really don't need the kill.

  • FrenziedLegion
    FrenziedLegion Member Posts: 32

    Such kind words. I'm not really that good at the survivor side of this game. Though I do always try to get my teammates through and try to make sure everyone is having fun with the games.

  • ApeOfMazor
    ApeOfMazor Member Posts: 471

    In game you should not feel bad for killers. Out of game you should be rallying to have survivor meta perks nerfed into oblivion for fairness and to balance the game.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited February 2020

    Ahh well to be fair the folks have set the bar pretty low on that front, but the fact you have any degree of empathy for the other person on the other side is something not many in this game have.

    As survivor, the golden rule is to just always be doing something useful. So long as you are on a gen, unhooking someone, healing someone, etc.... Even if you are not very good at the game that will get you very very far. If it looks like no one is doing something, then you try and do that thing.

    Just don't urban evasion all game with self care, never touch a gen, and unhook people when the killer is coming if you don't have borrowed time or don't plan on hook trading because the game is almost over.

  • PulmonaryRex
    PulmonaryRex Member Posts: 15

    Well, I am a terrible killer, played about 50 hours, so I appreciate when people will realize I'm not much of a threat and let me get a hook. I don't mean to imply they should but it does help take the sting away from going 3 or 4 matches without a single kill so thanks.

  • VexTheHex
    VexTheHex Member Posts: 1,009

    That's a toss up as I've had bad games on both sides of the playing field where the other team offers literal 0 slack in the sweat. Like if streamers are burned, someone D/C's a little after the match, another suicides, and the Killer still plays like offering even a little slack is going to cause Nea to enter the match and beat them with her tentacles. Or Survivors blew through gens and end the match where even they barely get any blood points and I wonder why? The match was faster than the lobby finding and the loading screen! So sometimes it's hard to feel bad for the other side, but people need to separate that every lobby is a different set of people and shouldn't be punished cause the one before annoyed you.

    I usually let a Survivor or 2 escape if I crush them cause it just feels wrong to not give someone a chance to get out in those cases. Other side I typically will slack on Gens and start trying to be caught so the Killer can get the satisfaction of finding/downing someone which could give them a little more presence. Considerate players do consider the health of the match to a degree, I don't want any player to feel shut off from the match. Like if I got a baby Jake crouch walking in the open thinking I can't see him twice in a row... I'm not going to end the match for him immediately and potentially spare him. (I still remember that Jake, lol)

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    It's always up to you.

    Everyone who honestly says 'no' can write that on a piece of paper and stick it up their behinds.

  • Nellit
    Nellit Member Posts: 20

    I just have to say as a killer main it is very nice of you to do that. Not because you let them get a kill but because you tried to make them feel better. Kindness can go a long way in Dbd 👍

  • TheButcher
    TheButcher Member Posts: 871

    Thank-you for being kind. The game is really hard on Killers at the moment, and if we had more survivors like you - Killers wouldn't be leaving the game like they have been.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    I had a match against a baby console nurse the other day. It was rough. Gens were blitzed, she only managed a few hits, kept trying to loop, and the Nea/Adam wouldn't stop teabagging/clicky clicky. I assumed it was a three man, because the Blendette went to join in after the gens popped. But the Nurse kept trying. I let her kill me after a few times around killer shack. Apologized for my teams behavior after.

    It just comes down to empathy. You can use that for survivors as well. Anybody that seems out of place, or having a rough time, could use some of it. This game would be in better shape, community wise, if more people looked out for each other.

  • Fog_King
    Fog_King Member Posts: 688

    I mean, it's your choice on what you want to do. If you feel the killer deserves the kill or needs points, why not?

  • BassTram
    BassTram Member Posts: 195

    I wouldn't feel bad about it. I'm a killer main (BBQ Bubba Boi) and if MMR hopefully comes back to the game soon I wouldn't want to get any free kills. I understand that I'm going to run into a few matches here and there where I get ran around and not get any kills and that's completely fine. However, I wouldn't want it to be every game and I would want to have zero kills so my MMR could drop and I could start running into more people around my skill level if that makes sense